92 research outputs found

    Routine outcome monitoring en benchmarking: hoe kunnen we behandelresultaten op een zorgvuldige manier vergelijken?

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    Contains fulltext : 157216.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Achtergrond: Het structureel meten van de resultaten van een behandeling in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg en het vergelijken daarvan tussen instellingen helpen om inzicht te krijgen in het effect van behandelingen in de reguliere praktijk. Doel: Geven van een overzicht van de kwesties die van belang zijn bij het vergelijken van instellingen. Methode: Analyseren van documentatie en beleidsinformatie over en praktijkervaring met routine outcome monitoring (rom). Resultaten: We beschrijven knelpunten die kunnen ontstaan bij het vergelijken van instellingen en formuleren oplossingsrichtingen voor deze knelpunten. Daarbij staat centraal dat het werken met rom een groeiproces is, waarbij men experimenteert met verschillende oplossingsrichtingen en op basis van ervaringen definitieve keuzes maakt. Conclusie: Het is leerzaam om instellingen te vergelijken, zowel onderling als met 'best practices' (benchmarking). Instellingen verschillen echter in cliëntenpopulaties, meetprocedures en instrumentarium. Een zinvolle vergelijking is op termijn toch mogelijk.5 p

    The Joint Influence of Intra- and Inter-Team Learning Processes on Team Performance: A Constructive or Destructive Combination?

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    In order for teams to build a shared conception of their task, team learning is crucial. Benefits of intra-team learning have been demonstrated in numerous studies. However, teams do not operate in a vacuum, and interact with their environment to execute their tasks. Our knowledge of the added value of inter-team learning (team learning with external parties) is limited. Do both types of team learning compete over limited resources, or do they form a synergistic combination? We aim to shed light on the interplay between intra- and inter-team learning in relation to team performance, by including adaptive and transformative sub-processes of intra-team learning. A quantitative field study was conducted among 108 university teacher teams. The joint influence of intra- and inter-team learning as well as structural (task interdependence) and cultural (team efficacy) team characteristics on self-perceived and externally rated team performance were explored in a path model. The results showed that adaptive intra-team learning positively influenced self-perceived team performance, while transformative intra-team learning positively influenced externally rated team performance. Moreover, intra-team and inter-team learning were found to be both a constructive and a destructive combination. Adaptive intra-team learning combined with inter-team learning led to increased team performance, while transformative intra-team learning combined with inter-team learning hurt team performance. The findings demonstrate the importance of distinguishing between both the scope (intra- vs. inter-team) and the level (adaptive vs. transformative) of team learning in understanding team performance

    Submission and rebellion: Excessive drinking of women in problematic heterosexual partner relationships

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    Contains fulltext : 27644.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Functionality of alcohol use for coping with partner relationship problems was explored in a group of 45 alcohol-dependent women with semistructured interviews. Six functions were categorized, three of them referring to adjustment and three to opposition to the partner. Respondents who had started excessive drinking mainly in response to problems with the partner reported more partner-related functions than respondents for whom a problematic partner relationship was not an important factor in the development of excessive drinking. Respondents of the first group also reported other characteristics of their relationship, notably they said more often that their partner was dominant. It was concluded that for a subgroup of women with alcohol problems, alcohol use may be a way of coping with a situation of powerlessness toward the partner

    How to optimise interventions for problem drinking among hospital outpatients?

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    Contains fulltext : 47735.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)In this article several suggestions on how to optimise interventions for problem drinking among hospital outpatients are enumerated. These interventions are especially important for patients with diagnoses that are alcohol related. The intervention has to be brief and easy to integrate into medical specialist's routine practice; an active role for the medical specialist and flexible involvement of a specialised nurse are suggested. Key elements of the intervention are: early identification of problem drinking; raising the issue of problem drinking; assessment of the drinking behaviour; reaching an agreement about change; follow-up; evaluation of the change. A feasible and attractive option is integrating the intervention into a broader lifestyle intervention. Those who perform the brief alcohol intervention need to be specially educated and trained


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    Motivatie: Wat we van verslaafden kunnen leren

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    Psychologen mogen niet martelen, mogen ze wel motiveren?

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