2 research outputs found

    Global attractors for Cahn-Hilliard equations with non constant mobility

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    We address, in a three-dimensional spatial setting, both the viscous and the standard Cahn-Hilliard equation with a nonconstant mobility coefficient. As it was shown in J.W. Barrett and J.W. Blowey, Math. Comp., 68 (1999), 487-517, one cannot expect uniqueness of the solution to the related initial and boundary value problems. Nevertheless, referring to J. Ball's theory of generalized semiflows, we are able to prove existence of compact quasi-invariant global attractors for the associated dynamical processes settled in the natural "finite energy" space. A key point in the proof is a careful use of the energy equality, combined with the derivation of a "local compactness" estimate for systems with supercritical nonlinearities, which may have an independent interest. Under growth restrictions on the configuration potential, we also show existence of a compact global attractor for the semiflow generated by the (weaker) solutions to the nonviscous equation characterized by a "finite entropy" condition

    Study of a system for the isothermal separation of components in a binary alloy with change of phase

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    An isothermal model describing the separation of the components of a binary metallic alloy is considered. A process of phase transition is also assumed to occur in the solder; hence, the state of the material is described by two order parameters, i.e., the concentration c of the first component and the phase field phi. A physical derivation is provided starting from energy balance considerations. The resulting system of PDE\u27s consists of a rather regular second order parabolic equation for phi coupled with a fourth order relation of Cahn-Hilliard type for c with constraint and solution-dependent mobility. Global existence of solutions is proved and several regularity properties are discussed under more restrictive assumptions on the physical parameters. Continuous dependence on data is shown in a special case. An asymptotic analysis of the model is also performed, yielding at the limit step a coupling of the original phase field equation with a Hele-Shaw like system for c