2,473 research outputs found

    Correlated random fields in dielectric and spin glasses

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    Both orientational glasses and dipolar glasses possess an intrinsic random field, coming from the volume difference between impurity and host ions. We show this suppresses the glass transition, causing instead a crossover to the low TT phase. Moreover the random field is correlated with the inter-impurity interactions, and has a broad distribution. This leads to a peculiar variant of the Imry-Ma mechanism, with 'domains' of impurities oriented by a few frozen pairs. These domains are small: predictions of domain size are given for specific systems, and their possible experimental verification is outlined. In magnetic glasses in zero field the glass transition survives, because the random fields are disallowed by time-reversal symmetry; applying a magnetic field then generates random fields, and suppresses the spin glass transition.Comment: minor modifications, final versio

    HE 0435-1223: a wide separation quadruple QSO and gravitational lens

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    We report the discovery of a new gravitationally lensed QSO, at a redshift z = 1.689, with four QSO components in a cross-shaped arrangement around a bright galaxy. The maximum separation between images is 2.6 arcsec, enabling a reliable decomposition of the system. Three of the QSO components have g = 19.6, while component A is about 0.6 mag brighter. The four components have nearly identical colours, suggesting little if any dust extinction in the foreground galaxy. The lensing galaxy is prominent in the i band, weaker in r and not detected in g. Its spatial profile is that of an elliptical galaxy with a scale length of ∌\sim 12 kpc. Combining the measured colours and a mass model for the lens, we estimate a most likely redshift range of 0.3 < z < 0.4. Predicted time delays between the components are \la 10 days. The QSO shows evidence for variability, with total g band magnitudes of 17.89 and 17.71 for two epochs separated by ∌2\sim 2 months. However, the relative fluxes of the components did not change, indicating that the variations are intrinsic to the QSO rather than induced by microlensing.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    HE 0047-1756: A new gravitationally lensed double QSO

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    The quasar HE 0047-1756, at z=1.67, is found to be split into two images 1.44" apart by an intervening galaxy acting as a gravitational lens. The flux ratio for the two components is roughly 3.5:1, depending slightly upon wavelength. The lensing galaxy is seen on images obtained at 800 nm and 2.1 \mu; there is also a nearby faint object which may be responsible for some shear. The spectra of the two quasar images are nearly identical, but the emission line ratio between the two components scale differently from the continuum. Moreover, the fainter component has a bluer continuum slope than the brighter one. We argue that these small differences are probably due to microlensing. There are hints of an Einstein ring emanating from the brighter image toward the fainter one.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to A&A Letter

    External Shear in Quadruply Imaged Lens Systems

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    We use publicly available N-body simulations and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to estimate the levels of external shear due to structure near the lens in gravitational lens systems. We also describe two selection effects, specific to four-image systems, that enhance the probability of observing systems to have higher external shear. Ignoring additional contributions from "cosmic shear" and assuming that lens galaxies are not significantly flattened, we find that the mean shear at the position of a quadruple lens galaxy is 0.11, the rms shear is roughly 0.15, and there is roughly a 45% likelihood of external shear greater than 0.1. This is much larger than previous estimates and in good agreement with typical measured external shear. The higher shear primarily stems from the tendency of early-type galaxies, which are the majority of lenses, to reside in overdense regions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, ApJ in press, minor revision

    What are the interactions in quantum glasses?

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    The form of the low-temperature interactions between defects in neutral glasses is reconsidered. We analyse the case where the defects can be modelled either as simple 2-level tunneling systems, or tunneling rotational impurities. The coupling to strain fields is determined up to 2nd order in the displacement field. It is shown that the linear coupling generates not only the usual 1/r31/r^3 Ising-like interaction between the rotational tunneling defect modes, which cause them to freeze around a temperature TGT_G, but also a random field term. At lower temperatures the inversion symmetric tunneling modes are still active - however the coupling of these to the frozen rotational modes, now via the 2nd-order coupling to phonons, generates another random field term acting on the inversion symmetric modes (as well as shorter-range 1/r51/r^5 interactions between them). Detailed expressions for all these couplings are given.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Minor modifications, published versio

    The Luminosity Function of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey

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    We present the RR-band luminosity function for a sample of 18678 galaxies, with average redshift z=0.1z = 0.1, from the Las Campanas Redshift Survey. The luminosity function may be fit by a Schechter function with M∗=−20.29±0.02+5log⁥hM^* = -20.29 \pm 0.02 + 5 \log h, α=−0.70±0.05\alpha = -0.70 \pm 0.05, and $\phi^* = 0.019 \pm 0.001 \ h^3 Mpc~Mpc^{-3},forabsolutemagnitudes, for absolute magnitudes -23.0 \leq M - 5 \log h \leq -17.5.Wecompareourluminosityfunctiontothatfromotherredshiftsurveys;inparticularournormalizationisconsistentwiththatoftheStromlo−APMsurvey,andisthereforeafactoroftwobelowthatimpliedbythe. We compare our luminosity function to that from other redshift surveys; in particular our normalization is consistent with that of the Stromlo-APM survey, and is therefore a factor of two below that implied by the b_J \approx 20brightgalaxycounts.Ournormalizationthusindicatesthatmuchmoreevolutionisneededtomatchthefaintgalaxycountdata,comparedtominimalevolutionmodelswhichnormalizeat bright galaxy counts. Our normalization thus indicates that much more evolution is needed to match the faint galaxy count data, compared to minimal evolution models which normalize at b_J \approx 20.Also,weshowthatourfaint−endslope. Also, we show that our faint-end slope \alpha = -0.7,though‘‘shallowerâ€Čâ€Čthantypicalpreviousvalues, though ``shallower'' than typical previous values \alpha = -1,resultsprimarilyfromfittingthedetailedshapeoftheLCRSluminosityfunction,ratherthanfromanyabsenceofintrinsicallyfaintgalaxiesfromoursurvey.Finally,using[OII]3727equivalentwidth, results primarily from fitting the detailed shape of the LCRS luminosity function, rather than from any absence of intrinsically faint galaxies from our survey. Finally, using [OII] 3727 equivalent width W_{\lambda} = 5 A˚ asthedividingline,wefindsignificantdifferencesintheluminosityfunctionsofemissionandnon−emissiongalaxies,particularlyintheir~\AA \ as the dividing line, we find significant differences in the luminosity functions of emission and non-emission galaxies, particularly in their \alphavalues.EmissiongalaxieshaveSchechterparameters values. Emission galaxies have Schechter parameters M^* = -20.03 \pm 0.03 + 5 \log hand and \alpha = -0.9 \pm 0.1,whilenon−emissiongalaxiesaredescribedby, while non-emission galaxies are described by M^* = -20.22 \pm 0.02 + 5 \log hand and \alpha = -0.3 \pm 0.1$. (abridged abstract)Comment: 41 pages, including 13 postscript figures, uses AASTEX v4.0 style files. Important clarification of R-band definition, plus correction of luminosity densities and updated references. Main conclusions unchanged. Final version to appear in Ap

    The Gravitational Lens Candidate FBQ 1633+3134

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    We present our ground-based optical imaging, spectral analysis, and high resolution radio mapping of the gravitational lens candidate FBQ 1633+3134. This z=1.52, B=17.7 quasar appears double on CCD images with an image separation of 0.66 arcseconds and a flux ratio of ~3:1 across BVRI filters. A single 0.27 mJy radio source is detected at 8.46 GHz, coincident to within an arcsecond of both optical components, but no companion at radio wavelengths is detected down to a flux level of 0.1 mJy (3 sigma). Spectral observations reveal a rich metal-line absorption system consisting of a strong Mg II doublet and associated Fe I and Fe II absorption features, all at an intervening redshift of z=0.684, suggestive of a lensing galaxy. Point spread function subtraction however shows no obvious signs of a third object between the two quasar images, and places a detection limit of I > 23.0 if such an object exists. Although the possibility that FBQ 1633+3134 is a binary quasar cannot be ruled out, the evidence is consistent with it being a single quasar lensed by a faint, metal-rich galaxy.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by AJ. A calibration error affecting B and V band apparent magnitudes has been corrected. The conclusions of the paper are not change
