4 research outputs found
Medial vermittelte Narrationen ĂĽber die Energiewende in energieintensiven Unternehmen
In dem Beitrag wird das in weiten Teilen konfliktäre Verhältnis energieintensiver Unternehmen der Stahl- und Chemiebranche zur deutschen Energiewende – insbesondere mit Blick auf die EEG-Umlage und deren Ausnahmeregelungen – analysiert. Ausgangslage des Forschungsinteresses war das im öffentlich-medialen Diskurs präsente Spannungsverhältnis ökonomischer Partikularinteressen (der deutschen Industrie) und ökologischer Zielvorgaben zur CO2-Reduktion. Ziel war es, dieses Spannungsverhältnis im Zuge einer Medienanalyse im Zeitraum vom 01.07.2013 bis 30.06.2016 näher und mit Blick auf abzuleitende idealtypische Narrationen zu bestimmen. Es wurden sieben idealtypische Narrationen herausgearbeitet, welche das Verhältnis der energieintensiven Stahl- und Chemiebranche zur Energiewende und ihren gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen beschreibt. Diese Narrationen reichen von der Erzählung der deutschen Industrie als Held und Opfer über die Erzählung vom Kulturopfer bis hin zur Erzählung von der Harmonisierung von Ökologie und Ökonomie.
The article analyses the conflicting relationship between energy-intensive companies in the steel and chemical industry and the German energy transition, especially in reference to the EEG reallocation charge and its special equalization scheme. Our research interest is based on the public media discourse on the tense relationship between economic interests (of German industry) and ecological targets for CO2-reduction. The goal was to determine this relationship through a media analysis in the period from 01.07.2013 to 30.06.2016 to derive ideal-typical narratives. In the end seven ideal-typical narratives were identified. These narratives range from the story of German industry as a hero and victim to the story of the sacrifice of culture up to the story of the harmonisation of ecology and economy.
(peer reviewed
Die Verstetigung von Reallaboren im Spannungsfeld theoretischer Konzeption und praktischer Umsetzung - eine empirische Untersuchung
Die Verstetigung urbaner Reallabore kann einen substanziellen Beitrag zu einer gelingenden sozial-ökologischen Transformation leisten. Der Artikel umfasst eine Untersuchung ausgewählter drittmittelfinanzierter Forschungsprojekte, in welcher auf Grundlage einer kategorialen Annäherung an den Verstetigungsbegriff eruiert wird, wie sich der drittmittelfinanzierte Projektrahmen auf die Verstetigung von Reallaboren auswirkt. Die Untersuchung wurde mittels eines teil-standardisierten Fragebogens und einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse projektbezogener Ergebnisdokumentationen durchgeführt. Um diesem Forschungsvorhaben nachgehen zu können, wurden Ausprägungen der Themenfelder Verstetigung, Transferierbarkeit, Beitrag zur Transformation, Reflexivität und Lernprozesse sowie Transdisziplinarität erhoben. Im Zuge der Ergebnisdarstellung wird eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Umsetzung von Reallaborkonzepten vorgenommen.The continuation and stabilization of urban real-world laboratories has the potential to contribute substantially to a successful socio-ecological transformation. Implementing actors face challenges which include time constraints related to project funding and the complexity of transdisciplinary research logic and practice. Selected externally funded research projects are assessed in terms of continuity, transferability, contribution to transformation, reflexivity and learning processes and transdisciplinarity to determine how project frameworks affect the continuity of real-world laboratory elements. The findings indicate a tendency towards a successful continuation of multi-stakeholder collaborations. A structural continuation of real-world laboratory activities by practitioners is also proven to be possible in various constellations. The termination of donor funded infrastructure and resources remains a major obstacle due to short project durations. The criteria of transdisciplinary research are accompanied by additional demands on the scientists, which in turn promote the increase in knowledge of method development and application, but must also be considered in the context of a lower output of peer-reviewed articles
Making the energy transition happen : intermediaries as "driving force" of local energy projects ; a case study in South Westphalia, Germany
A case study in the rural area of South Westphalia, Germany, showed the importance of independent intermediaries to support the development and implementation of sustainable energy and efficiency projects. The idea behind the project "Dorf ist Energie(klug)" (Village is Energy(smart)) was to foster, accompany, and support energy and efficiency projects in villages from the first idea to final implementation. Therefore, the South Westphalia Agency as independent intermediary initiated an application process in which villages could apply with their innovative energy and efficiency project ideas. During the following process the chosen "coaching villages" benefitted from the consultation of teams of thematic experts. Villages with less developed projects were supported through idea workshops with experts and study visits.
The accompanying scientific study evaluated the overall process focussing on the transferability, the sustainability and the quality of the process. Furthermore, a self evaluation tool for (energy) projects in villages was developed and tested in two of the participating coaching villages.
The paper gives a short insight into the project "Dorf ist Energie(klug)". It presents the methodology of the accompanying study and the results with a special focus on the role of the South Westphalia Agency as independent intermediary. Finally, it discusses the transferability and sustainability of the project
The continuation of urban real-world laboratories between theoretical conception and practical implementation
The continuation and stabilization of urban real-world laboratories has the potential to contribute substantially to a successful socio-ecological transformation. Implementing actors face challenges which include time constraints related to project funding and the complexity of transdisciplinary research logic and practice. Selected externally funded research projects are assessed in terms of continuity, transferability, contribution to transformation, reflexivity and learning processes and transdisciplinarity to determine how project frameworks affect the continuity of real-world laboratory elements. The findings indicate a tendency towards a successful continuation of multi-stakeholder collaborations. A structural ontinuation of real-world laboratory activities by practitioners is also proven to be possible in various constellations. The termination of donor funded infrastructure and resources remains a major obstacle due to short project durations. The criteria of transdisciplinary research are accompanied by additional demands on the scientists, which in turn promote the increase in knowledge of method development and application, but must also be considered in the context of a lower output of peer-reviewed articles