23 research outputs found

    A proof of Jarzynski's non-equilibrium work theorem for dynamical systems that conserve the canonical distribution

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    We present a derivation of the Jarzynski identity and the Crooks fluctuation theorem for systems governed by deterministic dynamics that conserves the canonical distribution such as Hamiltonian dynamics, Nose-Hoover dynamics, Nose-Hoover chains and Gaussian isokinetic dynamics. The proof is based on a relation between the heat absorbed by the system during the non-equilibrium process and the Jacobian of the phase flow generated by the dynamics.Comment: 12 page

    Liquid-vapor transition of systems with mean field universality class

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    We have considered a system where the interaction, v(r) = v_IS(r) + xi^2 v_MF(r), is given as a linear combination of two potentials, each of which being characterized with a well-defined critical behavior: for v_IS(r) we have chosen the potential of the restricted primitive model which is known to belong to the Ising 3D (IS) universality class, while for v_MF(r) we have considered a long-range interaction in the Kac-limit, displaying mean field (MF) behavior. We study the performance of two theoretical approaches and of computer simulations in the critical region for this particular system and give a detailed comparison between theories and simulation of the critical region and the location of the critical point. Both, theory and simulation give evidence that the system belongs to the MF universality class for any positive value of xi and that it shows only non-classical behavior for xi=0. While in this limiting case theoretical approaches are known to fail, we find good agreement for the critical properties between the theoretical approaches and the simulations for xi^2 larger than 0.05.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    A numerical study of a binary Yukawa model in regimes characteristic of globular proteins in solutions

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    The main goal of this paper is to assess the limits of validity, in the regime of low concentration and strong Coulomb coupling (high molecular charges), for a simple perturbative approximation to the radial distribution functions (RDF), based upon a low-density expansion of the potential of mean force and proposed to describe protein-protein interactions in a recent Small-Angle-Scattering (SAS) experimental study. A highly simplified Yukawa (screened Coulomb) model of monomers and dimers of a charged globular protein (β\beta -lactoglobulin) in solution is considered. We test the accuracy of the RDF approximation, as a necessary complementary part of the previous experimental investigation, by comparison with the fluid structure predicted by approximate integral equations and exact Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. In the MC calculations, an Ewald construction for Yukawa potentials has been used to take into account the long-range part of the interactions in the weakly screened cases. Our results confirm that the perturbative first-order approximation is valid for this system even at strong Coulomb coupling, provided that the screening is not too weak (i.e., for Debye length smaller than monomer radius). A comparison of the MC results with integral equation calculations shows that both the hypernetted-chain (HNC) and the Percus-Yevick (PY) closures have a satisfactory behavior under these regimes, with the HNC being superior throughout. The relevance of our findings for interpreting SAS results is also discussed.Comment: Physical Review E, in press (2005

    Transient State Work Fluctuation Theorem for a Driven Classical System

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    We derive the nonequilibrium transient state work fluctuation theorem and also the Jarzynski equality for a classical harmonic oscillator linearly coupled to a harmonic heat bath, which is dragged by an external agent. Coupling with the bath makes the dynamics not only dissipative but also non-Markovian in general. Since we do not assume anything about the spectral nature of the harmonic bath the derivation is not only restricted to the Markovian bath rather it is more general, for a non-Markovian bath

    Theoretical description of phase coexistence in model C60

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    We have investigated the phase diagram of the Girifalco model of C60 fullerene in the framework provided by the MHNC and the SCOZA liquid state theories, and by a Perturbation Theory (PT), for the free energy of the solid phase. We present an extended assessment of such theories as set against a recent Monte Carlo study of the same model [D. Costa et al, J. Chem. Phys. 118:304 (2003)]. We have compared the theoretical predictions with the corresponding simulation results for several thermodynamic properties. Then we have determined the phase diagram of the model, by using either the SCOZA, or the MHNC, or the PT predictions for one of the coexisting phases, and the simulation data for the other phase, in order to separately ascertain the accuracy of each theory. It turns out that the overall appearance of the phase portrait is reproduced fairly well by all theories, with remarkable accuracy as for the melting line and the solid-vapor equilibrium. The MHNC and SCOZA results for the liquid-vapor coexistence, as well as for the corresponding critical points, are quite accurate. All results are discussed in terms of the basic assumptions underlying each theory. We have selected the MHNC for the fluid and the first-order PT for the solid phase, as the most accurate tools to investigate the phase behavior of the model in terms of purely theoretical approaches. The overall results appear as a robust benchmark for further theoretical investigations on higher order C(n>60) fullerenes, as well as on other fullerene-related materials, whose description can be based on a modelization similar to that adopted in this work.Comment: RevTeX4, 15 pages, 7 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Continuous demixing at liquid-vapor coexistence in a symmetrical binary fluid mixture

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    We report a Monte Carlo finite-size scaling study of the demixing transition of a symmetrical Lennard-Jones binary fluid mixture. For equal concentration of species, and for a choice of the unlike-to-like interaction ratio delta=0.7, this transition is found to be continuous at liquid-vapor coexistence. The associated critical end point exhibits Ising-like universality. These findings confirm those of earlier smaller scale simulation studies of the same model, but contradict the findings of recent integral equation and hierarchical reference theory investigations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of Polydispersity and Anisotropy in Colloidal and Protein Solutions: an Integral Equation Approach

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    Application of integral equation theory to complex fluids is reviewed, with particular emphasis to the effects of polydispersity and anisotropy on their structural and thermodynamic properties. Both analytical and numerical solutions of integral equations are discussed within the context of a set of minimal potential models that have been widely used in the literature. While other popular theoretical tools, such as numerical simulations and density functional theory, are superior for quantitative and accurate predictions, we argue that integral equation theory still provides, as in simple fluids, an invaluable technique that is able to capture the main essential features of a complex system, at a much lower computational cost. In addition, it can provide a detailed description of the angular dependence in arbitrary frame, unlike numerical simulations where this information is frequently hampered by insufficient statistics. Applications to colloidal mixtures, globular proteins and patchy colloids are discussed, within a unified framework.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Interdiscip. Sci. Comput. Life Sci. (2011), special issue dedicated to Prof. Lesser Blu

    Accurate determination of the phase diagram of model fullerenes

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    It is by now well established that the self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation (SCOZA) is able to provide accurate data for the location of the liquid-vapour coexistence curve and for the critical point of simple fluids. However, up to now applications of the SCOZA were restricted only to a rather small variety of interatomic potentials. In this contribution we present an extension of the SCOZA which offers access to a considerably larger class of systems. As an example, we present results for model fullerenes \chem{C}n≥60_{n \ge 60} (characterised by the sphericalized Girifalco potentials) and thus contribute to the still open question on the existence of the liquid phase and on the size of the liquid pocket in the phase diagram of fullerenes