297 research outputs found

    Maximal subgroups acting with two composition factors on irreducible representations of exceptional algebraic groups

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    Let YY be a simply connected simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field kk of characteristic pp and let XX be a maximal closed connected simple subgroup of YY. Excluding some small primes in specific cases, we classify the pp-restricted irreducible representations of YY on which XX acts with exactly two composition factors. This work follows on naturally from the classification of irreducible subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups given by Testerman

    Ortsbasierte Indoor Optical-See-Through Augmented Reality mit der Google Glass

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    Ziel der Arbeit war es, den Nutzen der Google Glass im Alltag und ihr Potenzial als AR-Brille ( Augmented Reality ) aufzuzeigen. Mit der Arbeit wurde ein ortsbasierter AR Ansatz vorgestellt, der innerhalb von Gebäuden zum Einsatz kommt. Als Beispielszenario diente die AR-basierte Navigation innerhalb des Gebaudes der TH Köln. Hierbei wurde ein Umgebungsmodell in Form eines Regular Grids konstruiert, welches eine diskrete Positionsbestimmung im Raum erlaubt. Ferner wurden verschiedene Verfahren zur Positionsbestimmung innerhalb von Gebäuden gegen übergestellt und deren Vor- und Nachteile evaluiert. Hierbei wurden die Erkenntnisse gewonnen, dass die Positionsbestimmung mittels LLA Markern die höchste Stabilität, jedoch die geringste Kontinuität aufweist, da Marker zunächst erkannt werden müssen, bevor die Position bestimmt werden kann

    Blood histamine levels (BHL) in infants and children with respiratory and non-respiratory diseases.

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    BACKGROUND: Blood histamine levels are decreased after severe allergic reactions and in various chronic diseases. AIMS: To study blood histamine levels in infants and children with acute infectious and non-infectious, non-allergic, disease. METHODS: Blood histamine levels were investigated by a fluorometric method in infants and children admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis, non-wheezing bronchitis, acute infections of the urinary tract, skin and ear-nose-throat, gastroenteritis, or hyperthermia of unknown aetiology. Results of blood histamine levels and white blood cell counts were compared with those obtained for children recovering from benign non-infectious, non-allergic illnesses. RESULTS: As compared with control children, white blood cell numbers were significantly increased in children with acute infections of the urinary tract, skin and ear-nose-throat, and were significantly decreased in children with gastroenteritis. Blood histamine levels were significantly lower in children with gastroenteritis and hyperthermia than in children with other diseases and control children. It was not possible to correlate blood histamine levels and the number of blood basophils. CONCLUSIONS: BHL are significantly decreased in infants and children with acute gastroenteritis and hyperthermia of unknown aetiology. The mechanisms responsible for the decrease in blood histamine levels in children with gastroenteritis and hyperthermia are discussed

    Détermination d’une orbite autour de L2 pour la mission CHEOPS

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    Afin de déterminer l’orbite qu’un satellite d’observation d’exoplanètes devait adopter, il a été nécessaire de considérer les points de Lagrange et plus particulièrement le deuxième de ces points. Dans les pages suivantes, nous localisons les trois premiers de ces points (L1, L2 et L3), expliquons en quoi ils sont importants et démontrons la quasi-stabilité de L1 et L2. Ensuite, nous analysons les différents types d’orbites quasi-périodiques qui existent autour de L2 et construisons une orbite de Lyapunov grâce au logiciel STK/Astrogator, ce qui permet de modéliser la mission et de souligner ses avantages et ses inconvénients

    The HCV Synthesis Project: Scope, methodology, and preliminary results

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is hyper-endemic in injecting drug users. There is also excess HCV among non-injection drug users who smoke, snort, or sniff heroin, cocaine, crack, or methamphetamine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To summarize the research literature on HCV in drug users and identify gaps in knowledge, we conducted a synthesis of the relevant research carried out between 1989 and 2006. Using rigorous search methods, we identified and extracted data from published and unpublished reports of HCV among drug users. We designed a quality assurance system to ensure accuracy and consistency in all phases of the project. We also created a set of items to assess study design quality in each of the reports we included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 629 reports containing HCV prevalence rates, incidence rates and/or genotype distribution among injecting or non-injecting drug user populations published between January 1989 and December 2006. The majority of reports were from Western Europe (41%), North America (26%), Asia (11%) and Australia/New Zealand (10%). We also identified reports from Eastern Europe, South America, the Middle East, and the Caribbean. The number of publications reporting HCV rates in drug users increased dramatically between 1989 and 2006 to 27–52 reports per year after 1998.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data collection and quality assurance phases of the HCV Synthesis Project have been completed. Recommendations for future research on HCV in drug users have come out of our data collection phase. Future research reports can enhance their contributions to our understanding of HCV etiology by clearly defining their drug user participants with respect to type of drug and route of administration. Further, the use of standard reporting methods for risk factors would enable data to be combined across a larger set of studies; this is especially important for HCV seroconversion studies which suffer from small sample sizes and low power to examine risk factors.</p
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