208 research outputs found

    Enhancing Engineering Change Management Processes of Small Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs): A Case Study

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Business and Technology at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science by Michael Alan Schemel on April 2, 2021

    Zwicky Transient Facility Observations of Trojan Asteroids: A Thousand Colors, Rotation Amplitudes, and Phase Functions

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    We introduce a new method for analyzing sparse photometric data of asteroids and apply it to Zwicky Transient Facility observations of the Jupiter Trojan asteroids. The method relies on the creation of a likelihood model that includes the probability distribution of rotational brightness variations at an unknown rotation phase. The likelihood model is analyzed via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo to quantify the uncertainty in our parameter estimates. Using this method, we provide color, phase parameter, absolute magnitude and amplitude of rotation measurements for 1049 Jupiter Trojans. We find that phase parameter is correlated with color and the distribution of Trojan asteroid rotational amplitudes is indistinguishable from that of main-belt asteroids

    Compaction of grass silage taking vibrating stresses into account

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    In order to achieve higher compaction rates when storing wilted grass or chopped maize in clamp silos, some farmers use rollers with vibratory rolling elements to compress the material.  The study aimed to determine the effect of vibrating tools on the compaction of ensiled material.  Taking wilted grass as an example, experiments were conducted with a hydropulse system with quasi-static and vibrating compaction.  The results showed that the higher compaction performance observed in practice was due not to the vibratory movement of the rolling element, but instead to the additional vertical force resulting from the imbalance.   Keywords: vibrating compaction, grass silage, hydropulse syste

    Transport Effects on Calorimetry of Porous Wildland Fuels

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    Wildland fire is a natural part of the earth’s phenomenological pattern and like most natural phenomena has presented a challenge to human activity and engineering science. Wildfire presents Fire Safety Engineering with the task of developing fundamental research and designing analysis tools to address fire on a scale where interactions with atmospheric and terrestrial conditions dominate fire behavior. The research work presented in this thesis addresses a fundamental research issue involving transport processes in porous wildland fuel beds. This research project had the specific goal of developing an understanding of how transport processes affected the combustion of wildland fuels that were in the form of a porous bed. No detailed study could be found in the literature that specifically addressed how the fuel structure affected the combustion process in these types of fuels. To this end, a series of experiments were designed and carried out that approached the understanding of this problem using commonly available fire testing equipment, specifically the cone calorimeter and the FM Global Fire Propagation Apparatus. The goal of this research study and the basis for the novel and relevant contribution to the field of engineering was to conduct an experimental test series, analyze the data and examine the scalability of the results, to determine the effect of transport processes on the Heat Release Rate (HRR) of porous wildland fuels. The project concluded that flow dominates HRR in fires involving the wildland fuels tested. A dimensionless analysis of the fuel sample baskets showed consistency with well established mass transfer, fluid flow and chemical kinetic relationships. The dimensionless analysis also indicates that the experimental results should be scalable to similar configurations in larger fuel beds. One conclusion of this study was that wildland fire modeling efforts should invest in understanding flow conditions in fuel beds because this behavior dominates over the chemical kinetics of combustion for predicting HRR which is an important parameter in fire modeling

    Unterrichtsmaterial für die 5. und 6. Klasse

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    Wie riecht und fühlt sich der Boden unter uns an? Wie entsteht in der Natur fruchtbarer Boden? Welche Lebewesen tummeln sich da unter unseren Füßen und wie können wir selbst fruchtbaren Boden gewinnen? Mit dem vorliegenden Unterrichtsmaterial können Sie gemeinsam mit Schüler*innen den Boden entdecken. Die Module eröffnen verschiedene Perspektiven auf das Thema Boden und sind fächerverbindend konzipiert. Inhalte und Fachmethoden aus den Fächern Deutsch, Kunst und Naturwissenschaft bzw. Biologie werden mit dem Material angesprochen. Die Unterrichtsmodule greifen Themen und Fachbegriffe aus Rahmenlehrplänen auf, wie die Erkundung von Lebensräumen und die Wechselwirkungen von Organismen