77 research outputs found

    Capture of Neon Atoms by \u3csup\u3e4\u3c/sup\u3eHe Clusters

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    Neon atoms are captured by helium clusters in a crossed-beam experiment. The capture process depends strongly on the cluster beam source conditions. We identify a sharply defined region corresponding to expansions passing near the critical point for which the capture probability is anomalously large

    Variational Calculations for 3^3He Impurities on 4^4He Droplets

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    Variational Monte Carlo method is used to calculate ground state properties of 4^4He droplets, containing 70, 112, 168, 240, 330, and 728 particles. The resulting particle and kinetic energy densities are used as an input in the Feynman-Lekner theory for 3^3He impurities. The kinetic energy density of 4^4He atoms and the energy of the 3^3He surface states are compared with the results of previous phenomenological calculations.Comment: 12 pages, in revtex 3.0, with 5 .ps figure
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