126 research outputs found

    Seismicity, seismotectonics and crustal velocity structure of the Messina Strait (Italy)

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    The Messina Strait is the most important structural element interrupting the southernmost part of the Alpine-Apenninic orogenic belt, known as the Calabro-Peloritan Arc. It is being a narrow fan-shaped basin linking the Ionian Sea to the Tyrrhenian Sea. This region is affected by considerable seismic activity which mirrors the geodynamic processes due to the convergence between the African and the Eurasian plates. In the last four centuries, a significant number of disastrous earthquakes originated along the Arc. Among these, the most noteworthy event occurred on December 28, 1908 (known as the Reggio Calabria-Messina earthquake), in the Messina Strait area and caused a large tsunami and more than 100,000 casualties. In this research we focus on the relationships between the general tectonic setting, which characterize the Messina Strait and adjacent areas, seismicity patterns and the crustal structure. We analyzed a data set consisting of more than 300 events occurring in the years from 1999 to 2007, having a magnitude range from 1.0 to 3.8. This data set was exploited in a local earthquake tomography, by carrying out a simultaneous inversion of both the three-dimensional velocity structure and the distribution of seismic foci. We applied the “tomoADD” algorithm, which uses a combination of absolute and differential arrival times and a concept of self-adapting grid geometry, accounting for ray density encountered across the volume. With this method the accuracy of event locations is improved and velocity structure near the source region is resolved in more detail than standard tomography. Fault plane solutions were obtained for the major and best-recorded earthquakes. The obtained velocity images highlight vertical and lateral heterogeneities that can be associated with structural features striking from NNE-SSW to NE-SW. These results are consistent with important tectonic elements visible at the surface and the pattern delineated by earthquake locations and focal mechanisms

    Estimation of an optimum velocity model in the Calabro-Peloritan mountains – Assessment of the variance of model parameters and variability of earthquake locations

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    Accurate earthquake locations are of primary importance when studying the seismicity of a given area, they allow important inferences on the ongoing seismo-tectonics. Both, for standard, as well as for earthquake relative location techniques, the velocity parameters are kept fixed to a-priori values, that are assumed to be correct, and the observed traveltime residuals are minimised by adjusting the hypocentral parameters. However, the use of an unsuitable velocity model, can introduce systematic errors in the hypocentre location. Precise hypocentre locations and error estimate, therefore, require the simultaneous solution of both velocity and hypocentral parameters. We perform a simultaneous inversion of both the velocity structure and the hypocentre location in NE-Sicily and SW-Calabria (Italy). Since the density of the network is not sufficient for the identification of the 3D structure with a resolution of interest here, we restrict ourselves to a 1D inversion using the well-known code VELEST. A main goal of the paper is the analysis of the stability of the inverted model parameters. For this purpose we carry out a series of tests concerning the initial guesses of the velocity structure and locations used in the inversion. We further assess the uncertainties which originate from the finiteness of the available datasets carrying out resampling experiments. From these tests we conclude that the data catalogue is sufficient to constrain the inversion. We note that the uncertainties of the inverted velocities increases with depth. On the other hand the inverted velocity structure depends decisively on the initial guess as they tend to maintain the overall shape of the starting model. In order to derive an improved starting model we derive a guess for the probable depth of the MOHO. For this purpose we exploit considerations of the depth distribution of earthquake foci and of the shear strength of rock depending on its rheological behaviour at depth. In a second step we derived a smooth starting model and repeated the inversion. Strong discontinuities tend to attract hypocentre locations which may introduce biases to the earthquake location. Using the smooth starting model we obtained again a rather smooth model as final solution which gave the best travel-time residuals among all models discussed in this paper. This poses severe questions as to the significance of velocity discontinuities inferred from rather vague a-priori information. Besides this, the use of those smooth models widely avoids the problems of hypocentre locations being affected by sudden velocity jumps, an effect which can be extremely disturbing in relative location procedures. The differences of the velocity structure obtained with different starting models is larger than those encountered during the bootstrap test. This underscores the importance of the choice of the initial guess. Fortunately the effects of the uncertainties discussed here on the final locations turned out as limited, i. e., less than 1 km for the horizontal coordinates and less than 2 km for the depth

    Accurate hypocentre locations in the Middle-Durance Fault Zone, South-Eastern France

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    A one-dimensional velocity model and station corrections for the Middle-Durance fault zone (south-eastern France) was computed by inverting P-wave arrival times recorded on a local seismic network of 8 stations. A total of 93 local events with a minimum number of 6 P-phases, RMS<0.4 s and a maximum gap of 220° were selected. Comparison with previous earthquake locations shows an improvement for the relocated earthquakes. Tests were carried out to verify the robustness of inversion results in order to corroborate the conclusions drawn from our findings. The obtained minimum 1-D velocity model can be used to improve routine earthquake locations and represents a further step toward more detailed seismotectonic studies in this area of south-eastern France

    Multidisciplinary study of the Tindari Fault (Sicily, Italy) separating ongoing contractional and extensional compartments along the active Africa–Eurasia convergent boundary

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    The Africa–Eurasia convergence in Sicily and southern Calabria is currently expressed by two different tectonic and geodynamic domains: thewestern region, governed by a roughlyN–S compression generated by a continental collision; the eastern one, controlled by a NW–SE extension related to the south-east-directed expansion of the Calabro–Peloritan Arc. The different deformation pattern of these two domains is accommodated by a right-lateral shear zone (Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni fault system) which, from the Ionian Sea, north of Mt. Etna, extends across the Peloritani chain to the Aeolian Islands. In this work, we study the evidence of active tectonics characterizing this shear zone, through the analysis of seismic and geodetic data acquired by the INGV networks in the last 15 years. The study is completed by structural and morphological surveys carried out between Capo Tindari and the watershed of the chain. The results allowed defining a clear structural picture depicting the tectonic interferences between the two different geodynamic domains. The results indicate that, besides the regional ~N130°E horizontal extensional stress field, another one, NE–SW-oriented, is active in the investigated area. Both tension axes are mutually independent and have been active up to the present at different times. The coexistence of these different active horizontal extensions is the result of complex interactions between several induced stresses: 1) the regional extension (NW–SE) related to the slab rollback and back-arc extension; 2) the strong uplift of the chain; 3) the accommodation between compressional and extensional tectonic regimes along the Aeolian– Tindari–Letojanni faults, through a SSE–NNW right-lateral transtensional displacement. In these conditions, the greater and recurring uplift activity is not able to induce a radial extensional dynamics, but, under the “directing” action of the shear system, it can only act on the regional extension (NW–SE) and produce the second system of extension (NE–SW)

    Multidisciplinary study of the Tindari Fault (Sicily, Italy) separating ongoing contractional and extensional compartments along the active Africa-Eurasia convergent boundary

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    The Africa-Eurasia convergence in Sicily and southern Calabria is currently expressed by two different tectonic and geodynamic domains: the western region, governed by a roughly N-S compression generated by a continental collision; the eastern one, controlled by a NW-SE extension related to the south-east-directed expansion of the Calabro-Peloritan Arc. The different deformation pattern of these two domains is accommodated by a right-lateral shear zone (Aeolian-Tindari-Letojanni fault system) which, from the Ionian Sea, north of Mt. Etna, extends across the Peloritani chain to the Aeolian Islands. In this work, we study the evidence of active tectonics characterizing this shear zone, through the analysis of seismic and geodetic data acquired by the INGV networks in the last 15 years. The study is completed by structural and morphological surveys carried out between Capo Tindari and the watershed of the chain. The results allowed defining a clear structural picture depicting the tectonic interferences between the two different geodynamic domains. The results indicate that, besides the regional similar to N130 degrees E horizontal extensional stress field, another one, NE-SW-oriented, is active in the investigated area. Both tension axes are mutually independent and have been active up to the present at different times. The coexistence of these different active horizontal extensions is the result of complex interactions between several induced stresses: I) the regional extension (NW-SE) related to the slab rollback and back-arc extension; 2) the strong uplift of the chain; 3) the accommodation between compressional and extensional tectonic regimes along the Aeolian-Tindari-Letojanni faults, through a SSE-NNW right-lateral transtensional displacement. In these conditions, the greater and recurring uplift activity is not able to induce a radial extensional dynamics, but, under the "directing" action of the shear system, it can only act on the regional extension (NW-SE) and produce the second system of extension (NE-SW). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Workflow for the Validation of Geomechanical Simulations through Seabed Monitoring for Offshore Underground Activities

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    Underground fluid storage is gaining increasing attention as a means to balance energy production and consumption, ensure energy supply security, and contribute to greenhouse gas reduction in the atmosphere by CO2 geological sequestration. However, underground fluid storage generates pressure changes, which in turn induce stress variations and rock deformations. Numerical geomechanical models are typically used to predict the response of a given storage to fluid injection and withdrawal, but validation is required for such a model to be considered reliable. This paper focuses on the technology and methodology that we developed to monitor seabed movements and verify the predictions of the impact caused by offshore underground fluid storage. To this end, we put together a measurement system, integrated into an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, to periodically monitor the seabed bathymetry. Measurements repeated during and after storage activities can be compared with the outcome of numerical simulations and indirectly confirm the existence of safety conditions. To simulate the storage system response to fluid storage, we applied the Virtual Element Method. To illustrate and discuss our methodology, we present a possible application to a depleted gas reservoir in the Adriatic Sea, Italy, where several underground geological formations could be potentially converted into storage in the futur

    Sismicità’, Sismotettonica e Struttura Crostale dello Stretto di Messina

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    Lo Stretto di Messina rappresenta un importante elemento topografico-strutturale che interrompe la continuità morfologica della parte più meridionale della catena orogenica Alpina-Appenninica, nota come Arco Calabro-Peloritano. Questa regione è interessata da una notevole attività sismica, legata ai processi geodinamici di convergenza tra la placca Africana e quella Euroasiatica. Negli ultimi quattro secoli, l’Arco compresa tra il Golfo di S. Eufemia (Calabria) ed il Golfo di Patti (Sicilia) è stato teatro di un considerevole numero di eventi disastrosi. Fra questi, il più tristemente noto è quello del 28 Dicembre 1908 (noto come il terremoto Calabro-Messinese), verificatosi appunto nell’area dello Stretto e che causò la morte di più di 100.000 persone. Nell’ultimo decennio, sono stati dedicati numerosi studi con lo scopo di una migliore comprensione delle caratteristiche geologico-strutturali di quest’area; tuttavia, ancora oggi queste sono oggetto di dibattito. In questo studio, è stata indagata la sismicità e la struttura della crosta terrestre dello Stretto di Messina e delle aree limitrofe mediante le tecniche di tomografia sismica. In particolare, è stato applicato l’algoritmo “tomoADD” [Zhang and Thurber 2005] ad un dataset di più di 300 terremoti locali (1.0<ML<3.3), registrati nel periodo compreso tra il 1999 ed il 2007. La peculiarità di tale metodo tomografico è quella di ottenere dettagliate immagini e localizzazioni di precisione degli eventi sismici attraverso una combinazione dei tempi di arrivo assoluti e relativi delle fasi sismiche. Inoltre, con “tomoADD”, la spaziatura della griglia di misura viene modificata tenendo conto della densità locale dei raggi sismici. In tal modo è possibile individuare le geometrie di strutture sismicamente attive, in quanto tracciate dalla distribuzione degli ipocentri e delle velocità di propagazione delle onde. Lo studio è stato completato con il calcolo dei meccanismi focali dei terremoti più forti del dataset considerato. Le immagini tomografiche ottenute (tra 6 e 18 km di profondità; Figura 1) evidenziano eterogeneità laterali di velocità sismica che, nel complesso, possono ricondurre alla presenza di strutture tettoniche della crosta con orientazione principale da NNE-SSW a NE-SW. Tali risultati sono consistenti sia con il quadro geologico-strutturale di superficie, che con il pattern definito dalla distribuzione dei terremoti e dai meccanismi focali. In particolare, la localizzazione dei terremoti nell’area dello Stretto – Calabria sud-occidentale mostra una distribuzione prevalente da NNE-SSW a NE-SW con profondità tra 8 e 15 km. Analogamente, i meccanismi focali evidenziano nella stessa zona delle soluzioni di tipo faglia normale con orientazione NE-SW

    Surface and deep strain at Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy) during the 2003-2004 inflation phase

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    We carried out a study of the seismicity and ground deformation occurred on Mount Etna volcano after the end of 2002-2003 eruption and before the onset of 2004-2005 eruption, and recorded by the permanent local seismic network run by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Catania and by the geodetic surveys carried out in July 2003 and July 2004 on the GPS network. We provided a description of seismicity rate and main seismic swarms which occurred during the investigated period. Mostly of the earthquakes are clustered in two main clusters located on the north-eastern (E-W aligned and above the sea level) and south-eastern (NW-SE aligned and from 3 to 8 Km below the sea level) sectors of the volcano. in order to better understand the kinematic processes of the volcano, the 3D relocation were used to compute fault plane solutions and a selected dataset was inverted to determine stress and strain tensors. The focal solutions on the north-eastern sector show clear left-lateral kinematics along an E-W fault plane, in good agreement with the Pernicana fault kinematics. The focal solutions on the south-eastern sector show a main right-lateral kinematics along a NW-SE fault plane evidencing a roughly E-W oriented compression coupled with a N-S extension. Surface ground deformation affecting Mt Etna and measured by GPS surveys highlights a marked inflation during the same period, mainly visible on the western and upper sectors of the volcano; on the contrary, its eastern side shows an exceptionally strong seawards and downwards motion with displacements ranging from 5 up to 10 cm along the coastline. The 2D geodetic strain tensor distribution was calculated on a 1.5 km spaced grid, in order to detail the strain axes orientation above the entire GPS network. The results of the 2D geodetic strain calculation evidenced the very strong extension (mainly along an- ENE-WSW axis) of the summit area that was already considered as the cause of the 2004-2005 eruption; this main ENE-WSW extension continues throughout the eastern flank, but here coupled with a WNW-ESE contraction, meaning a right-lateral shear along a NW-SE oriented fault plane. The opposite deformation of the eastern sector of the volcano, as measured by seismicity and ground deformation has to be interpreted by considering the different depths of the two signals. Seismic activity along the NW-SE alignment is, in fact, located between 3 and 8 km b.s.l. and it is then affected by the very strong additional EW compression induced by the inflating source located by inverting GPS data just westwards and at the same depth. Ground deformation measured by GPS at the surface, on the contrary, is mainly affected by the shallower dynamics of the eastern flank, fastly moving towards East that produces an opposite (extension) E-W strain. It is also meaningful, confirming the decoupling between the surface and deep strain, that all the seismicity of the south-eastern sector lies beneath the sliding plane already modeled by geodetic data for the same time interval and for the 2004-2006 period and also beneath the deeper one previously modeled during the 1993-1998 period when the eastern flank velocity was much slower

    La sequenza sismica nel versante nord-occidentale dell'Etna del 19-27 Dicembre 2009 : evidenze di ricarica magmatica profonda?

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    E’ stata analizzata la sequenza sismica che ha interessato il versante nord-occidentale dell’Etna nel periodo 19-27 dicembre 2009 (Fig. 1). Essa è stata caratterizzata da oltre 400 scosse di magnitudo compresa tra 1.0 e 4.8, localizzate ad una profondità tra 20 e 30 km, con un rilevante rilascio energetico, come si osserva dalla distribuzione temporale del numero delle scosse e dell’energia ad esse associata nel tempo (Fig. 2). È interessante notare come l’energia rilasciata durante la sequenza risulti essere quasi il triplo dell’energia del periodo sineruttivo 2008, pur essendo pressoché uguale il numero di scosse registrate. In questo settore dell’area etnea, caratterizzato da sismicità profonda, poco frequente e di modesta energia, la modalità di rilascio sismico della sequenza in oggetto costituisce un elemento di novità. Infatti, più del 50% delle scosse si sono verificate nel corso delle prime 24 ore, come tipicamente osservato nel corso di sciami vulcanici sineruttivi. E’ importante evidenziare che nell’area etnea eventi sismici con profondità focali comprese tra i 10 e i 30 km vengono considerati dei veri e propri “markers” di attività vulcanica (e.g. Puglisi et al., 2001), in quanto si verificano abbastanza regolarmente durante i periodi intra-eruttivi e possono essere messi in relazione con i meccanismi di ricarica magmatica (e.g. Bonaccorso, 2001). Essi sono principalmente localizzati nei settori occidentale e meridionale del vulcano lungo strutture orientate NO-SE e NNO-SSE e, occasionalmente, lungo strutture orientate NE-SO (Patanè et al., 2004). Pertanto è ragionevole ipotizzare che il fenomeno oggetto del presente studio possa essere ricondotto ad una fase di ricarica profonda del sistema magmatico etneo

    A preliminary census of engineering activities located in Sicily (Southern Italy) which may “potentially” induce seismicity

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    The seismic events caused by human engineering activities are commonly termed as “triggered” and “induced”. This class of earthquakes, though characterized by low-to-moderate magnitude, have significant social and eco- nomical implications since they occur close to the engineering activity responsible for triggering/inducing them and can be felt by the inhabitants living nearby, and may even produce damage. One of the first well-documented examples of induced seismicity was observed in 1932 in Algeria, when a shallow magnitude 3.0 earthquake occurred close to the Oued Fodda Dam. By the continuous global improvement of seismic monitoring networks, numerous other examples of human-induced earthquakes have been identified. Induced earthquakes occur at shallow depths and are related to a number of human activities, such as fluid injection under high pressure (e.g. waste-water disposal in deep wells, hydrofracturing activities in enhanced geothermal systems and oil recovery, shale-gas fracking, natural and CO2 gas storage), hydrocarbon exploitation, groundwater extraction, deep underground mining, large water impoundments and underground nuclear tests. In Italy, induced/triggered seismicity is suspected to have contributed to the disaster of the Vajont dam in 1963. Despite this suspected case and the presence in the Italian territory of a large amount of engineering activities “capable” of inducing seismicity, no extensive researches on this topic have been conducted to date. Hence, in order to improve knowledge and correctly assess the potential hazard at a specific location in the future, here we started a preliminary study on the entire range of engineering activities currently located in Sicily (Southern Italy) which may “potentially” induce seismicity. To this end, we performed: • a preliminary census of all engineering activities located in the study area by collecting all the useful information coming from available on-line catalogues; • a detailed compilation of instrumental and historical seismicity, focal mechanisms solutions, multidisciplinary stress indicators, GPS-based ground deformation field, mapped faults, etc by merging data from on-line catalogues with those reported in literature. Finally, for each individual site, we analysed: i) long-term statistic behaviour of instrumental seismicity (mag- nitude of completeness, seismic release above a threshold magnitude, depth distribution, focal plane solutions); ii) long-term statistic behaviour of historical seismicity (maximum magnitude estimation, recurrence time inter- val, etc); iii) properties and orientation of faults (length, estimated geological slip, kinematics, etc); iv) regional stress (from borehole, seismological and geological observations) and strain (from GPS-based observations) fields.UnpublishedVienna (Austria)6T. Sismicità indotta e caratterizzazione sismica dei sistemi naturaliope
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