8 research outputs found

    Aplicação tardia de glyphosate e estande e desenvolvimento inicial do arroz em sistema de cultivo mínimo Delayed application of glyphosate and stand and initial growth of rice plants (Oryza sativa) under a minimum tillage system

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    O controle de plantas daninhas na cultura do arroz é ainda um problema, mesmo em cultivo mínimo, em razão do revolvimento do solo na linha de semeadura, que proporciona o reaparecimento de infestantes. Assim, objetivou-se estudar o efeito do atraso da aplicação de glyphosate sobre a formação do estande e o desenvolvimento inicial das plantas de arroz cv. IAC 102 irrigado por inundação. O experimento foi conduzido sob túnel plástico, em caixas d'água de 500 L, contendo NEOSSOLO FLÚVICO Ta Eutrófico. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação de glyphosate: seis horas antes da semeadura do arroz (testemunha); no início da emergência; três dias após a emergência; e seis dias após, sem e com lâmina d'água. A dose do herbicida foi de 1.920 g i.a. ha-1. Para todas as variáveis analisadas houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos; aos 42 dias após a emergência, constatou-se que a testemunha foi estatisticamente superior, na formação do estande, na altura de plantas, no comprimento de raiz e na massa seca das partes aérea e de raiz, aos demais tratamentos em que ocorreram atrasos na aplicação do glyphosate.<br>Weed control is still one of the most important problems of rice production, even under a reduced-tillage system. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of delayed application of glyphosate on paddy rice cv. IAC 102. The experiment was conducted under plastic tunnels with rice plants growing in water tanks of 500 liters of capacity, containing Alluvial soil. Treatments consisted of glyphosate application on the soil surface six hours before sowing, (control) at seedling emergence, three days after, and six days after, combined or not with water flooding. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications and the herbicide dosage was 1,920 g a.i. ha-1. There was a significant effect of the treatments on the variables studied. The results showed that the control treatment (when glyphosate was applided six hours befores sowing) was statistically superior to the other treatments in stand formation, plant height, root length and plant/root dry matter

    Tuning Drop Motion by Chemical Patterning of Surfaces

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    We report the results of extensive experimental studies of the sliding of water drops on chemically heterogeneous surfaces formed by square and triangular hydrophobic domains printed on glass surfaces and arranged in various symmetric patterns. Overall, the critical Bond number, that is, the critical dimensionless force needed to depin the drop, is found to be strongly affected by the shape and the spatial arrangement of the domains. Soon after the droplet begins to move, stick–slip motion is observed on all surfaces, although it is less pronounced than that on striped surfaces. On the triangular patterns, anisotropic behavior is found with drops sliding down faster when the tips of the glass hydrophilic triangles are pointing in the down-plane direction. Away from the critical Bond number, the dynamic regime depends mainly on the static contact angle and weakly on the actual surface pattern. Lattice Boltzmann numerical simulations are performed to validate the experimental results and test the importance of the viscous ratio between the droplet phase and the outer phase