30 research outputs found

    Polyominoes and Polyiamonds as Fundamental Domains of Isohedral Tilings with Rotational Symmetry

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    We describe computer algorithms that produce the complete set of isohedral tilings by n-omino or n-iamond tiles in which the tiles are fundamental domains and the tilings have 3-, 4-, or 6-fold rotational symmetry. The symmetry groups of such tilings are of types p3, p31m, p4, p4g, and p6. There are no isohedral tilings with symmetry groups p3m1, p4m, or p6m that have polyominoes or polyiamonds as fundamental domains. We display the algorithms' output and give enumeration tables for small values of n. This expands on our earlier works (Fukuda et al 2006, 2008)

    Escher: mathématicien malgré lui

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    Une imagevaut rnille mots. .. c’est ainsi que I’oeuvre graphique de I’artiste hollandais M.C. Escher (1898-1972) a gag ne I’intĂ©rĂȘt des mathĂ©maticiens par son expression visuelle Ă©clairĂ©e de concepts abstraits. Toutefois, seulement une fraction de I’habiletĂ© mathĂ©matique d’Escher transparaĂźt dans son oeuvre achevee. Escher niait violemment toute comprĂ©hension des mathĂ©matiques, malgrĂ© le fait qu’il reconnaissait avoir plus d’affinitĂ©s avec les mathĂ©maticiens qu’avec les autres artistes. Sans doute que son idĂ©e des mathĂ©matiques en Ă©tait une de manipulation de symboles et de creation de formu les, ou de production ou de dĂ©chiffrement de textes abracadabrants. Toutefois, Escher Ă©tait un mathĂ©maticien, un vĂ©ritable chercheur, qui explora plusieurs questions mathĂ©matiques liĂ©es aux pavages coloriĂ©s du plan. Il se crĂ©a lui-mĂȘme un ensemble de catĂ©gories, il inventa une notation de classification et, tout en faisant fi du systĂ©me et des restrictions “reconnus”. et imposĂ©s par les mathĂ©maticiens et les cristallographes, il explora plus en profondeur que tous ces “professionnels” les questions soulevĂ©es par les pavag es pĂ©riodiques du plan. Ses cahiers de notes de 1941 -1942 rĂ©vĂšlent I’ampleur des recherches de ce mathĂ©maticien d’arriĂšre-boutique.A picture is worth a thousand words.. , and so the graphic work of the Dutch artist, M.C. Escher (1898-1972), has been captured by mathematicians for its clever visual expression of abstract concepts. However, Escher’sfinished graphics show onlyafraction of his mathematical ability. Escher hotly denied understanding any mathematics, although he acknowledged more affinity with mathematicians than other artists. No doubt his idea of mathematics was manipulating symbols and creating formulas, or producing or deciphering “hocus pocus” texts. However, Escher was a mathematician, a true researcher, exploring many mathematical questions arising from colored tilings of the plane. He created for himself a set of categories, invented a notation of classification, and ignoring the “accepted” system and restrictions imposed by mathematicians and crystallographers, explored more deeply than any of these ‘professionals’, questions of colored periodic tilings of the plane. His notebooks of 1941-1942 reveal the extent of the explorations of this closet mathematician.Peer Reviewe

    Escher Centennial Conference on M.C. Escher's Legacy

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    M. C. Esther’s legacy: A centennial celebration

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    Applying Burnside’s lemma to a one-dimensional

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    Our point of departure is the paper [7] in which a problem of M. C. Escher is solved using methods of contemporary combinatorics, in particular, Burnside’s lemma. Escher originally determined (by laborously examining multitudes of sketches) how many different patterns would result by repeatedly translating a 2 × 2 square having its four unit squares filled with copies of an asymmetric motif in any of four aspects. In this note we simplify the problem from two dimensions to one dimension but at the same time we generalize it from the case in which a 2 × 2 block stamps out a repeating planar pattern to the case in which a 1 × n block stamps out a repeating strip pattern. The 1 × 2 case Suppose we are tiling a strip by a single rectangle containing an asymmetric motif, say, a motif taken from South African beadwork which is a rectangle divided by a diagonal into two triangles, one solid red, and the other yellow with a green stripe. The original motif has three additional aspects, namely the motif rotated by 180 ◩ , reflected in a vertical line and in a horizontal line. We note the motif by b and its other aspects as follows: b = p = q = d = since the letters p, q and d are the corresponding aspects of the letter b under these transformations. This notation was first introduced in [9] to encode the symmetry groups of strip patterns. Assume that we may select any two aspects from {b, q} (with repetition allowed) to form a signature for a 1 × 2 block of two rectangle

    Math and art in the mountains

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