4 research outputs found

    Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab

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    The superconducting radio frequency photoelectron injector SRF photoinjector , now under commissioning at the SEALab accelerator test facility, has the potential to cover a fast area of beam parameters. Electron bunches from fs to ps length, with fC to nC charge can be accelerated to a couple of MeV beam energy. The legacy from the energy recovery linac ERL test facility bERLinPro, the foundation of SEALab, allows us to operate the SRF photoinjector at very high repetition rate, with energy recovery ERL , in a sustainable way for fundamental accelerator research into novel, energy efficient electron accelerators. In this paper preparatory work for two applications is detailed. One is the use of the SRF photoinjector as a direct beam source for ultrafast scattering experiments with high 6D coherence, the other are experiments towards an ERL application for high energy physics at high average curren

    Qualification and Integration Aspects of the DSSC Mega-Pixel X-Ray Imager

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    The focal-plane module is the key component of the DEPFET sensor with signal compression (DSSC) mega-pixel X-ray imager and handles the data of 128 ×512 pixels. We report on assembly-related aspects, discuss the experimental investigation of bonding behavior of different adhesives, and present the metrology and electrical test results of the production. The module consists of two silicon (Si) sensors with flip-chip connected CMOS integrated circuits, a Si-heat spreader, a low-temperature co-fired ceramics circuit board, and a molybdenum frame. A low-modulus urethane-film adhesive fills the gaps between on-board components and frame. It is also used between board and heat spreader, reduces the misfit strain, and minimizes the module warpage very efficiently. The heat spreader reduces the on-board temperature gradient by about one order of magnitude. The placement precision of the bare modules to each other and the frame is characterized by a standard deviation below 10 and 65 μ m, respectively. The displacement due to the in-plane rotation and vertical tilting errors remains below 80 and 50 μm, respectively. The deflection of the sensor plane shows a mean value below 30 μm with a standard deviation below 15 μm. Less than 4% of the application-specified integrated circuits (ASICs) exhibit a malfunction. More than two-thirds of the sensors have a maximum leakage current below 1 μA

    bERLinPro Becomes SEALab Status and Perspective of the Energy Recovery Linac at HZB

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    Since end of the year 2020 the energy recovery linac ERL project bERLinPro of Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin has been officially completed. But what is the status of this facility, the next scientific goals in the framework of accelerator physics at HZB, what are the perspectives? To reflect the continuation of this endeavor and the broadening of applications of this machine from high current SRF based energy recovery concept up to an ultrafast electron diffraction UED facility producing shortest electron pulses, the facility is now named Sealab, Superconducting RF Electron Accelerator Laboratory. In this contribution, an overview of lessons learned so far, the status of the machine, the coming set up and commissioning steps with an outlook to midterm and future applications will be given. In summary, Sealab will expand, including the ERL application, and become a general accelerator physics and technology test machine to employ UED as a first study case and will also be an ideal testbed to investigate new control schemes based on digital twins or machine learning method