57 research outputs found

    Hormone replacement therapy and cardiovascular disease: A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association

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    For more than 50 million American women, and millions of women in other countries who are over the age of 50 years, the decision whether or not to use estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) for chronic disease prevention is often a difficult one. Established benefits of treatment for menopausal symptoms and prevention of osteoporosis must be weighed against documented risks of therapy, including venous thromboembolic events (VTE), gallbladder disease, and a possible increased risk of breast cancer. Unopposed ERT is also associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer in women with a uterus. Therefore, it is typically combined with a progestin and is referred to as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The impact of ERT/HRT on cardiovascular disease (CVD) is of great public health importance, because CVD is the leading cause of death and a major contributor to disability in women.1 The purpose of this advisory is to summarize the currently available data concerning potential CVD benefits and risks associated with ERT/HRT and to provide updated clinical recommendations regarding its use in the secondary and primary prevention of CVD

    Awareness of sex and gender dimensions among physicians: the European federation of internal medicine assessment of gender differences in Europe (EFIM-IMAGINE) survey

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    Sociocultural gender is a complex construct encompassing different aspects of individuals' life, whereas sex refers to biological factors. These terms are often misused, although they impact differently on individuals' health. Recognizing the role of sex and gender on health status is fundamental in the pursuit of a personalized medicine. Aim of the current study was to investigate the awareness in approaching clinical and research questions on the impact of sex and gender on health among European internists. Clinicians affiliated with the European Federation of Internal Medicine from 33 countries participated to the study on a voluntary basis between January 1st, 2018 and July 31st, 2019. Internists' awareness and knowledge on sex and gender issues in clinical medicine were measured by an online anonymized 7-item survey. A total of 1323 European internists responded to the survey of which 57% were women, mostly young or middle-aged (78%), and practicing in public general medicine services (74.5%). The majority (79%) recognized that sex and gender are not interchangeable terms, though a wide discrepancy exists on what clinicians think sex and gender concepts incorporate. Biological sex and sociocultural gender were recognized as determinants of health mainly in cardiovascular and autoimmune/rheumatic diseases. Up to 80% of respondents acknowledged the low participation of female individuals in trials and more than 60% the lack of sex-specific clinical guidelines. Internists also express the willingness of getting more knowledge on the impact of sex and gender in cerebrovascular/cognitive and inflammatory bowel diseases. Biological sex and sociocultural gender are factors influencing health and disease. Although awareness and knowledge remain suboptimal across European internists, most acknowledge the underrepresentation of female subjects in trials, the lack of sex-specific guidelines and the need of being more informed on sex and gender-based differences in diseases

    Evidence-Based Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women

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    Significant advances in our knowledge about interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) have occurred since publication of the first female-specific recommendations for preventive cardiology in 1999.1 Despite research-based gains in the treatment of CVD, it remains the leading killer of women in the United States and in most developed areas of the world.2–3 In the United States alone, more than one half million women die of CVD each year, exceeding the number of deaths in men and the next 7 causes of death in women combined. This translates into approximately 1 death every minute.2 Coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for the majority of CVD deaths in women, disproportionately afflicts racial and ethnic minorities, and is a prime target for prevention.1–2 Because CHD is often fatal, and because nearly two thirds of women who die suddenly have no previously recognized symptoms, it is essential to prevent CHD.2 Other forms of atherosclerotic/thrombotic CVD, such as cerebrovascular disease and peripheral arterial disease, are critically important in women. Strategies known to reduce the burden of CHD may have substantial benefits for the prevention of noncoronary atherosclerosis, although they have been studied less extensively in some of these settings

    Sex and gender differences in drug treatment: experiences from the knowledge database Janusmed Sex and Gender

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    Abstract Background Evidence from clinical research indicates that men and women can differ in response to drug treatment. The knowledge database Janusmed Sex and Gender was developed to illuminate potential sex and gender differences in drug therapy and, therefore, achieve a better patient safety. The database contains non-commercial evidence-based information on drug substances regarding sex and gender aspects in patient treatment. Here, we describe our experiences and reflections from collecting, analyzing, and evaluating the evidence. Janusmed Sex and Gender Substances have been systematically reviewed and classified in a standardized manner. The classification considers clinically relevant sex and gender differences based on available evidence. Mainly biological sex differences are assessed except for gender differences regarding adverse effects and compliance. Of the 400 substances included in the database, clinically relevant sex differences were found for 20%. Sex-divided data were missing for 22% and no clinically relevant differences were found for more than half of the substances (52%). We noted that pivotal clinical studies often lack sex analyses of efficacy and adverse effects, and post-hoc analyzes are performed instead. Furthermore, most pharmacokinetic analyses use weight correction, but medicines are often prescribed in standard doses. In addition, few studies have sex differences as a primary outcome and some pharmacokinetic analyses are unpublished, which may complicate the classification of evidence. Conclusions Our work underlines the need of sex and gender analyses, and sex-divided data in drug treatment, to increase the knowledge about these aspects in drug treatment and contribute to a more individualized patient treatment

    Possible reasons why female physicians publish fewer scientific articles than male physicians - A cross-sectional study

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    Background The proportion of women in medicine is approaching that of men, but female physicians are still in the minority as regards positions of power. Female physicians are struggling to reach the highest positions in academic medicine. One reason for the disparities between the genders in academic medicine is the fact that female physicians, in comparison to their male colleagues, have a lower rate of scientific publishing, which is an important factor affecting promotion in academic medicine. Clinical physicians work in a stressful environment, and the extent to which they can control their work conditions varies. The aim of this paper was to examine potential impeding and supportive work factors affecting the frequency with which clinical physicians publish scientific papers on academic medicine. Methods Cross-sectional multivariate analysis was performed among 198 female and 305 male Swedish MD/PhD graduates. The main outcome variable was the number of published scientific articles. Results Male physicians published significantly more articles than female physicians p <. 001. In respective multivariate models for female and male physicians, age and academic positions were significantly related to a higher number of published articles, as was collaborating with a former PhD advisor for both female physicians (OR = 2.97; 95% CI 1.22–7.20) and male physicians (OR = 2.10; 95% CI 1.08–4.10). Control at work was significantly associated with a higher number of published articles for male physicians only (OR = 1.50; 95% CI 1.08–2.09). Exhaustion had a significant negative impact on number of published articles among female physicians (OR = 0.29; 95% CI 0.12–0.70) whilst the publishing rate among male physicians was not affected by exhaustion. Conclusions Women physicians represent an expanding sector of the physician work force; it is essential that they are represented in future fields of research, and in academic publications. This is necessary from a gender perspective, and to ensure that physicians are among the research staff in biomedical research in the future

    Correction to: Sex differences in drugs: the development of a comprehensive knowledge base to improve gender awareness prescribing

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    Correction Unfortunately, after publication of this article [1], two errors were noticed. The names of Linnéa Karlsson Lind and Karin Schenck-Gustafsson were formatted incorrectly, attributing incorrect elements to the Given and Family names. Further to this, a reference in Fig. 1 was missing. The line reading, “Fig. 1 shows the working process and each step is explained in more detail below” should instead read, “Fig. 1, modified from Nörby et al. [2], shows the working process and each step is explained in more detail below”

    Job stress and the occupational gradient in coronary heart disease risk in women: The Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study

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    Recent studies of men have shown that job stress is important in understanding the occupational gradient in coronary heart disease (CHD), but these relationships have rarely been studied in women. With increasing numbers of women in the workforce it is important to have a more complete understanding of how CHD risk may be mediated by job stress as well as other biological and behavioural risk factors. The objective of this study was to examine the occupational gradient in CHD risk in relation to job stress and other traditional risk factors in currently employed women. We used data from the Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study, a population based case-control study, comprising 292 women with CHD aged 65 years or younger and 292 age-matched healthy women (controls). An inversely graded association was observed between occupational class and CHD risk. Compared with the highest (executive/professional), women in the lowest occupational class (semi/unskilled) had a four-fold (95% CI 1.75-8.83) increased age-adjusted risk for CHD. Simultaneous adjustment for traditional risk factors and job stress attenuated this risk to 2.45 (95% CI 1.01-6.14). Neither job control nor the Karasek demand-control model of job stress substantially explained the increased CHD risk of women in the lowest occupational classes. It is likely that lower occupational class working women face multiple and sometimes interacting sources of work and non-work stress that are mediated by behavioural and biological factors that increase their CHD risk.Coronary heart disease Occupational class Job control Job demands Job stress Psychosocial factors Women
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