182 research outputs found

    Judicial Deference to Administrative Interpretations of Law

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    Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. NRDC has proven a highly important decision-perhaps the most important in the field of administrative law since Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. NRDC. In the first three and a half years after its announcement- up to the beginning of 1988 - Chevron was cited by lower federal courts over 600 times. Chevron has been a source of lively debate on my own Court, centering largely on the question whether it applies with full force when the controversy involves a pure question of statutory construction

    Review of Steven D. Smith\u27s Law\u27s Quandary

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    Sovereign Immunity and Nonstatutory Review of Federal Administrative Action: Some Conclusions from the Public-Lands Cases

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    The purpose of the present Article is not to propose yet another route toward logical reconciliation of the sovereign-immunity cases; but, on the contrary, to urge general acceptance of the fact that such reconciliation is, and will probably remain, unattainable; to explain why this is so; and to suggest why it is not so bad. This modest goal will be attempted through a detailed examination of two recent Supreme Court cases and their most pertinent antecedents

    Judicial Deference to Administrative Interpretations of Law

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    Essay: Assorted Canards of Contemporary Legal Analysis

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