13 research outputs found

    Endoscopic Resection of Esophageal Lymphangioma Incidentally Discovered

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    A pedunculated lymphangioma of the esophagus was unexpectedly discovered during an endoscopic investigation performed for epigastric pain in a patient affected by diabetic arteriopathy treated with antiplatelet drugs. The patient neither complained of dysphagia nor other symptoms related to the presence of the lymphangioma which therefore can be considered as an endoscopic “incidentaloma”

    Evaluation HPDC Lubricant Spraying for Improved Cooling and Die Protection

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    This study tries to find out a better cooling and temperature homogenization as well as better die protection on high-pressure die-casting (HPDC) spray lubrication. Test procedures have been set up to study the Leidenfrost point (LFP), contact angle (CA), film thickness and protection from die soldering of lubricants typically applied into the die surfaces during HPDC process. Five different lubricants have been studied as well as the influence in different controllable process parameters (type of die material, oxidation of the surface, temperature, roughness, droplet diameter, water hardness and lubricant concentration). The increase of the LFP, avoiding film boiling regime, and a reduced CA, improve the cooling and film ability of die surface during spraying. The best chemistry exhibits high LFP, shows an increased thickness of the formed film and is more effective preventing the sticking of the aluminum part to the die surface. Thermogravimetric analysis shows better thermal properties for lubricants with anti-sticking performance. The study performed and the test protocols set up result in a better insight of the involved phenomena and allow selecting the most favorable operating window for HPDC lubrication

    La completezza della documentazione sanitaria: ruolo dei Link Professional nel miglioramento continuo

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    INTRODUZIONE \u2013 premesse e scopo dello studio: La completezza della Cartella Clinica (CC) \ue8 un indicatore della qualit\ue0 delle cure erogate, per questo la valutazione regolare del contenuto rientra nelle attivit\ue0 di miglioramento continuo. Scopo di questo studio \ue8 valutare se il coinvolgimento e la formazione specifica di professionisti gi\ue0 impegnati nell\u2019attivit\ue0 assistenziale e clinica abbia un effetto sulla completezza della CC introdotta presso le due Strutture Operative Complesse (Medicina Fisica e Unit\ue0 Spinale, Medicina Fisica e Unit\ue0 delle Gravi Cerebro-lesioni acquisite) del Dipartimento Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione (IMFR) di Udine. MATERIALI E METODI: Nel dicembre 2017 \ue8 stata adottata dall\u2019IMFR una nuova CC integrata multidisciplinare e ne \ue8 stato valutato l\u2019impatto in termini di completezza a gennaio 2018 (T0). Contestualmente sono stati formati sulla corretta compilazione della CC 17 link professional che, fungendo da raccordo tra i colleghi operatori e direzione ospedaliera, nelle settimane successive hanno promosso incontri periodici di formazione e approfondimento sul tema coinvolgendo tutto il personale sanitario. La completezza della CC \ue8 stata rivalutata a maggio 2018 (T1), a valle degli incontri formativi. Le misurazioni sono state effettuate mediante valutazione da parte dei link professional su 38 CC (20 a T0 ed 18 a T1) di pazienti in ricovero ordinario, utilizzando la medesima griglia composta da 10 sezioni, articolate in 59 voci. Per valutare l\u2019eventuale miglioramento \ue8 stata calcolata la completezza complessiva e la differenza tra T0 e T1 (\uf044T1-T0) in termini percentuali ed \ue8 stata effettuata una verifica del test d\u2019ipotesi con \uf0632. RISULTATI: La completezza complessiva della CC delle due strutture \ue8 aumentata significativamente (p<0,01), passando dal 62% (T0) all\u201980% (T1). A T1 \ue8 stata raggiunta, con un miglioramento significativo (p<0,01), una completezza pari al 100% nella sezione consensi (\uf044=29%), al 98% nella valutazione riabilitativa (\uf044=20%), al 92% nella lettera di dimissione (\uf044=29%), all\u201985% nella valutazione infermieristica (\uf044=13%), all\u201982% nel progetto riabilitativo individuale (\uf044=24%), al 74% nel piano integrato di cura (\uf044=15%) e al 77% nella grafica e scheda terapia (\uf044=34%). Un miglioramento, anche se non significativo, \ue8 stato registrato nelle rimanenti sezioni: valutazione medica (completezza: 82%, \uf044=6%), diario integrato (65%, \uf044=17%) e varie (64%, \uf044=8%). CONCLUSIONI: Il modello adottato si \ue8 dimostrato efficace nel supportare il processo di miglioramento della completezza della cartella clinica

    Il Santuario di Apollo Pythios a Gortina di Creta: nuovi dati e nuove considerazioni dalle ricerche del 2016 e del 2019

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    Con il presente contributo si intende fornire un aggiornamento sulle ultime attivit  di ricerca svolte nel 2016 e nel 2019 da parte dell’Universit  di Padova e della SAIA presso il Santuario di Apollo Pythios a Gortina di Creta. Le indagini, condotte attraverso l’apertura di quattro nuove aree di scavo, si sono concentrate non solo all’interno della cella dell’edificio di culto, ma anche all’esterno e, nello specifico, hanno interessato l’altare, lo spazio immediatamente a E di esso e un piccolo settore in prossimit  del cd. Edificio C.   stato possibile indagare bacini stratigrafici non intaccati da attivit  precedenti e, cos , acquisire nuove importanti informazioni sia sulle pi  antiche fasi di frequentazione del santuario sia sulle successive sistemazioni strutturali. In particolare,   stato recuperato materiale pertinente ai primi secoli del primo millennio a.C., che sembra illustrare una frequentazione dell’area sacra tra le et  proto-geometrica e geometrica. Inoltre, la scoperta nel naos di un deposito di fondazione, contenente parte di una tazza monoansata in vernice nera, ha permesso di collocare la costruzione del primo recinto di culto attorno alla met  del VII sec. a.C

    New perspectives on the evolution of the sanctuary of Apollo Pythios in Gortyn

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    \u3a4\u3bf I\u3b5\u3c1\u3cc \u3c4\u3bf\u3c5 \u391\u3c0\u3cc\u3bb\u3bb\u3c9\u3bd\u3bf\u3c2 \u3a0\u3c5\u3b8\u3af\u3bf\u3c5 \u3c3\u3c4\u3b7 \u393\u3cc\u3c1\u3c4\u3c5\u3bd\u3b1 (\u39c\u3b5\u3c3\u3b1\u3c1\u3ac) \u3b1\u3c0\u3ad\u3ba\u3c4\u3b7\u3c3\u3b5 \u3b3\u3c1\u3ae\u3b3\u3bf\u3c1\u3b1 \u3bc\u3b5\u3b3\u3ac\u3bb\u3b7 \u3c6\u3ae\u3bc\u3b7 \u3b1\u3bd\u3ac\u3bc\u3b5\u3c3\u3b1 \u3c3\u3c4\u3bf\u3c5\u3c2 \u3bc\u3b5\u3bb\u3b5\u3c4\u3b7\u3c4\u3ad\u3c2, \u3ba\u3c5\u3c1\u3af\u3c9\u3c2 \u3bb\u3cc\u3b3\u3c9 \u3c4\u3c9\u3bd \u3b1\u3c1\u3c7\u3b1\u3af\u3c9\u3bd \u3b5\u3c0\u3b9\u3b3\u3c1\u3b1\u3c6\u3ce\u3bd \u3c0\u3bf\u3c5 \u3c3\u3c5\u3bb\u3bb\u3ad\u3c7\u3b8\u3b7\u3ba\u3b1\u3bd \u3ba\u3b1\u3c4\u3ac \u3c4\u3b7 \u3b4\u3b9\u3ac\u3c1\u3ba\u3b5\u3b9\u3b1 \u3c4\u3c9\u3bd \u3c0\u3c1\u3ce\u3c4\u3c9\u3bd \u3b5\u3c1\u3b5\u3c5\u3bd\u3b7\u3c4\u3b9\u3ba\u3ce\u3bd \u3b1\u3c0\u3bf\u3c3\u3c4\u3bf\u3bb\u3ce\u3bd. \u39b\u3b9\u3b3\u3cc\u3c4\u3b5\u3c1\u3b7 \u3c0\u3c1\u3bf\u3c3\u3bf\u3c7\u3ae \u3b4\u3cc\u3b8\u3b7\u3ba\u3b5 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    Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression within the UNiversity community: the cross‑sectional UN‑SAD study

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    The increasing complexity of academia, with its demanding working conditions and uncertain career opportunities, may affect the mental health of academics and potentially lead to mental health problems. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in the academic population of the University of Udine and to compare symptoms in senior and younger academics and administrative staff. A cross-sectional survey was conducted between June and December 2020, involving academic and administrative staff in all departments. The prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms was assessed using the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 tools. The relationship between mental health outcomes and job role was analyzed using nonparametric tests and ordinal logistic regression. A total of 366 individuals participated: 109 junior academics, 146 senior and 111 administrative staff. The proportion of women was 55.7% and the mean age was 47.9 years. The prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in the studied population was 25.7% (95% IC 21.5–30.4) and 22.7% (95% IC 18.7–27.2) respectively, with junior academics having the higher prevalence of both symptoms. Univariate models suggest a higher risk for anxiety symptoms OR 1.89 (1.13–3.17) for women. The prevalence of depressive symptoms is higher in our academic community than in the general population, especially among junior academics. These findings may reflect the impact of uncertain career and challenging environment on the mental health of young academics. Universities should provide more support to young academics so that they can contribute effectively and healthily to the advancement of research

    How to assure the quality of clinical records? A 7-year experience in a large academic hospital

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    Introduction Clinical record (CR) is the primary tool used by healthcare workers (HCWs) to record clinical information and its completeness can help achieve safer practices. CR is the most appropriate source in order to measure and evaluate the quality of care. In order to achieve a safety climate is fundamental to involve a responsive healthcare workforce thorough peer-review and feedbacks. This study aims to develop a peer-review tool for clinical records quality assurance, presenting the seven-year experience in the evolution of it; secondary aims are to describe the CR completeness and HCWs' diligence toward recording information in it. Methods To assess the completeness of CRs a peer-review tool was developed in a large Academic Hospital of Northern Italy. This tool included measurable items that examined different themes, moments and levels of the clinical process. Data were collected every three months between 2010 and 2016 by appointed and trained HCWs from 42 Units; the hospital Quality Unit was responsible for of processing and validating them. Variations in the proportion of CR completeness were assessed using Cochran-Armitage test for trends. Results A total of 9,408 CRs were evaluated. Overall CR completeness improved significantly from 79.6% in 2010 to 86.5% in 2016 (p<0.001). Doctors' attitude showed a trend similar to the overall completeness, while nurses improved more consistently (p<0.001). Most items exploring themes, moments and levels registered a significant improvement in the early years, then flattened in last years. Results of the validation process were always above the cut-off of 75%. Conclusions This peer-review tool enabled the Quality Unit and hospital leadership to obtain a reliable picture of CRs completeness, while involving the HCWs in the quality evaluation. The completeness of CR showed an overall positive and significant trend during these seven years