12 research outputs found

    Injectable 0.19-mg fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant for the treatment of non-infectious uveitic macular edema

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    Background: A retrospective observational clinical study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the injectable 0.19-mg fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant (ILUVIEN) in the treatment of non-infectious uveitic macular edema. Results: Data are presented from eight patients (11 eyes) with non-infectious uveitic macular edema who were treated with a 0.19-mg fluocinolone acetonide implant. Nine out of 11 eyes were pseudophakic prior to implantation of fluocinolone acetonide implant, and both phakic eyes required cataract surgery during the follow-up period (the median follow-up was 19 months; range, 8–42 months). Effectiveness and safety were assessed from changes in central retinal thickness (measured using spectral domain optical coherence tomography), corrected distance visual acuity, uveitic activity, and intraocular pressure. The main outcome measures were changes in central retinal thickness, corrected distance visual acuity, uveitic activity, and intraocular pressure. In 11/11 eyes, central retinal thickness improved between months 1 and 3. The mean maximum decrease of central retinal thickness throughout the follow-up period was 168 ± 202 μm (± standard deviation). Nine out of 11 eyes showed an improvement in corrected distance visual acuity (between + 1 and + 8 lines), and 2/11 eyes lost corrected distance visual acuity (− 1 and − 3 lines, respectively). Nine out of 11 eyes presented with inactive inflammation during the follow-up period, and in 1/11 eyes, there was a relapse at month 42. Four out of 11 eyes presented with a relapse of macular edema between months 3 and 8. The mean increase in intraocular pressure was 2.1 ± 4.7 mmHg. Nine eyes were pseudophakic prior to implantation of the injectable fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant. Both phakic patients developed a cataract that was treated with cataract surgery in the follow-up period. Conclusions: In this small case series with long-term follow-up, treatment of non-infectious uveitic macular edema with the injectable fluocinolone acetonide implant was associated with improved central retinal thickness and corrected distance visual acuity and a manageable safety profile. The advantage of this device is the long-term drug release and the fact that it can be injected into the vitreous as a minor surgical procedure, which is in contrast to other treatment options

    Retrospective, observational study in patients receiving a dexamethasone intravitreal implant 0.7 mg for macular oedema secondary to retinal vein occlusion

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    PURPOSE To retrospectively evaluate the re-injection interval, efficacy and safety of dexamethasone (DEX) intravitreal implant 0.7 mg in the treatment of macular oedema (ME) due to retinal vein occlusion (RVO) in Germany in 2009-2012. METHODS Retrospective, multicentre, anonymised observational study of data collected from the first DEX implant 0.7 mg injection through 3-6 months following the last injection. Data were included if the patient was \textgreater18 years old, had a diagnosis of ME secondary to branch or central RVO, and received at least 2 DEX implant 0.7 mg injections during routine practice. RESULTS Data from 87 patients were analysed. Mean time to re-injection between first and second treatments was 5.03 months in the total RVO population, and 5.46 and 4.52 months for the branch and central RVO subpopulations, respectively. An intraocular pressure increase of \textgreater25 mm Hg was recorded in 20% of patients, and 34% of patients began treatment with anti-glaucoma medication, but surgery was not needed for this condition. CONCLUSIONS DEX implant 0.7 mg was found to be well tolerated and effective with repeat treatments in clinical practice

    Factors Influencing Central Lamina Cribrosa Depth: A Multicenter Study.

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    Purpose:To quantify the influence of ocular and demographic factors on central laminar depth (LD) in healthy participants. Methods:A total of 362 normal subjects underwent optical coherence tomography (OCT) enhanced depth imaging of the optic nerve head (ONH) with a 24 radial B-scan pattern aligned to the fovea-to-Bruch's membrane opening (BMO) axis. BMO, anterior lamina, anterior scleral canal opening (ASCO), Bruch's membrane (BM), and the peripapillary scleral surface were manually segmented. The extent of laminar segmentation was quantified within 72 ASCO subsectors. Central LD was quantified relative to four reference planes: BMO, ASCO, BM, and scleral. The effects of age, sex, ethnicity, IOP, BMO area, ASCO area, and axial length on LD were assessed. Results:Laminar visibility was most consistent within the central ASCO (median 89%, range, 69%-95%). LDBMO and LDBM were significantly shallower in eyes with greater age, BMO area, and axial length and in females. LDASCO was shallower in eyes with greater ASCO area and axial length and in European and Hispanic descent compared to African descent eyes. LDSclera behaved similarly, but was not associated with axial length. BMO and ASCO area were not different between African descent and European descent eyes. Conclusions:Central LD was deeper in African descent eyes and influenced least by age, axial length, and sex, but more by ASCO area, when measured relative to the ASCO and sclera. However, the magnitude of these effects for all four reference planes was small, and their clinical importance in the detection of glaucoma and its progression remains to be determined

    Peripapillary Scleral Bowing Increases with Age and Is Inversely Associated with Peripapillary Choroidal Thickness in Healthy Eyes

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    PurposeTo use optical coherence tomography (OCT) to 3-dimensionally characterize the optic nerve head (ONH) in peripapillary scleral bowing in non-highly myopic healthy eyes.DesignCross-sectional, multicenter study.MethodsA total of 362 non-highly myopic (+6 diopters [D] > spherical equivalent > -6D) eyes of 362 healthy subjects from 20-90 years old underwent OCT ONH radial B-scan imaging. Bruch's membrane (BM), BM opening (BMO), anterior scleral canal opening (ASCO), and the peripapillary scleral surface were segmented. BMO and ASCO planes were fit, and their centroids, major axes, ovality, areas and offsets were determined. Peripapillary scleral bowing was characterized by 2 parameters: peripapillary scleral slope (ppSS) of 3 anterior peripapillary scleral segments (0-300, 300-700, and 700-1,000 Î¼m from the ASCO centroid); and ASCO depth relative to a peripapillary scleral reference plane (ASCOD-ppScleral). Peripapillary choroidal thickness (ppCT) was calculated relative to the ASCO as the minimum distance between the anterior scleral surface and BM.ResultsBoth ppSS and ASCOD-ppScleral ranged from slightly inward through profoundly outward in direction. Both parameters increased with age and were independently associated with decreased ppCT.ConclusionsIn non-highly myopic healthy eyes, outward peripapillary scleral bowing achieved substantial levels, was markedly increased with age, and was independently associated with decreased peripapillary choroidal thickness. These findings provide a normative foundation for characterizing this anatomy in cases of high myopia and glaucoma and in eyes with optic disc tilt, torsion, and peripapillary atrophy