1,124 research outputs found

    Density of states in SF bilayers with arbitrary strength of magnetic scattering

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    We developed the self-consistent method for the calculation of the density of states N(ϵ)N(\epsilon) in the SF bilayers. It based on the quasi-classical Usadel equations and takes into account the suppression of superconductivity in the S layer due to the proximity effect with the F metal, as well as existing mechanisms of the spin dependent electron scattering. We demonstrate that the increase of the spin orbit or spin flip electron scattering rates results in completely different transformations of N(ϵ)N(\epsilon) at the free F layer interface. The developed formalism has been applied for the interpretation of the available experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure


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    Excitation energy transfer in C-phycocyanin is modeled using the Forster inductive resonance mechanism. Detailed calculations are carried out using coordinates and orientations of the chromophores derived from X-ray crystallographic studies of C-phycocyanin from two different species (Schirmer et al, J. Mol. Biol. 184, 257–277 (1985) and ibid., 188, 651-677 (1986)). Spectral overlap integrals are estimated from absorption and fluorescence spectra of C-phycocyanin of Mastigocladus laminosus and its separated subunits. Calculations are carried out for the β-subunit, αβ-monomer, (αβ)3-trimer and (αβ)0-hexamer species with the following chromophore assignments: β155 = 's’(sensitizer), β84 =‘f (fluorescer) and α84 =‘m’(intermediate):]:. The calculations show that excitation transfer relaxation occurs to 3=98% within 200 ps in nearly every case; however, the rates increase as much as 10-fold for the higher aggregates. Comparison with experimental data on fluorescence decay and depolarization kinetics from the literature shows qualitative agreement with these calculations. We conclude that Forster transfer is sufficient to account for all of the observed fluorescence properties of C-phycocyanin in aggregation states up to the hexamer and in the absence of linker polypeptides

    Infrared spectroscopy of phytochrome and model pigments

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    Fourier-transform infrared difference spectra between the red-absorbing and far-red-absorbing forms of oat phytochrome have been measured in H2O and 2H2O. The difference spectra are compared with infrared spectra of model compounds, i.e. the (5Z,10Z,15Z)- and (5Z,10Z,15E)-isomers of 2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethyl-bilindion (Et8-bilindion), 2,3-dihydro-2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethyl-bilindion (H2Et8-bilindion), and protonated H2Et8-bilindion in various solvents. The spectra of the model compounds show that only for the protonated forms can clear differences between the two isomers be detected. Since considerable differences are present between the spectra of Et8-bilindion and H2Et8-bilindion, it is concluded that only the latter compound can serve as a model system of phytochrome. The 2H2O effect on the difference spectrum of phytochrome supports the view that the chromophore in red-absorbing phytochrome is protonated and suggests, in addition, that it is also protonated in far-red-absorbing phytochrome. The spectra show that protonated carboxyl groups are influenced. The small amplitudes in the difference spectra exclude major changes of protein secondary structure

    Subharmonic Shapiro steps and assisted tunneling in superconducting point contacts

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    We analyze the current in a superconducting point contact of arbitrary transmission in the presence of a microwave radiation. The interplay between the ac Josephson current and the microwave signal gives rise to Shapiro steps at voltages V = (m/n) \hbar \omega_r/2e, where n,m are integer numbers and \omega_r is the radiation frequency. The subharmonic steps (n different from 1) are a consequence of the ocurrence of multiple Andreev reflections (MAR) and provide an unambiguous signature of the peculiar ac Josephson effect at high transmission. Moreover, the dc current exhibits a rich subgap structure due to photon-assisted MARs.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 figure


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    C-Phycocyanin (PC) and allophycocyanin (APC). as well as the a-subunit of PC. have been isolated from the blue-green alga (cyanobacterium). Spirulina platensis. The effects of partial thermal denaturation of PC and of its state of aggregation have been studied by ps time-resolved, polarized fluorescence spectroscopy. All measurements have been performed under low photon fluxes (< 10’ ’ photonsipulse x cm’) to minimize singlet-singlet annihilation processes. A complex decay is obtained under most conditions, which can be fitted satisfactorily with a bi-exponential (7’ = 70400 ps. T? = 1000-3000 ps) for both the isotropic and the polarized part, but with different intensities and time constants for the two decay curves. The data are interpreted in the frameworkof the model first developed by Teak and Dale (Biochern. J. 116, 161 (1970)], which divides the spectroscopically different chromophores in (predominantly) sensitizing (s) and fluorescing U, ones. If one assumes temperature dependent losses in the energy transfer from the s to the f and between f chromophores. both the biexponential nature of the isotropic fluorescence decay and the polarization data can be rationalized. In the isotropic emission (corresponding to the population of excited states) the short lifetime is related to the s-,f transfer. the longer one to the “free“ decay of the final acceptor(s) (= f). The polarized part is dominated by an extremely short decay time. which is related to s+f transfer, as well as to resonance transfer between the f-chromophores

    Microscopic origin of the conducting channels in metallic atomic-size contacts

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    We present a theoretical approach which allows to determine the number and orbital character of the conducting channels in metallic atomic contacts. We show how the conducting channels arise from the atomic orbitals having a significant contribution to the bands around the Fermi level. Our theory predicts that the number of conducting channels with non negligible transmission is 3 for Al and 5 for Nb one-atom contacts, in agreement with recent experiments. These results are shown to be robust with respect to disorder. The experimental values of the channels transmissions lie within the calculated distributions.Comment: 11 pages, 4 ps-figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Absolute spin-valve effect with superconducting proximity structures

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    We investigate spin dependent transport in hybrid superconductor(S)--normal-metal(N)--ferromagnet(F) structures under conditions of proximity effect. We demonstrate the feasibility of the absolute spin-valve effect for a certain interval of voltages in a system consisting of two coupled tri-layer structures. Our results are also valid for non-collinear magnetic configurations of the ferromagnets.Comment: 1 TEX file, 2 Postscript files. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Andreev Bound States and Self-Consistent Gap Functions for SNS and SNSNS Systems

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    Andreev bound states in clean, ballistic SNS and SNSNS junctions are calculated exactly and by using the Andreev approximation (AA). The AA appears to break down for junctions with transverse dimensions chosen such that the motion in the longitudinal direction is very slow. The doubly degenerate states typical for the traveling waves found in the AA are replaced by two standing waves in the exact treatment and the degeneracy is lifted. A multiple-scattering Green's function formalism is used, from which the states are found through the local density of states. The scattering by the interfaces in any layered system of ballistic normal metals and clean superconducting materials is taken into account exactly. The formalism allows, in addition, for a self-consistent determination of the gap function. In the numerical calculations the pairing coupling constant for aluminum is used. Various features of the proximity effect are shown

    FIVA:Functional Information Viewer and Analyzer extracting biological knowledge from transcriptome data of prokaryotes

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    FIVA (Function Information Viewer and Analyzer) aids researchers in the prokaryotic community to quickly identify relevant biological processes following transcriptome analysis. Our software assists in functional profiling of large sets of genes and generates a comprehensive overview of affected biological processes.

    Resonant Andreev reflections in superconductor-carbon-nanotube devices

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    Resonant Andreev reflection through superconductor-carbon-nanotube devices was investigated theoretically with a focus on the superconducting proximity effect. Consistent with a recent experiment, we find that for high transparency devices on-resonance, the Andreev current is characterized by a large value and a resistance dip; low-transparency off-resonance devices give the opposite result. We also give evidence that the observed low-temperature transport anomaly may be a natural result of Andreev reflection process
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