75 research outputs found

    Bacteria Adhesion Is Mechanosensitive To Polymer Gel Properties

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    Biofilm-related infections are a class of notoriously difficult to treat healthcare-associated infections, which commonly develop on the surface of implanted medical devices. Despite lacking visual, auditory, and olfactory perception, bacteria detect and settle on surfaces, however, how the intrinsic properties of materials affect the initial adhesion microorganisms remains relatively unknown. By unveiling the structure-property relationships between polymer materials and microbial adhesion, we could guide the design of materials a priori to resist the adhesion of infection causing microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus. In this presentation, I will discuss the effect that fundamental properties of polymer coatings (i.e., molecular architecture, stiffness, and thickness) have on the surface-associated transport of bacteria and on the adhesion of bacteria under quiescent conditions. By decoupling the effects of molecular architecture, stiffness, and thickness from coating chemistry, we have unlocked specific structure-property relationships that can be tailored to control the degree of bacterial adhesion and subsequently, reduce the formation of biofilms. This work provides insight into the future design of bacteria-resistant surfaces with broad implications for applications including medical implants and equipment

    Polyelectrolyte-Functionalized Nanofiber Mats Control the Collection and Inactivation of Escherichia coli

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    Quantifying the effect that nanofiber mat chemistry and hydrophilicity have on microorganism collection and inactivation is critical in biomedical applications. In this study, the collection and inactivation of Escherichia coli K12 was examined using cellulose nanofiber mats that were surface-functionalized using three polyelectrolytes: poly (acrylic acid) (PAA), chitosan (CS), and polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (pDADMAC). The polyelectrolyte functionalized nanofiber mats retained the cylindrical morphology and average fiber diameter (~0.84 µm) of the underlying cellulose nanofibers. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements confirmed the presence of polycations or polyanions on the surface of the nanofiber mats. Both the control cellulose and pDADMAC-functionalized nanofiber mats exhibited a high collection of E. coli K12, which suggests that mat hydrophilicity may play a larger role than surface charge on cell collection. While the minimum concentration of polycations needed to inhibit E. coli K12 was 800 µg/mL for both CS and pDADMAC, once immobilized, pDADMAC-functionalized nanofiber mats exhibited a higher inactivation of E. coli K12, (~97%). Here, we demonstrate that the collection and inactivation of microorganisms by electrospun cellulose nanofiber mats can be tailored through a facile polyelectrolyte functionalization process

    Understanding The Electrospinability Of Complex Coacervates

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    Complex coacervation is an associative, liquid-liquid phase separation that is driven by the electrostatic and entropic interactions between oppositely-charged polymers in water. For many coacervating systems it is possible to transition from the liquid coacervate state to a solid material by removing salt. This ‘saloplasticity’ allows for the processing of materials via methods such as spin coating, extrusion, etc. using the coacervate phase as a liquid precursor. In particular, we have developed an approach that uses complex coacervation as an environmentally friendly method for fabricating ultra-stable electrospun fibers directly from aqueous solutions. We have used this method to electrospin complexes of various synthetic polymers as well as natural biopolymers. These efforts have required the simultaneous exploration of the phase behavior of coacervate formation, as well as the rheology of the liquid coacervates

    Electrospinning complex coacervates

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    As polymer-based materials become ever more integrated into our daily lives, there is an increasing need to develop both materials that are safe for the consumer, and manufacturing strategies that have a minimal impact on the environment. However, the vast majority of polymers require either organic solvents for dissolution, or the use of potentially cytotoxic cross-linking agents to prevent material dissolution. Additionally, many of the chemistries and solution conditions necessary for processing can damage cargo molecules and create biocompatibility issues for subsequent use. Complex coacervation is an associative, liquid-liquid phase separation that has the potential to circumvent many of the challenges associated with processing traditional polymers and encapsulating actives. Complex coacervation is driven by the electrostatic and entropic interactions between oppositely-charged polymers in water. For many coacervating systems, the solid or liquid nature of the complex can be tuned via the concentration of salt present. Additionally, the strength of the electrostatic interactions within the complex are such that in the absence of salt, solid complexes are highly resistant to thermal melting and/or solvent dissolution. Furthermore, complex coacervation has a strong history of use for the encapsulation of a range of cargo. We have taken advantage of this salt-driven plasticity to enable fabrication of ultra-stable electrospun fibers directly from aqueous solutions. These efforts have required the simultaneous characterization of coacervation, as well as the effect of cargo molecules on the phase behavior and rheology of the resulting coacervates/precursor solutions. Furthermore, these materials show tremendous promise for the use of electrospun coacervate-based nanofiber meshes across a range of applications

    Mechanics of Intact Bone Marrow

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    The current knowledge of bone marrow mechanics is limited to its viscous properties, neglecting the elastic contribution of the extracellular matrix. To get a more complete view of the mechanics of marrow, we characterized intact yellow porcine bone marrow using three different, but complementary techniques: rheology, indentation, and cavitation. Our analysis shows that bone marrow is elastic, and has a large amount of intra- and inter-sample heterogeneity, with an effective Young’s modulus ranging from 0.25-24.7 kPa at physiological temperature. Each testing method was consistent across matched tissue samples, and each provided unique benefits depending on user needs. We recommend bulk rheology to capture the effects of temperature on tissue elasticity and moduli, indentation for quantifying local tissue heterogeneity, and cavitation rheology for mitigating destructive sample preparation. We anticipate the knowledge of bone marrow elastic properties for building in vitro models will elucidate mechanisms involved in disease progression and regenerative medicin

    Green Materials Science and Engineering Reduces Biofouling: Approaches for Medical and Membrane-Based Technology

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    Numerous engineered and natural environments suffer deleterious effects from biofouling and/or biofilm formation. For instance, bacterial contamination on biomedical devices pose serious health concerns. In membrane-based technologies, such as desalination and wastewater reuse, biofouling decreases membrane lifetime, and increases the energy required to produce clean water. Traditionally, approaches have combatted bacteria using bactericidal agents. However, due to globalization, a decline in antibiotic discovery, and the widespread resistance of microbes to many commercial antibiotics and metallic nanoparticles, new materials, and approaches to reduce biofilm formation are needed. In this mini-review, we cover the recent strategies that have been explored to combat microbial contamination without exerting evolutionary pressure on microorganisms. Renewable feedstocks, relying on structure-property relationships, bioinspired/nature-derived compounds, and green processing methods are discussed. Greener strategies that mitigate biofouling hold great potential to positively impact human health and safety
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