93 research outputs found

    Spin-flip model of spin-polarized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers: Asymptotic analysis, numerics, and experiments

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    The spin-flip model describing optically pumped spin-polarized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers is considered. The steady-state solutions of the model for elliptically polarized fields are studied. Asymptotic analysis for the existence and stability of the steady-state solutions is developed, particularly in the presence of pump polarization ellipticity. The expansion is with respect to small parameters representing the ellipticity and the difference between the total pump power and the lasing threshold. The analytical results are then confirmed numerically, where it is obtained that generally one of the steady-state solutions is stable while the other is not. The theoretical results are shown to be in qualitative agreement with the experiments

    Comprehensive experimental analysis of nonlinear dynamics in an optically-injected semiconductor laser

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    We present the first comprehensive experimental study, to our knowledge, of the routes between nonlinear dynamics induced in a semiconductor laser under external optical injection based on an analysis of time-averaged measurements of the optical and RF spectra and phasors of real-time series of the laser output. The different means of analysis are compared for several types of routes and the benefits of each are discussed in terms of the identification and mapping of the nonlinear dynamics. Finally, the results are presented in a novel audio/video format that describes the evolution of the dynamics with the injection parameters. © 2011 Author(s)

    Highly efficient non-degenerate four-wave mixing under dual-mode injection in InP/InAs quantum-dash and quantum-dot lasers at 1.55 μm

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 191111 (2015) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4935796.This work reports on non-degenerate four-wave mixing under dual-mode injection in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy grown InP/InAs quantum-dash and quantum dot Fabry-Perot laser operating at 1550 nm. High values of normalized conversion efficiency of −18.6 dB, optical signal-to-noise ratio of 37 dB, and third order optical susceptibility normalized to material gain χ(3)/g0 of ∼4 × 10−19 m3/V3 are measured for 1490 μm long quantum-dash lasers. These values are similar to those obtained with distributed-feedback lasers and semiconductor optical amplifiers, which are much more complicated to fabricate. On the other hand, due to the faster gain saturation and enhanced modulation of carrier populations, quantum-dot lasers demonstrate 12 dB lower conversion efficiency and 4 times lower χ(3)/g0 compared to quantum dash lasers.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, BauelementeEC/FP7/EU/264687/Postgraduate Research on Photonics as an Enabling Technology/PROPHE

    Investigation of vertical cavity surface emitting laser dynamics for neuromorphic photonic systems

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    We report an approach based upon vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) to reproduce optically different behaviors exhibited by biological neurons but on a much faster timescale. The technique proposed is based on the polarization switching and nonlinear dynamics induced in a single VCSEL under polarized optical injection. The particular attributes of VCSELs and the simple experimental configuration used in this work offer prospects of fast, reconfigurable processing elements with excellent fan-out and scaling potentials for use in future computational paradigms and artificial neural networks. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Stability of the nonlinear dynamics of an optically injected VCSEL

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    Automated protocols have been developed to characterize time series data in terms of stability. These techniques are applied to the output power time series of an optically injected vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) subject to varying injection strength and optical frequency detuning between master and slave lasers. Dynamic maps, generated from high resolution, computer controlled experiments, identify regions of dynamic instability in the parameter space. © 2012 Optical Society of America

    Polarization and time-resolved dynamics of a 1550-nm VCSEL subject to orthogonally polarized optical injection

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    We report a first experimental study of the simultaneous temporal and polarization-resolved dynamics of a 1550-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) subject to orthogonally polarized optical injection. A novel technique is used to reveal the behavior of both polarizations at the VCSEL's output. In general, the same type of dynamics can be seen in both polarizations of the fundamental transverse mode but with unequal intensity/modulation depth. We show that both polarizations exhibit period one and chaotic dynamics and reveal antiphase dynamics. These results offer promise for the development of dual-channel, anticorrelated periodic and chaotic-signal generators with a single VCSEL for use as oscillators or chaotic sources in present and future optical networks

    Nonlinear dynamics of Long-Wavelength VCSELs subject to polarised optical injection

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    We present our work analysing the effects of polarised optical injection in Long-Wavelength Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (LW-VCSELs). We review the properties of different phenomena such as polarisation switching (PS) and bistability (PB) as well as on the different nonlinear dynamics (periodic and chaotic) arising in these devices under different cases of polarised optical injection. © 2011 IEEE

    High frequency continuous birefringence-induced oscillations in spin-polarized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

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    Sustained, large amplitude and tunable birefringence-induced oscillations are obtained in a spin-vertical cavity surface-emitting laser (spin-VCSEL). Experimental evidence is provided using a spin-VCSEL operating at 1300 nm, under continuous-wave optical pumping and at room temperature. Numerical and stability analyses are performed to interpret the experiments and to identify the combined effects of pump ellipticity, spin relaxation rate, and cavity birefringence. Importantly, the frequency of the induced oscillations is determined by the device’s birefringence rate, which can be tuned to very large values. This opens the path for ultrafast spin-lasers operating at record frequencies exceeding those possible in traditional semiconductor lasers and with ample expected impact in disparate disciplines (e.g., datacomms, spectroscopy)

    All-optical inverter based on polarization switching in long-wavelength VCSELs

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    All-optical processing of high-speed signals is expected to be a key technology in future photonic networks. VCSELs are very promising devices for these applications due to their inherent advantages. Nonlinear transfer functions can be obtained by using optical injection because it strongly affects the transverse mode and polarization characteristics of VCSELs [1]. Optical injection can be used to obtain polarization switching (PS) of single transverse mode VCSELs. When the polarization of an injected optical field is orthogonal to that of the solitary VCSEL (orthogonal optical injection), PS and bistability are observed [2]. PS by optical injection is expected to be fast and thus suitable for application in all-optical signal-processing systems. In this work we report, for the first time to our knowledge, all-optical inversion operation using PS in a 1550nm single-mode VCSEL induced by orthogonal optical injection. We demonstrate all-optical inversion for NRZ signals at a bit rate of 2.5 Gb/s. An all-fiber system has been developed in order to inject the light from a tunable laser into a commercial 1550nm-VCSEL (RayCan, Co.). The free-running VCSEL emits in the fundamental transverse mode with a linear polarization (parallel polarization) over the whole current range. The subsidiary orthogonal polarization is shifted 0.48 nm to the long wavelength side with respect to the dominant one. Pulsed optical injection was obtained by using a pulse pattern generator and a Mach-Zhender intensity modulator. © 2011 IEEE

    Optically-pumped dilute nitride spin-VCSEL

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    We report the first room temperature optical spin-injection of a dilute nitride 1300 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) under continuous-wave optical pumping. We also present a novel experimental protocol for the investigation of optical spin-injection with a fiber setup. The experimental results indicate that the VCSEL polarization can be controlled by the pump polarization, and the measured behavior is in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions using the spin flip model. The ability to control the polarization of a long-wavelength VCSEL at room temperature emitting at the wavelength of 1.3 μm opens up a new exciting research avenue for novel uses in disparate fields of technology ranging from spintronics to optical telecommunication networks. © 2012 Optical Society of America
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