487 research outputs found

    Mites and archanaeozoology. General methods:applications tot Dutch sites.

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    This thesis is the report of my research into the possibilities of acaroarchaeology, the study of the remains of mites found in an archaeological context. The research was carried out at the Biological-Archaeological Institute (RUG) during the period 1987 to 1992 while I was working there as a 'Researcher in Training' (OIO). Chapters 2 to 9 consist of articles witch have already been published or accepted for publication, or have been submitted (Chapter 4). The bibliography of these papers is given on page 5. ... Zie: Summar

    Emerging Risks in the Dutch Food Chain report on project 2: Application of indicator analyses on several critical points in the salmon production chain and identification of related data sources

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    An indicator analysis was performed on the fish production chain by assessing the indicators which may be of importance for the detection of emerging risks. The indicators were embedded in a “risk pathway”, in which the relations between different indicators could be illustrated. The risk pathways illustrate the main characteristics of the salmon production chain. However further research is required in order to develop further interaction with other sectors, and production chains to bring emerging risk detection to the next level. In relation to the assigned indicators, a selection of (electronic) data sources were identified in order to be able to combine data flows with indicators and risk pathways. The indicators were analyzed for availability, sources of data entry, validation of data sources, update frequency and delay in input. The combination of risk pathways, indicators and data sources, will be one of the key information sources for the further development of an Emerging Risk Detection Support System (ERDSS)

    Herstructurering Stageprocessen Van Hall Larenstein

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    Verslag van de herstructurering van het stageproces bij het Onderwijsbureau van Hogelschool VanHall Larenstein. Uitgangspunt hierbij was het onderling uitwisselbaar worden van personeel bij het uitvoeren van werkzaamheden met betrekking tot stages

    The influence of anaerobic muscle activity, maturation and season on the flesh quality of farmed turbot

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    In order to test seasonal, rearing, maturing and anaerobic muscle activity effect on the flesh quality of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) a total of 80 farmed turbot from three different strains from reared under natural or continuous light were killed by a percussive blow to the head in November (winter, Icelandic strain), March (spring, Portuguese strain) and June (summer, domesticated strain (France turbot)). To test the effect of anaerobic muscle activity, 10 fish were on each occasion pre rigor filleted, where one fillet was used as a control, while the other fillet was electrically stimulated using a squared 5 Hz, 10 V pulsed DC for 3 min. All pre rigor fillets were measured for pH, weighed, wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in polystyrene boxes with ice. After 7 days of storage the fillets were measured instrumentally for pH, drip loss, colour (CIE L* a* b*) and texture properties such as hardness and shear force, while fillet shrinkage and colour (RBG) were evaluated with computer imaging on photographs from a standard lightbox. Results showed that softness of the flesh was mainly influenced by factors associated with growth, such as season, photoperiod and maturation. Anaerobic muscle activity simulated with electrical stimulation caused an increase in drip loss (<1%) and loss of shear force (<4%), but had no effect on hardness or fillet shrinkage. Computer imaging revealed that muscle contractions related to the electrical stimulus forced out blood from the fillet causing less reddishness for the entire storage period. We conclude that a pH drop upon slaughter associated with anaerobic muscle activity has a minor effect on the flesh quality in the short run, while seasonal/alternatively genetic effects are predominant

    Why Archaeologists Should Tell Stories: Looking Back at the NASTA 2021 Conference

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    As the title suggests, the article introduces the concept of ‘storytelling’ in archaeology, addressing the key‐moments of its application in the field and leading to the organization of the first edition of the Narrative and Storytelling in Archaeology (NASTA) conference on the 29th of April 2021. The authors present the structure of the conference, encompassing the essence of what drives us to tell stories and how narrative can impact and interest the academic community

    Vergelijkende studie naar alternatieve vormen van de boomkorvisserij

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    Als onderdeel van het VIP-project “Alternatief visplan duurzame platvisvisserij” is een vergelijkende studie uitgevoerd naar de traditionele boomkorvisserij en twee alternatieve vismethodes: outriggen en sumwing. Tijdens twee visreizen hebben onderzoekers gekeken naar verschillen in aanlandingen (maatse vis) en discards (benthos en (ondermaatse) vis) op drie verschillende schepen. De drie schepen die waren betrokken bij dit onderzoek zijn: de UK47 (outrig), de ST27 (boomkor) en de UK246 (sumwing). Daarnaast is de kwaliteit van schol van de verschillende vismethoden met elkaar vergeleken