10,009 research outputs found

    The Kohn-Luttinger Effect in Gauge Theories

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    Kohn and Luttinger showed that a many body system of fermions interacting via short range forces becomes superfluid even if the interaction is repulsive in all partial waves. In gauge theories such as QCD the interaction between fermions is long range and the assumptions of Kohn and Luttinger are not satisfied. We show that in a U(1) gauge theory the Kohn-Luttinger phenomenon does not take place. In QCD attractive channels always exist, but there are cases in which the primary pairing channel leaves some fermions ungapped. As an example we consider the unpaired fermion in the 2SC phase of QCD with two flavors. We show that it acquires a very small gap via a mechanism analogous to the Kohn-Luttinger effect. The gap is too small to be phenomenologically relevant.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure, minor revisions, to appear in PR

    Corrections to scaling in multicomponent polymer solutions

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    We calculate the correction-to-scaling exponent ωT\omega_T that characterizes the approach to the scaling limit in multicomponent polymer solutions. A direct Monte Carlo determination of ωT\omega_T in a system of interacting self-avoiding walks gives ωT=0.415(20)\omega_T = 0.415(20). A field-theory analysis based on five- and six-loop perturbative series leads to ωT=0.41(4)\omega_T = 0.41(4). We also verify the renormalization-group predictions for the scaling behavior close to the ideal-mixing point.Comment: 21 page

    Bleaching and diffusion dynamics in optofluidic dye lasers

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    We have investigated the bleaching dynamics that occur in optofluidic dye lasers where the liquid laser dye in a microfluidic channel is locally bleached due to optical pumping. We find that for microfluidic devices, the dye bleaching may be compensated through diffusion of dye molecules alone. By relying on diffusion rather than convection to generate the necessary dye replenishment, our observation potentially allows for a significant simplification of optofluidic dye laser device layouts, omitting the need for cumbersome and costly external fluidic handling or on-chip microfluidic pumping devices.Comment: 3 pages including 3 figures. Accepted for AP

    Full-analytic frequency-domain 1pN-accurate gravitational wave forms from eccentric compact binaries

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    The article provides ready-to-use 1pN-accurate frequency-domain gravitational wave forms for eccentric nonspinning compact binaries of arbitrary mass ratio including the first post-Newtonian (1pN) point particle corrections to the far-zone gravitational wave amplitude, given in terms of tensor spherical harmonics. The averaged equations for the decay of the eccentricity and growth of radial frequency due to radiation reaction are used to provide stationary phase approximations to the frequency-domain wave forms.Comment: 28 pages, submitted to PR

    Exclusive production of ω\omega meson in proton-proton collisions at high energies

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    First we calculate cross section for the γp→ωp\gamma p \to \omega p reaction from the threshold to very large energies. At low energies the pion exchange is the dominant mechanism. At large energies the experimental cross section can be well described within the ktk_{t}-factorization approach by adjusting light-quark constituent mass. Next we calculate differential distributions for the pp→ppωp p \to p p \omega reaction at RHIC, Tevatron and LHC energies for the first time in the literature. We consider photon-pomeron (pomeron-photon), photon-pion (pion-photon) as well as diffractive hadronic bremsstrahlung mechanisms. The latter are included in the meson/reggeon exchange picture with parameters fixed from the known phenomenology. Interesting rapidity distributions are predicted. The hadronic bremsstrahlung contributions dominate at large (forward, backward) rapidities. At small energies the photon-pomeron contribution is negligible compared to the bremsstrahlung contributions. It could be, however, easily identified at large energies at midrapidities. Absorptions effects are included and discussed. Our predictions are ready for verification at RHIC and LHC.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    Decoherence and Entropy Production in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions

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    Short thermalization times of less than 1 fm/c for quark and gluon matter have been suggested by recent experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). It has been difficult to justify this rapid thermalization in first-principle calculations based on perturbation theory or the color glass condensate picture. Here, we address the related question of the decoherence of the gluon field, which is a necessary component of thermalization. We present a simplified leading-order computation of the decoherence time of a gluon ensemble subject to an incoming flux of Weizsacker-Williams gluons. We also discuss the entropy produced during the decoherence process and its relation to the entropy in the final state which has been measured experimentally.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum-kinetic theory of photocurrent generation via direct and phonon-mediated optical transitions

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    A quantum-kinetic theory of direct and phonon mediated indirect optical transitions is developed within the framework of the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. After validation against the standard Fermi-Golden-Rule approach in the bulk case, it is used in the simulation of photocurrent generation in ultra-thin crystalline silicon p-i-n-junction devices.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Relaxation properties of the quantum kinetics of carrier-LO-phonon interaction in quantum wells and quantum dots

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    The time evolution of optically excited carriers in semiconductor quantum wells and quantum dots is analyzed for their interaction with LO-phonons. Both the full two-time Green's function formalism and the one-time approximation provided by the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz are considered, in order to compare their description of relaxation processes. It is shown that the two-time quantum kinetics leads to thermalization in all the examined cases, which is not the case for the one-time approach in the intermediate-coupling regime, even though it provides convergence to a steady state. The thermalization criterion used is the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The two-fluid model with superfluid entropy

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    The two-fluid model of liquid helium is generalized to the case that the superfluid fraction has a small entropy content. We present theoretical arguments in favour of such a small superfluid entropy. In the generalized two-fluid model various sound modes of He  \;II are investigated. In a superleak carrying a persistent current the superfluid entropy leads to a new sound mode which we call sixth sound. The relation between the sixth sound and the superfluid entropy is discussed in detail.Comment: 22 pages, latex, published in Nuovo Cimento 16 D (1994) 37
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