7,937 research outputs found

    The evolution of the Hong Kong currency board during global exchange rate instability, 1967-1973

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    Hong Kong SAR is well known as one of the few economies to operate a form of currency board as the basis of its monetary system. This system arose out of colonial status and has been retained except for a period of floating from 1975-83 to the present day, with some amendments. This article explores the evolution of the Exchange Fund during a period of global exchange rate instability showing that the abandonment of the monetary anchor in 1975 was part of a series of innovations to the use of the Fund as the colonial government sought to manage the exchange rate risks posed by the collapse of the Bretton Woods system

    The Evolution of the Hong Kong Currency Board during Global Exchange Rate Instability: evidence from the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee 1967-1973

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    During the 1990s there was considerable enthusiasm for currency boards, particularly for small open economies, until the collapse of the Argentine system in 2001-2 and the subsequent decline of the USD. Since then, currency boards have been used mainly by colonies and by Eastern European countries seeking to dispel the shadow of chaotic monetary episodes by operating currency boards pegged to the Euro. Hong Kong SAR is now by far the largest economy to operate a currency board and no longer conforms either to the colonial rationale, nor to the regime change rationale for a currency board. This system has recently become more controversial because of the intensified economic integration with the mainland, the decline of the USD on world markets and the appreciation of the RMB against the HKD since it adopted a flexible basket peg in July 2005. Several authors who have noted the relatively poor performance of Hong Kong relative to Singapore have recommended a monitored band system similar to Singapore, although this advice came before the RMB regime was changed. In this context, it is timely to reconsider why Hong Kong abandoned the currency board under similar circumstances when their anchor currency was depreciating on world markets, the RMB was appreciating against the HKD and the international monetary system appeared on the brink of disarray.

    Disentangling from Sterling: Malaysia and the end of the Bretton Woods system 1965-72

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    A decade after independence, the Malaysian government and central bank were faced with a series of challenges that forced them to develop an independent policy, leading to the end of the historic role of sterling in their international monetary regime. Like some economies today that are faced with accumulated reserves largely comprised of a depreciating currency (now the US),Malaysiahadtodisentangleitselffromsterlingatatimewhentherewerenoclearalternativessincegoldwasscarce,theUS), Malaysia had to disentangle itself from sterling at a time when there were no clear alternatives since gold was scarce, the US was weak and Germany, Switzerland and Japan resisted the use of their currencies as national reserves. This paper uses new archival evidence to show that external obstacles as well as some misjudgement meant that this was only achieved in June 1972, 15 years after Merdeka. This process also reveals new evidence about the post-colonial relations between Malaysia and Britain and sheds new light on the neo-colonial interpretation of the first decade of independence.

    Reforming the International Monetary System in the 1970s and 2000s: Would an SDR Substitution Account Have Worked

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    This paper analyzes the discussion of a substitution account in the 1970s and how the account might have performed had it been agreed in 1980. The substitution account would have allowed central banks to diversify away from the dollar into the IMF’s Special Drawing Right (SDR), comprised of US dollar, Deutschmark, French franc (later euro), Japanese yen and British pound, through transactions conducted off the market. The account’s dollar assets could fall short of the value of its SDR liabilities, and hedging would have defeated the purpose of preventing dollar sales. In the event, negotiators were unable to agree on how to distribute the open-ended cost of covering any shortfall if the dollar’s depreciation were to exceed the value of any cumulative interest rate premium on the dollar. As it turned out, the substitution account would have encountered solvency problems had the US dollar return been based on US treasury bill yields, even if a substantial fraction of the IMF’s gold had been devoted to meet the shortfall at recent high prices for gold. However, had the US dollar return been based on US treasury bond yields, the substitution account would have been solvent even without any gold backing

    The F-12 series aircraft approach to design for control system reliability

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    The F-12 series aircraft control system design philosophy is reviewed as it pertains to functional reliability. The basic control system, i.e., cables, mixer, feel system, trim devices, and hydraulic systems are described and discussed. In addition, the implementation of the redundant stability augmentation system in the F-12 aircraft is described. Finally, the functional reliability record that has been achieved is presented

    Shape Control for Experimental Continuation

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    An experimental method has been developed to locate unstable equilibria of nonlinear structures quasi-statically. The technique involves loading a structure by application of either a force or a displacement at a main actuation point, while simultaneously controlling the overall shape using additional probe points. The method is applied to a shallow arch, and unstable segments of its equilibrium path are identified experimentally for the first time. Shape control is a fundamental building block for the experimental---as opposed to numerical---continuation of nonlinear structures, which will significantly expand our ability to measure their mechanical response.Comment: Updated Figure 6 experimental results with correct calibration factor for linear transducer. Updated Figure 6 finite element results with correct load multiplier for half-model. Updated paper text to reflect these changes. 5 pages, 6 figure
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