1,259 research outputs found

    Minimal proper non-IRUP instances of the one-dimensional Cutting Stock Problem

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    We consider the well-known one dimensional cutting stock problem (1CSP). Based on the pattern structure of the classical ILP formulation of Gilmore and Gomory, we can decompose the infinite set of 1CSP instances, with a fixed demand n, into a finite number of equivalence classes. We show up a strong relation to weighted simple games. Studying the integer round-up property we computationally show that all 1CSP instances with n9n\le 9 are proper IRUP, while we give examples of a proper non-IRUP instances with n=10n=10. A gap larger than 1 occurs for n=11n=11. The worst known gap is raised from 1.003 to 1.0625. The used algorithmic approaches are based on exhaustive enumeration and integer linear programming. Additionally we give some theoretical bounds showing that all 1CSP instances with some specific parameters have the proper IRUP.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Harmonic theta series and the kodaira dimension of a6

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    We construct a basis of the space S14(Sp12(ℤ)) of Siegel cusp forms of degree 6 and weight 14 consisting of harmonic theta series. One of these functions has vanishing order 2 at the boundary which implies that the Kodaira dimension of A6 is nonnegative

    Improved flow-based formulations for the skiving stock problem

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    Thanks to the rapidly advancing development of (commercial) MILP software and hardware components, pseudo-polynomial formulations have been established as a powerful tool for solving cutting and packing problems in recent years. In this paper, we focus on the one-dimensional skiving stock problem (SSP), where a given inventory of small items has to be recomposed to obtain a maximum number of larger objects, each satisfying a minimum threshold length. In the literature, different modeling approaches for the SSP have been proposed, and the standard flow-based formulation has turned out to lead to the best trade-off between efficiency and solution time. However, especially for instances of practically meaningful sizes, the resulting models involve very large numbers of variables and constraints, so that appropriate reduction techniques are required to decrease the numerical efforts. For that reason, this paper introduces two improved flow-based formulations for the skiving stock problem that are able to cope with much larger problem sizes. By means of extensive experiments, these new models are shown to possess significantly fewer variables as well as an average better computational performance compared to the standard arcflow formulation

    Analytical Solution for the Deformation of a Cylinder under Tidal Gravitational Forces

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    Quite a few future high precision space missions for testing Special and General Relativity will use optical resonators which are used for laser frequency stabilization. These devices are used for carrying out tests of the isotropy of light (Michelson-Morley experiment) and of the universality of the gravitational redshift. As the resonator frequency not only depends on the speed of light but also on the resonator length, the quality of these measurements is very sensitive to elastic deformations of the optical resonator itself. As a consequence, a detailed knowledge about the deformations of the cavity is necessary. Therefore in this article we investigate the modeling of optical resonators in a space environment. Usually for simulation issues the Finite Element Method (FEM) is applied in order to investigate the influence of disturbances on the resonator measurements. However, for a careful control of the numerical quality of FEM simulations a comparison with an analytical solution of a simplified resonator model is beneficial. In this article we present an analytical solution for the problem of an elastic, isotropic, homogeneous free-flying cylinder in space under the influence of a tidal gravitational force. The solution is gained by solving the linear equations of elasticity for special boundary conditions. The applicability of using FEM codes for these simulations shall be verified through the comparison of the analytical solution with the results gained within the FEM code.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Formation and investigation of micro-arc Sr-containing calciumphosphate biocoatings on Mg-0.8 Ca alloy

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    The investigation of the XRD analysis, thickness, masses and roughness of Sr-substituted calcium phosphate coatings on the Mg-0.8Ca substrate deposited by the micro arc oxidation method under different process voltages was performed. The increase of the process voltage leads to the growth of the thickness, masses and roughness of the coatings. Results of XRD analysis showed that the Sr-CaP coatings formed under the process voltages of 350-450 V are contained α-Ca[3](PO[4])[2], Mg[3](PO[4])[2] and Mg phases