59 research outputs found

    True Few-Shot Learning with Prompts—A Real-World Perspective

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    Prompt-based approaches excel at few-shot learning. However, Perez et al. (2021) recently cast doubt on their performance as they had difficulty getting good results in a “true” few-shot setting in which prompts and hyperparameters cannot be tuned on a dev set. In view of this, we conduct an extensive study of Pet, a method that combines textual instructions with example-based finetuning. We show that, if correctly configured, Pet performs strongly in true few-shot settings without a dev set. Crucial for this strong performance is a number of design choices, including Pet’s ability to intelligently handle multiple prompts. We put our findings to a real-world test by running Pet on RAFT, a benchmark of tasks taken from realistic NLP applications for which no labeled dev or test sets are available. Pet achieves a new state of the art on RAFT and performs close to non-expert humans for 7 out of 11 tasks. These results demonstrate that prompt-based learners can successfully be applied in true few-shot settings and underpin our belief that learning from instructions will play an important role on the path towards human-like few-shot learning capabilities

    Rare Words: A Major Problem for Contextualized Embeddings And How to Fix it by Attentive Mimicking

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    Pretraining deep neural network architectures with a language modeling objective has brought large improvements for many natural language processing tasks. Exemplified by BERT, a recently proposed such architecture, we demonstrate that despite being trained on huge amounts of data, deep language models still struggle to understand rare words. To fix this problem, we adapt Attentive Mimicking, a method that was designed to explicitly learn embeddings for rare words, to deep language models. In order to make this possible, we introduce one-token approximation, a procedure that enables us to use Attentive Mimicking even when the underlying language model uses subword-based tokenization, i.e., it does not assign embeddings to all words. To evaluate our method, we create a novel dataset that tests the ability of language models to capture semantic properties of words without any taskspecific fine-tuning. Using this dataset, we show that adding our adapted version of Attentive Mimicking to BERT does substantially improve its understanding of rare words

    BERTRAM: Improved Word Embeddings Have Big Impact on Contextualized Model Performance

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    Pretraining deep language models has led to large performance gains in NLP. Despite this success, Schick and Schu ̈tze (2020) recently showed that these models struggle to under- stand rare words. For static word embeddings, this problem has been addressed by separately learning representations for rare words. In this work, we transfer this idea to pretrained language models: We introduce BERTRAM, a powerful architecture based on BERT that is capable of inferring high-quality embeddings for rare words that are suitable as input rep- resentations for deep language models. This is achieved by enabling the surface form and con- texts of a word to interact with each other in a deep architecture. Integrating BERTRAM into BERT leads to large performance increases due to improved representations of rare and medium frequency words on both a rare word probing task and three downstream tasks

    MEAL: Stable and Active Learning for Few-Shot Prompting

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    Few-shot classification has made great strides due to foundation models that, through priming and prompting, are highly effective few-shot learners. However, this approach has high variance both across different sets of few shots (data selection) and across different finetuning runs (run variability). This is problematic not only because it impedes the fair comparison of different approaches, but especially because it makes few-shot learning too unreliable for many real-world applications. To alleviate these issues, we make two contributions for more stable and effective few-shot learning: First, we propose novel ensembling methods and show that they substantially reduce run variability. Second, we introduce a new active learning (AL) criterion for data selection and present the first AL-based approach specifically tailored towards prompt-based learning. In our experiments, we show that our combined method, MEAL (Multiprompt finetuning and prediction Ensembling with Active Learning), improves overall performance of prompt-based finetuning by 2.3 points on five diverse tasks. We publicly share our code and data splits in https://github.com/akoksal/MEAL.Comment: EMNLP 2023 Finding
