19 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of soil and vegetation of large petrochemical complex of Tobolsk

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    For the study, sites were selected that were located in the immediate vicinity of the construction site of a large petrochemical complex. The chemical composition of the total phytomass of monitoring sites was determined. The accumulation range, the most accumulated heavy metals and trace elements, varied within the limits: Zn (0,88-5,45); Cd (0.10-0.13); Co (0.20-0.18); Pb (0.42-0.52); Cr (0.14-1.48); Ni (1.72-5.19) mg / kg. The biogenic and salt compositions of the soil were studied. It was revealed that the soils of the plots are nonsaline, slightly acidic, biogenic elements are concentrated in the upper horizons

    Исследование влияния ZrW2O8 на структурно-фазовое состояние и свойства керамических композитов

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    Цель работы – изучение влияния вольфрамата циркония на структурно-фазовое состояние и свойства керамических композитов. В ходе работы были проведены: термический анализ, включающий в себя термогравиметрические исследования и дифференциальную сканирующую калориметрию, рентгеновские и высокотемпературные in situ рентгеновские исследования, изучение свойств и морфологии полученных композитов. В результате исследования изучен фазовый состав и морфология исходных порошков Al2O3 и ZrW2O7(OH)2•2H2O. Определены фазовые превращения исследуемой смеси при нагревании. Методом горячего прессования получен композиционный материал Al2O3 – ZrW2O8. Показано, что изменения параметров горячего прессования приводит к качественному изменению состава керамических композитов.The aim of the work is to study the effect of zirconium tungstate on the structural – phase state and properties of ceramic composites. In the course of the work were carried out: thermal analysis, including thermogravimetric studies and differential scanning calorimetry, x-ray and high-temperature in situ x-ray studies, the study of the properties and morphology of the composites. The study studied the phase composition and morphology of the initial powders Al2O3 and ZrW2O7(OH)2•2H2O. The phase transformations of the mixture under study were determined by heating. By hot pressing the composite material Al2O3 – ZrW2O8 is obtained. It is shown that changes in the parameters of hot pressing leads to a qualitative change in the composition of ceramic composites

    Влияние масштабного фактора на параметры механоэлектрических преобразований в железобетонных балках в условиях изгиба

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    В данной работе проведены исследования железобетонных изделий разного размера в процессе непрерывного испытания в условиях четырехточечного изгиба. Был проведен сравнительный анализ изменения максимального коэффициента взаимной корреляции спектра электрического сигнала от величины приложенной нагрузки и показано влияние размера изделия на параметры электрического отклика.In the thesis studies of reinforced concrete products of different sizes during the process of continuous testing under conditions of four-point bending were carried out. A comparative analysis of the change in the maximum cross-correlation coefficient of the electric signal spectrum versus the applied load was made, and the influence of the product size on the electric response parameters was shown

    Infektionsmedizinische und chirurgische Herausforderungen durch Carbapenem-resistente bakterielle Erreger bei der Versorgung Kriegsverletzter aus der Ukraine

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    Aufgrund von Hygienedefiziten und dem sehr breiten, kalkulierten Antibiotikaeinsatz bei zeit¬gleich offener Wundbehandlung in ukrainischen Militärkrankenhäusern ist das Risiko für schwerwiegende Wundinfektionen mit multiresis¬tenten Erregern (MRE) bei Übernahme ziviler Kriegsopfer hoch. Insofern kommt der Surveillance mit risikoadaptiertem Screening auf MRE, welches am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig seit 2012 durchgeführt wird, eine große Bedeutung zu. Es werden die Komplexität der Versorgung Kriegsverletzter aus der Ukraine sowie die damit einhergehenden Infektions- und Resistenzprobleme dargestellt und auf die Notwendigkeit eines interdisziplinären und -professionellen Managements hingewiesen.Peer Reviewe

    Untersuchung zu (epi)genetischen Veränderungen auf Chromosom 11p15 und ihre funktionelle Relevanz bei Patienten mit Silver-Russell-Syndrom

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    Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is a heterogenous syndrome which is mainly associated with severe intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation. Typical facial dysmorphisms and further characteristic symptoms can additionally be observed. So far the clinical diagnosis can not be confirmed in all patients with SRS. ~38-63% of SRS patients carry (epi)genetic mutations in 11p15 and in ~7-10% defects on chromosome 7 can be detected. One of the main tasks of this doctoral thesis was the analyses of (epi)genetic changes in the chromosomal region 11p15 and the verification of their functional relevance for the etiology of SRS. Therefore methylation-specific analyses were carried out in 72 well characterised patients with SRS, 188 patients referred for routine SRS-diagnostics and additional 108 patients with isolated growth retardation. Recently Gicquel et al. (2005) firstly detected a hypomethylation of the ICR1 (Imprinting Control Region 1) in 11p15 in patients with SRS. Due to these observations we carried out Multiplex Ligation-dependant Probe Amplification analyses to determine the frequency of this aberration. While 44.4% of the well characterised SRS patients showed hypomethylation of the ICR1, in patients from routine SRS diagnostics a frequency of only 15.3% could be detected. None of the patients with isolated growth retardation showed a hypomethylation of 11p15, thereby confirming the assumption that this epimutation is specific for SRS. Further analyses of the results from this methylation specific assay did not reveal any other so far unknown (epi)genetic disturbances in 11p15, such as methylation defects in the ICR2. Hypomethylation of further imprinted regions in the genome additionally to the ICR1 could also not be detected in the analysed SRS patients. It is well known that some patients with SRS show a maternal duplication in 11p15 always including both imprinting control regions, ICR1 and ICR2. In this study we could detect the first case with a maternal duplication restricted to the ICR2 in 11p15 in a patient with SRS, thus making a relevance of imprinted factors in the ICR2 for the etiology of SRS probable. Investigations on the functional consequence of this duplication were carried out by analysing the expression of the growth relevant and imprinted factor CDKN1C and a further gene (KCNQ1) localised in the duplicated region. In addition to this case we could detect another patient with SRS showing a maternal duplication in 11p15, including both ICRs. Moreover, functional analyses on three variations of the genomic sequence in the SRS-candidate gene H19 have been performed. We therefore carried out expression analyses in cultured HEK293- and Cos7-cells after transfection with constructs containing the different variants. An altered splicing of the H19 mRNA in comparison to wild-type construct could be found in two of the three patients (SR81K; SR93K), therefore indicating a relevance of H19 for the etiology of SRS. In case of the patient SR93K analyses of RNA from lymphocytes could confirm the former results. In addition to the analyses for chromosome 11p15 we performed investigations on disturbances of chromosome 7. Two of the analysed SRS patients showed a segmental uniparental disomy of chromosome 7q, which is a very rare aberration and to date only reported in two further cases of SRS. Therefore, our results clearly support the relevance of this scarce genetic finding. Isolated methylation defects in the imprinted region 7q32 - which might have a functional role in SRS - could not be observed in 54 SRS patients without hypomethylation in 11p15. To determine a possible functional link between the different imprinted regions associated with SRS on chromosome 11 and 7, we carried out analyses to detect potential interchromosomal interactions between these regions. Multicolour-FISH analyses showed a colocalisation of the chromosomal region 11p15 with 7p12-p11.2 (GRB10) and 7q32 (PEG1/MEST) in single placental interphase nuclei. These interactions were always restricted to one allele, which might lead to the assumption that, due to the imprinting of these regions, the association is essential only between the two chromosomes of one defined parental origin. Furthermore quantitative analyses were carried out to show a possible influence of the protein CTCF on the expression of the genes localised in the SRS-candidate regions 7p12-p11.2 and 7q32. CTCF is a regulator of expression and imprinting of various genes, among others for the genes localised in the ICR1. Analyses in placental primary cell cultures clearly showed an inhibition of the PEG1/MEST expression by CTCF. Therefore a common mechanism for the regulation of these two SRS-associated regions is conceivable and might explain their link in the etiology of SRS

    Genetics of Silver-Russell syndrome

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    The centromeric 11p15 imprinting centre is also involved in Silver–Russell syndrome

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    Silver–Russell syndrome (SRS) is a heterogeneous disorder characterised by severe intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation, limb and body asymmetry, a typical facial appearance and less common dysmorphisms. Recently, epimutations and maternal duplications affecting the short arm of chromosome 11 have been shown to have a crucial role in the aetiology of the disease. Disturbances in the same genomic region cause the overgrowth disorder Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). In BWS, mutations in the telomeric as well as in the centromeric imprinting centres (ICR1 and ICR2) in 11p15 can be observed. In SRS, methylation defects in the imprinted region in 11p15 were considered to be restricted to the telomeric ICR1. They can be detected in about 30% of patients. This article reports on the first patient with SRS with a cryptic duplication restricted to the centromeric ICR2 domain in 11p15. The maternally inherited duplication in this patient included a region of 0.76–1 Mbp and affected the genes regulated by the ICR2, among them CDKN1C and LIT1. This study provides evidence for a role for this imprinting centre in the aetiology of SRS and shows that SRS presents a picture genetically opposite to that of BWS