203 research outputs found

    The translational value of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease experimental mouse models

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    The deposition of calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) crystals in joint tissues causes acute and chronic arthritis that commonly affect the adult and elderly population. Experimental calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) models are divided into genetically modified models and crystal-induced inflammation models. The former do not reproduce phenotypes overlapping with the human disease, while in the latter, the direct injection of crystals into the ankles, dorsal air pouch or peritoneum constitutes a useful and reliable methodology that resembles the CPP induced-inflammatory condition in humans. The translational importance of the induced model is also strengthened by the fact that the key molecular and cellular mediators involved in inflammation are shared between humans and laboratory rodents. Although, in vivo models are indispensable tools for studying the pathogenesis of the CPPD and testing new therapies, their development is still at an early stage and major efforts are needed to address this issue. Here, we analyze the strenghts and limitations of each currently available CPPD in vivo model, and critically discuss their translational value

    Interaction between <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, <i>Mycobacterium bovis</i>, <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> subspecies <i>paratuberculosis</i> with the enteric glia and microglial cells

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    Background We investigated the interaction of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, M. bovis and M. tuberculosis and different glial cells (enteric glial and microglial cells) in order to evaluate the infecting ability of these microorganisms and the effects produced on these cells, such as the evaluation of cytokines expression. Results Our experiments demonstrated the adhesion of M. paratuberculosis to the enteroglial cells and the induction of IL-1A and IL-6 expression; M. tuberculosis and M. bovis showed a good adhesive capability to the enteric cell line with the expression of the following cytokines: IL-1A and IL-1B, TNF-α, G-CSF and GM-CSF; M. bovis induced the expression of IL-6 too. The experiment performed with the microglial cells confirmed the results obtained with the enteroglial cells after the infection with M. tuberculosis and M. bovis, whereas M. paratuberculosis stimulated the production of IL-1A and IL-1B. Conclusion Enteroglial and microglial cells, could be the target of pathogenic mycobacteria and, even if present in different locations (Enteric Nervous System and Central Nervous System), show to have similar mechanism of immunomodulation

    Newsletter Serit n. 9 - Marzo 2014

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    La IVa Giornata Nazionale della Piattaforma Serit è stata dedicata ad esempi di “best practice” di progetti di ricerca, finanziati dal programma quadro FP7-Security Research Project, che si sono dimostrati “end-users friendly”. Il numero di questa newsletter offre una breve sintesi della giornata

    Human serum albumin increases the stability of green tea catechins in aqueous physiological conditions

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    Epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechingallate (ECG) and epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) are antioxidants present in the green tea, a widely used beverage whose health benefits are largely recognized. Nevertheless, major physicochemical limitations, such as the high instability of catechins, pose important questions concerning their potential pharmacological use. Recent studies indicate that binding of catechins with plasmatic proteins may modulate their plasma concentration, tissue delivery and biological activity. After 5 minutes of incubation with HSA both ECG and EGCG were fully bound to HSA, while after 48h incubation only 41% of EC and 70% of EGC resulted linked. HSA had a strong stabilizing effect on all catechins, which could be found in solution between 29 and 85% even after 48h of incubation. In the absence of HSA, EGC and EGCG disappeared in less than 24h, while ECG and EC were found after 48h at 5 and 50%, respectively. The stabilizing effect of HSA toward EGCG, obtained in aqueous physiological conditions, resulted stronger in comparison to cysteine and HCl, previously reported to stabilize this polyphenol. Because of the multitude of contradictory data concerning in vivo and in vitro antioxidant-based experimentations, we believe our work may shed some light on this debated field of research

    Newsletter Serit n. 10 - Novembre 2014

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    Attività svolte dai membri SERIT inerenti ad uno o più dei Settori Guida e delle Aree Tematiche in cui è suddivisa la Piattaforma SERIT

    Newsletter Serit n. 4 - Aprile 2012

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    Presentazione delle proposte progettuali presentate nella 5°call Security FP7 che hanno avuto una valutazione positiva e che saranno, molto probabilmente, finanziate per portare avanti le attività di ricerca

    Newsletter Serit - numero speciale "Serit Award" n. 2 - Ottobre 2013

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    Numero speciale dedicato al SERIT Award e ai suoi vincitori: il dipartimento PAVIS, Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision, dell’Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) di Genova. PAVIS è una vera e propria eccellenza tecnologica all’interno del proprio dominio di riferimento, la TA1, l’area della Piattaforma SERIT che si occupa di sorveglianza e situational awareness

    Newsletter Serit n. 6 - Gennaio 2013

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    In questo numero istituzione di un nuovo settore guida dedicato alla sicurezza per le smart city e annuncio della seconda edizione del Serit Award

    Newsletter Serit - numero speciale n. 1 "Serit Award" - Ottobre 2012

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    Numero speciale della newsletter SERIT dedicato al vincitore del SERIT Awards: il Laboratorio di radar per applicazioni di sicurezza e monitoraggio del territorio dell’Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettronico dell’Ambiente (IREA) del CNR
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