28 research outputs found

    Structured Smoking Cessation Training for Medical Students: a prospective study

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    Introduction: Physician adherence to guideline recommendations regarding the provision of counseling and support for smokers willing to quit is low. A lack of training during undergraduate medical education has been identified as a potential cause. This prospective intervention study evaluated a novel teaching module for medical students. Methods: As part of a 6-week cardiovascular course, 125 fourth-year undergraduate medical students received a multimodal and interactive teaching module on smoking cessation, including online learning material, lectures, seminars, and practical skills training. Short- and medium-term effects on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and self-reported practice were measured using written examinations and an objective structured clinical examination at the end of the module and 6 months later. Results were compared to data obtained from a historical control cohort (n = 70) unexposed to the intervention. Results: At the 6-month follow-up, scores in the knowledge test were significantly higher in the intervention than the control group (61.1% vs. 51.7%; p < .001). A similar pattern was observed in the objective structured clinical examination (71.5% vs. 60.5%; p < .001). More students in the intervention than control group agreed that smoking was a chronic disease (83.1% vs. 68.1%; p = .045). The control group was more likely to report recording smoking status (p = .018), but no group difference was detected regarding the report of advising to quit (p = .154). Conclusions: A novel teaching module for undergraduate medical students produced a sustained learning outcome in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes but not self-reported practice. Implications: Studies across the world have identified considerable knowledge gaps and deficits in practical training with regard to smoking cessation counseling in undergraduate medical students. This paper describes a teaching intervention informed by current recommendations for the design of educational activities aimed at enabling medical students to deliver adequate behavior change counseling. The teaching module was tailored to the needs of a specific healthcare system. Given its effectiveness as demonstrated in this prospective study, a rollout of this intervention in medical schools might have the potential to substantially improve medical students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relation to smoking cessation counseling

    Structured smoking cessation training for health professionals on cardiology wards: a prospective study.

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    Background: Smoking is a major cardiovascular risk factor, and smoking cessation is imperative for patients hospitalised with a cardiovascular event. This study aimed to evaluate a systems-based approach to helping hospitalised smokers quit and to identify implementation barriers. Design: Prospective intervention study followed by qualitative analysis of staff interviews Methods: The prospective intervention study assessed the effects of implementing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the provision of counselling and pharmacotherapy to smokers admitted to cardiology wards on counselling frequency. In addition, a qualitative analysis of staff interviews was undertaken to examine determinants of physician and nurse behaviour; this sought to understand barriers in terms of motivation, capability and/or opportunity. Results: A total of 150 smoking patients were included in the study (75 before and 75 after SOP implementation). Before the implementation of SOPs, the proportion of patients reporting to have received cessation counselling from physicians and nurses was 6.7% and 1.3%, respectively. Following SOP implementation, these proportions increased to 38.7% (p < 0.001) and 2.7% (p = 0.56), respectively. Qualitative analysis revealed that lack of motivation, e.g. role incongruence, appeared to be a major barrier. Conclusions: Introduction of a set of standard operating procedures for smoking cessation advice was effective with physicians but not nurses. Analysis of barriers to implementation highlighted lack of motivation rather than capability or opportunity as a major factor that would need to be addressed

    Impact of response shift bias on the results of an outcome-based evaluation tool

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    Erprobung der Vorhersage-basierten Evaluationsmethode für das Instrument der Lernerfolgsevaluation

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    Teaching essential skills: Smoking cessation counselling training for undergraduate medical students

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    Teaching essential skills: Smoking cessation counselling training for undergraduate medical students

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    Qualitative und quantitative Erhebung zu den Lehrbedingungen an Medizinischen Fakultäten

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    Quantitative Erhebung zu den Lehrbedingungen für Ärzte/innen an verschiedenen Medizinischen Fakultäten

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