52 research outputs found

    Household fish preparation hygiene and cholera transmission in Monrovia, Liberia.

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    BACKGROUND: In the 1980s Vibrio cholerae was found to be an autochthonous resident of aquatic environments. As result, ingestion of undercooked, contaminated fish has been associated with cholera transmission. An alternative mechanism of transmission associated with fish was hypothesised by Schürmann et al. in 2002. He described a cholera case that was more likely to have been infected by contamination on the patient's hands rather than by ingestion of contaminated fish. METHODOLOGY: With fish being the main diet in Liberia, we decided to examine fish samples and preparation techniques in Monrovia. Excreta of 15 fish, caught in the estuarine waters of Monrovia, were analysed for V. cholerae. In addition, fish preparation methods were observed in 30 households. RESULTS: Two fish samples were found positive. Observations revealed that hygiene measures during the gutting process of fish were limited; although hands were usually rinsed, in all cases soap was not used. Furthermore, contaminated water was frequently reused during food preparation. CONCLUSIONS: Since the cooking process of fish (and thus elimination of bacteria) in Monrovia usually consists of both frying and boiling, it seems plausible that in this context, the hypothesis by Schürmann et al. could be applicable. Further research is necessary to confirm this association, which could be a starting point for more context-specific health education campaigns addressing food preparation hygiene as risk factor for cholera

    "Everything is from God but it is always better to get to the hospital on time": A qualitative study with community members to identify factors that influence facility delivery in Gombe State, Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: Nigeria has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, but facility delivery levels are relatively low and stagnant. Few qualitative studies have explored this issue and most have focused on barriers to utilization, much can be learnt from women who already deliver in facilities. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to identify facilitators and barriers to facility delivery in Gombe State in North East Nigeria with a focus on women who have had a facility delivery. METHODS: We conducted 24 narrative and in-depth interviews with mothers, and 16 focus-group-discussions with mothers, fathers, grandmothers and community health workers. Data were collected in Hausa, and transcribed and translated into English. Preliminary data analysis was conducted through team workshops, followed by systematic coding of the transcripts. Initial themes were identified a priori from the research questions and others emerged during coding. RESULTS: A safe delivery was the main motivator for facility delivery, with facilities considered safe because of the presence of a trained health worker, the detection and management of problems, the availability of medicines and good hygiene. Those who delivered in a facility had a desire to be modern and rejected traditional practices. Decision-making power, social norms, accessibility, cost and perceived poor quality of care were reported as barriers. Community health workers, when they reached households, provided information on the benefits of facility delivery, stressed that times were changing, provided practical help such as arranging transport and, by accompanying families to the facility, brokered better quality of care and provided social support. CONCLUSION: This study highlights both the facilitators and barriers to facility delivery, and demonstrates the need for interventions to address a wide range of issues at multiple levels

    Analysis of dietary patterns and cross-sectional and longitudinal associations with hypertension, high BMI and type 2 diabetes in Peru

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine if specific dietary patterns are associated with risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and high BMI in four sites in Peru. DESIGN: We analysed dietary patterns from a cohort of Peruvian adults in four geographical settings using latent class analysis. Associations with prevalence and incidence of hypertension, T2DM and high BMI were assessed using Poisson regression and generalised linear models, adjusted for potential confounders. SETTING: Four sites in Peru varying in degree of urbanisation. PARTICIPANTS: Adults aged ≥35 years (n 3280). RESULTS: We identified four distinct dietary patterns corresponding to different stages of the Peruvian nutrition transition, reflected by the foods frequently consumed in each pattern. Participants consuming the 'stage 3' diet, characterised by high proportional consumption of processed foods, animal products and low consumption of vegetables, mostly consumed in the semi-urban setting, showed the highest prevalence of all health outcomes (hypertension 32·1 %; T2DM 10·7 %; high BMI 75·1 %). Those with a more traditional 'stage 1' diet characterised by potato and vegetables, mostly consumed in the rural setting, had lower prevalence of hypertension (prevalence ratio; 95 CI: 0·57; 0·43, 0·75), T2DM (0·36; 0·16, 0·86) and high BMI (0·55; 0·48, 0·63) compared with the 'stage 3' diet. Incidence of hypertension was highest among individuals consuming the 'stage 3' diet (63·75 per 1000 person-years; 95 % CI 52·40, 77·55). CONCLUSIONS: The study found more traditional diets were associated with a lower prevalence of three common chronic diseases, while prevalence of these diseases was higher with a diet high in processed foods and low in vegetables

    'People have started to deliver in the facility these days': a qualitative exploration of factors affecting facility delivery in Ethiopia

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    Objectives To understand the recent rise in facility deliveries in Ethiopia. Design A qualitative study. Setting Four rural communities in two regions of Ethiopia. Participants 12 narrative, 12 in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions with recently delivered women; and four focus group discussions with each of grandmothers, fathers and community health workers. Results We found that several interwoven factors led to the increase in facility deliveries, and that respondents reported that the importance of these factors varied over time. The initial catalysts were a saturation of messages around facility delivery, improved accessibility of facilities, the prohibition of traditional birth attendants, and elders having less influence on deciding the place of delivery. Once women started to deliver in facilities, the drivers of the behaviour changed as women had positive experiences. As more women began delivering in facilities, families shared positive experiences of the facilities, leading to others deciding to deliver in a facility. Conclusion Our findings highlight the need to employ strategies that act at multiple levels, and that both push and pull families to health facilities

    Early postnatal home visits: a qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to achieving high coverage

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    BACKGROUND: Timely interventions in the postnatal period are important for reducing newborn mortality, and early home visits to provide postnatal care are recommended. There has been limited success in achieving timely visits, and a better understanding of the realities of programmes is needed if improvements are to be made. METHODS: We explored barriers and facilitators to timely postnatal visits through 20 qualitative interviews and 16 focus group discussions with families and Health Extension Workers in four Ethiopian sites. RESULTS: All sites reported some inaccessible areas that did not receive visits, but, Health Extension Workers in the sites with more difficult terrain were reported to make more visits that those in the more accessible areas. This suggests that information and work issues can be more important than moderate physical issues. The sites where visits were common had functioning mechanisms for alerting workers to a birth; these were not related to postnatal visits but to families informing Health Extension Workers of labour so they could call an ambulance. In the other sites, families did not know they should alert workers about a delivery, and other alert mechanisms were not functioning well. Competing activities reducing Health Extension Worker availability for visits, but in some areas workers were more organized in their division of their work and this facilitated visits. The main difference between the areas where visits were reported as common or uncommon was the general activity level of the Health Extension Worker. In the sites where workers were active and connected to the community visits occurred more often. CONCLUSIONS: If timely postnatal home visits are to occur, CHWs need realistic catchment areas that reflect their workload. Inaccessible areas may need their own CHW. Good notification systems are essential, families will notify CHWs if they have a clear reasons to do so, and more work is needed on how to ensure notification systems function. Work ethic was a clear influencer on whether home visits occur, studies to date have focused on understanding the motivation of CHWs as a group, more studies on understanding motivation at an individual level are needed

    Drinking water salinity and raised blood pressure: evidence from a cohort study in coastal Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: Millions of coastal inhabitants in Southeast Asia have been experiencing increasing sodium concentrations in their drinking-water sources, likely partially due to climate change. High (dietary) sodium intake has convincingly been proven to increase risk of hypertension; it remains unknown, however, whether consumption of sodium in drinking water could have similar effects on health. OBJECTIVES: We present the results of a cohort study in which we assessed the effects of drinking-water sodium (DWS) on blood pressure (BP) in coastal populations in Bangladesh. METHODS: DWS, BP, and information on personal, lifestyle, and environmental factors were collected from 581 participants. We used generalized linear latent and mixed methods to model the effects of DWS on BP and assessed the associations between changes in DWS and BP when participants experienced changing sodium levels in water, switched from "conventional" ponds or tube wells to alternatives [managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and rainwater harvesting] that aimed to reduce sodium levels, or experienced a combination of these changes. RESULTS: DWS concentrations were highly associated with BP after adjustments for confounding factors. Furthermore, for each 100 mg/L reduction in sodium in drinking water, systolic/diastolic BP was lower on average by 0.95/0.57 mmHg, and odds of hypertension were lower by 14%. However, MAR did not consistently lower sodium levels. CONCLUSIONS: DWS is an important source of daily sodium intake in salinity-affected areas and is a risk factor for hypertension. Considering the likely increasing trend in coastal salinity, prompt action is required. Because MAR showed variable effects, alternative technologies for providing reliable, safe, low-sodium fresh water should be developed alongside improvements in MAR and evaluated in "real-life" salinity-affected settings

    Adherence to EAT-Lancet dietary recommendations for health and sustainability in the Gambia

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    Facilitating dietary change is pivotal to improving population health, increasing food system resilience, and minimizing adverse impacts on the environment, but assessment of the current 'status-quo' and identification of bottlenecks for improvement has been lacking to date. We assessed deviation of the Gambian diet from the EAT-Lancet guidelines for healthy and sustainable diets and identified leverage points to improve nutritional and planetary health. We analysed the 2015/16 Gambian Integrated Household Survey dataset comprising food consumption data from 12 713 households. Consumption of different food groups was compared against the EAT-Lancet reference diet targets to assess deviation from the guidelines. We computed a 'sustainable and healthy diet index (SHDI)' based on deviation of different food groups from the EAT-Lancet recommendations and modelled the socio-economic and geographic determinants of households that achieved higher scores on this index, using multivariable mixed effects regression. The average Gambian diet had very low adherence to EAT-Lancet recommendations. The diet was dominated by refined grains and added sugars which exceeded the recommendations. SHDI scores for nutritionally important food groups such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy, poultry, and beef and lamb were low. Household characteristics associated with higher SHDI scores included: being a female-headed household, having a relatively small household size, having a schooled head of the household, having a high wealth index, and residing in an urban settlement. Furthermore, diets reported in the dry season and households with high crop production diversity showed increased adherence to the targets. While average Gambian diets include lower amounts of food groups with harmful environmental footprint, they are also inadequate in healthy food groups and are high in sugar. There are opportunities to improve diets without increasing their environmental footprint by focusing on the substitution of refined grains by wholegrains, reducing sugar and increasing fruit and vegetables consumption

    Mapping global research on climate and health using machine learning (a systematic evidence map)

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    Climate change is already affecting health in populations around the world, threatening to undermine the past 50 years of global gains in public health. Health is not only affected by climate change via many causal pathways, but also by the emissions that drive climate change and their co-pollutants. Yet there has been relatively limited synthesis of key insights and trends at a global scale across fragmented disciplines. Compounding this, an exponentially increasing literature means that conventional evidence synthesis methods are no longer sufficient or feasible. Here, we outline a protocol using machine learning approaches to systematically synthesize global evidence on the relationship between climate change, climate variability, and weather (CCVW) and human health. We will use supervised machine learning to screen over 300,000 scientific articles, combining terms related to CCVW and human health. Our inclusion criteria comprise articles published between 2013 and 2020 that focus on empirical assessment of: CCVW impacts on human health or health-related outcomes or health systems; relate to the health impacts of mitigation strategies; or focus on adaptation strategies to the health impacts of climate change. We will use supervised machine learning (topic modeling) to categorize included articles as relevant to impacts, mitigation, and/or adaptation, and extract geographical location of studies. Unsupervised machine learning using topic modeling will be used to identify and map key topics in the literature on climate and health, with outputs including evidence heat maps, geographic maps, and narrative synthesis of trends in climate-health publishing. To our knowledge, this will represent the first comprehensive, semi-automated, systematic evidence synthesis of the scientific literature on climate and health

    Addressing future food demand in The Gambia: can increased crop productivity and climate change adaptation close the supply–demand gap?

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    With rising demand for food and the threats posed by climate change, The Gambia faces significant challenges in ensuring sufficient and nutritious food for its population. To address these challenges, there is a need to increase domestic food production while limiting deforestation and land degradation. In this study, we modified the FABLE Calculator, a food and land-use system model, to focus on The Gambia to simulate scenarios for future food demand and increasing domestic food production. We considered the impacts of climate change on crops, the adoption of climate change adaptation techniques, as well as the potential of enhanced fertiliser use and irrigation to boost crop productivity, and assessed whether these measures would be sufficient to meet the projected increase in food demand. Our results indicate that domestic food production on existing cropland will not be sufficient to meet national food demand by 2050, leading to a significant supply–demand gap. However, investments in fertiliser availability and the development of sustainable irrigation infrastructure, coupled with climate change adaptation strategies like the adoption of climate-resilient crop varieties and optimised planting dates, could halve this gap. Addressing the remaining gap will require additional strategies, such as increasing imports, expanding cropland, or prioritising the production of domestic food crops over export crops. Given the critical role imports play in The Gambia’s food supply, it is essential to ensure a robust flow of food imports by diversifying partners and addressing regional trade barriers. Our study highlights the urgent need for sustained investment and policy support to enhance domestic food production and food imports to secure sufficient and healthy food supplies amidst growing demand and climate change challenges