13,385 research outputs found

    Goldstone boson currents in a kaon condensed CFL phase

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    We study the stability of the kaon condensed color-flavor locked (CFL) phase of dense quark matter with regard to the formation of a non-zero Goldstone boson current. In the kaon condensed phase there is an electrically charged fermion which becomes gapless near \mu_s^(1) \simeq 1.35\Delta and a neutral fermion which becomes gapless near \mu_s^(2)\simeq 1.61\Delta. Here, \mu_s=m_s^2/(2p_F) is the shift in the Fermi energy due to the strange quark mass m_s and \Delta is the gap in the chiral limit. The transition to the gapless phase is continuous at \mu_s^(1) and first order at \mu_s^(2). We find that the magnetic screening masses are real in the regime \mu_s< \mu_s^(2), but some screening masses are imaginary for \mu_s> \mu_s^(2). We show that there is a very weak current instability for \mu_s>\mu_s^(1) and a more robust instability in a small window near \mu_s^(2). We also show that in the Goldstone boson current phase all components of the magnetic screening mass are real. There is a range of values of \mu_s below 2\Delta in which the magnetic gluon screening masses are imaginary but the phase is stable with respect to electrically neutral fluctuations of the gauge field.Comment: 16 page

    Non-uniqueness of the third post-Newtonian binary point-mass dynamics

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    It is shown that the recently found non-uniqueness of the third post-Newtonian binary point-mass ADM-Hamiltonian is related to the non-uniqueness at the third post-Newtonian approximation of the applied ADM-coordinate conditions.Comment: LaTeX, 2 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Elliptic flow of the dilute Fermi gas: From kinetics to hydrodynamics

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    We use the Boltzmann equation in the relaxation time approximation to study the expansion of a dilute Fermi gas at unitarity. We focus, in particular, on the approach to the hydrodynamic limit. Our main finding are: i) In the regime that has been studied experimentally hydrodynamic effects beyond the Navier-Stokes approximation are small, ii) mean field corrections to the Boltzmann equation are not important, iii) experimental data imply that freezeout occurs very late, that means that the relaxation time remains smaller than the expansion time during the entire evolution of the system, iv) the experimental results also imply that the bulk viscosity is significantly smaller than the shear viscosity of the system.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Mass Terms in Effective Theories of High Density Quark Matter

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    We study the structure of mass terms in the effective theory for quasi-particles in QCD at high baryon density. To next-to-leading order in the 1/pF1/p_F expansion we find two types of mass terms, chirality conserving two-fermion operators and chirality violating four-fermion operators. In the effective chiral theory for Goldstone modes in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase the former terms correspond to effective chemical potentials, while the latter lead to Lorentz invariant mass terms. We compute the masses of Goldstone bosons in the CFL phase, confirming earlier results by Son and Stephanov as well as Bedaque and Sch\"afer. We show that to leading order in the coupling constant gg there is no anti-particle gap contribution to the mass of Goldstone modes, and that our results are independent of the choice of gauge.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    QCD at Finite Density and Color Superconductivity

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    Brief review of current status of the field.Comment: Invited talk at Lattice 99, Pisa, July 1999. 5 pages, 7 fig

    Meson current in the CFL phase

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    We study the stability of the color-flavor locked (CFL) phase of dense quark matter with regard to the formation of a non-zero Goldstone boson current. We show that an instability appears in the vicinity of the point μs=Δ\mu_s=\Delta which marks the appearance of gapless fermion modes in the CFL phase. Here, μs=ms2/(2μ)\mu_s=m_s^2/(2\mu) is the shift in chemical potential due to the strange quark mass and Δ\Delta is the gap in the chiral limit. We show that in the Goldstone boson current phase all components of the magnetic screening mass are real. In this work we do not take into account homogeneous kaon condensation. We study the effects of an instanton induced interaction of the magnitude required to suppress kaon condensation.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, v2: minor improvements, results unchange

    Superdense Matter

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    We review recent work on the phase structure of QCD at very high baryon density. We introduce the phenomenon of color superconductivity and discuss the use of weak coupling methods. We study the phase structure as a function of the number of flavors and their masses. We also introduce effective theories that describe low energy excitations at high baryon density. Finally, we study the possibility of kaon condensation at very large baryon density.Comment: 13 pages, talk at ICPAQGP, Jaipur, India, Nov. 26-30, 2001; to appear in the proceeding

    Phasing of gravitational waves from inspiralling eccentric binaries

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    We provide a method for analytically constructing high-accuracy templates for the gravitational wave signals emitted by compact binaries moving in inspiralling eccentric orbits. By contrast to the simpler problem of modeling the gravitational wave signals emitted by inspiralling {\it circular} orbits, which contain only two different time scales, namely those associated with the orbital motion and the radiation reaction, the case of {\it inspiralling eccentric} orbits involves {\it three different time scales}: orbital period, periastron precession and radiation-reaction time scales. By using an improved `method of variation of constants', we show how to combine these three time scales, without making the usual approximation of treating the radiative time scale as an adiabatic process. We explicitly implement our method at the 2.5PN post-Newtonian accuracy. Our final results can be viewed as computing new `post-adiabatic' short period contributions to the orbital phasing, or equivalently, new short-period contributions to the gravitational wave polarizations, h+,×h_{+,\times}, that should be explicitly added to the `post-Newtonian' expansion for h+,×h_{+,\times}, if one treats radiative effects on the orbital phasing of the latter in the usual adiabatic approximation. Our results should be of importance both for the LIGO/VIRGO/GEO network of ground based interferometric gravitational wave detectors (especially if Kozai oscillations turn out to be significant in globular cluster triplets), and for the future space-based interferometer LISA.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figures, high quality figures upon reques

    Instanton Effects in QCD at High Baryon Density

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    We study instanton effects in QCD at very high baryon density. In this regime instantons are suppressed by a large power of (ΛQCD/μ)(\Lambda_{QCD}/\mu), where ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} is the QCD scale parameter and μ\mu is the baryon chemical potential. Instantons are nevertheless important because they contribute to several physical observables that vanish to all orders in perturbative QCD. We study, in particular, the chiral condensate and its contribution mGB2mm_{GB}^2\sim m to the masses of Goldstone bosons in the CFL phase of QCD with Nf=3N_f=3 flavors. We find that at densities ρ(510)ρ0\rho\sim (5-10) \rho_0, where ρ0\rho_0 is the density of nuclear matter, the result is dominated by large instantons and subject to considerable uncertainties. We suggest that these uncertainties can be addressed using lattice calculations of the instanton density and the pseudoscalar diquark mass in QCD with two colors. We study the topological susceptibility and Witten-Veneziano type mass relations in both Nc=2N_c=2 and Nc=3N_c=3 QCD.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, minor revision

    Patterns of Symmetry Breaking in QCD at High Baryon Density

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    We study the structure of QCD at very large baryon density for an arbitrary number of flavors NfN_f. We provide evidence that for any number of flavors larger than Nf=2N_f=2 chiral symmetry remains broken at asymptotically large chemical potential. For Nc=Nf=3N_c=N_f=3, chiral symmetry breaking follows the standard pattern SU(3)L×SU(3)RSU(3)SU(3)_L\times SU(3)_R\to SU(3), but for Nf>3N_f>3 unusual patterns emerge. We study the case Nf=3N_f=3 in more detail and calculate the magnitude of the chiral order parameters and and in perturbative QCD. We show that, asymptotically, 1/3^{1/3} is much smaller than 1/6^{1/6}. The result can be understood in terms of an approximate discrete symmetry.Comment: 23 pages, revtex, erratum adde