2,774 research outputs found

    Quantum spin glass in anisotropic dipolar systems

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    The spin-glass phase in the \LHx compound is considered. At zero transverse field this system is well described by the classical Ising model. At finite transverse field deviations from the transverse field quantum Ising model are significant, and one must take properly into account the hyperfine interactions, the off-diagonal terms in the dipolar interactions, and details of the full J=8 spin Hamiltonian to obtain the correct physical picture. In particular, the system is not a spin glass at finite transverse fields and does not show quantum criticality.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Condens. Matter (proceedings of the HFM2006 conference

    Quantum spin glass and the dipolar interaction

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    Systems in which the dipolar energy dominates the magnetic interaction, and the crystal field generates strong anisotropy favoring the longitudinal interaction terms, are considered. Such systems in external magnetic field are expected to be a good experimental realization of the transverse field Ising model. With random interactions this model yields a spin glass to paramagnet phase transition as function of the transverse field. Here we show that the off-diagonal dipolar interaction, although effectively reduced, destroys the spin glass order at any finite transverse field. Moreover, the resulting correlation length is shown to be small near the crossover to the paramagnetic phase, in agreement with the behavior of the nonlinear susceptibility in the experiments on \LHx. Thus, we argue that the in these experiments a cross-over to the paramagnetic phase, and not quantum criticality, was observed.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Semi-leptonic Ds+D_s^+(1968) decays as a scalar meson probe

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    The unusual multiplet structures associated with the light spin zero mesons have recently attracted a good deal of theoretical attention. Here we discuss some aspects associated with the possibility of getting new experimental information on this topic from semi-leptonic decays of heavy charged mesons into an isosinglet scalar or pseudoscalar plus leptons.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Doubly perturbed S3S_3 neutrinos and the s13s_{13} mixing parameter

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    We further study a predictive model for the masses and mixing matrix of three Majorana neutrinos. At zeroth order the model yielded degenerate neutrinos and a generalized ``tribimaximal" mixing matrix. At first order the mass splitting was incorporated and the tribimaximal mixing matrix emerged with very small corrections but with a zero value for the parameter s13s_{13}. In the present paper a different, assumed weaker, perturbation is included which gives a non zero value for s13s_{13} and further corrections to other quantities. These corrections are worked out and their consequences discussed under the simplifying assumption that the conventional CP violation phase vanishes. It is shown that the existing measurements of the parameter s23s_{23} provide strong bounds on s13s_{13} in this model.Comment: 8 page

    Comment on ``Confirmation of the Sigma Meson''

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    We comment on the recent paper by N.A. Tornqvist and M. Roos published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1575 (1996).Comment: 3 pages (LaTeX), 1 PostScript Figur

    An approach to permutation symmetry for the electroweak theory

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    The form of the leptonic mixing matrix emerging from experiment has, in the last few years, generated a lot of interest in the so-called tribimaximal type. This form may be naturally associated with the possibility of a discrete permutation symmetry (S3S_3) among the three generations. However, trying to implement this attractive symmetry has resulted in some problems and it seems to have fallen out of favor. We suggest an approach in which the S3S_3 holds to first approximation, somewhat in the manner of the old SU(3) flavor symmetry of the three flavor quark model. It is shown that in the case of the neutrino sector, a presently large experimentally allowed region can be fairly well described in this first approximation. We briefly discuss the nature of the perturbations which are the analogs of the Gell-Mann Okubo perturbations but confine our attention for the most part to the S3S_3 invariant model. We postulate that the S3S_3 invariant mass spectrum consists of non zero masses for the (τ,b,t)(\tau,b,t) and zero masses for the other charged fermions but approximately degenerate masses for the three neutrinos. The mixing matrices are assumed to be trivial for the charged fermions but of tribimaximal type for the neutrinos in the first approximation. It is shown that this can be implemented by allowing complex entries for the mass matrix and spontaneous breakdown of the S3S_3 invariance of the Lagrangian.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections and acknowledgment added. To appear in IJM

    Case Report: Psychotherapy of a 10-year-old Afghani refugee with post-traumatic stress disorder and dissociative absences.

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    Violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the context of war and terrorism has become an increasingly pressing public health issue relevant to refugee children and families. PTSD and related psychopathology in children can adversely affect all domains of development and, in particular, interfere with learning and socialization. When the experience of violent trauma and related loss is shared with the entire family, resulting impairment and distress may prevent caregivers from being psychologically available to process their traumatized children's emotional communication and otherwise meet their children's developmental needs. When children suffer from PTSD, it may be impossible to put their experience and related thoughts and feelings into words, let alone a coherent narrative. The latter difficulty can be even more pronounced when the child displays dissociative symptoms, possibly signaling a dissociative subtype of PTSD. Thus, the narrative within the child's play during psychotherapy becomes all the more important as an indicator of the child's internal world. This case report is an example both of evaluation and of psychotherapy that is both psychodynamic and trauma-informed with a 10-year-old Afghani boy who suffered the violent loss of his father at age of 3 years, leading to his immigration to Switzerland. This paper addresses the question of how the psychotherapist can accompany the child through the elaboration of his trauma and how the therapist can contribute to the co-construction of a coherent narrative of the child's experience and to the restoration of an intersubjective connection between the traumatized child and caregiver