10 research outputs found

    Characterization of Botrytis cinerea populations associated with treated and untreated cv. Moscato vineyards

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    Three Botrytis cinerea populations, isolated from three vineyards, one untreated and two treated twice a year, respectively, with fenhexamid or cyprodinil+fludioxonil, were investigated to evaluate the effect of repeated fungicide treatments on the presence and distribution of the transposons Boty and Flipper, and on the phenotypic traits of each pathogen community. The vacuma individuals lacking the two transposons represented the majority of the 390 B. cinerea isolates followed by transposa strains containing Boty and Flipper, while the remaining 67 isolates harboured respectively only Boty (60) or Flipper (7). This research has demonstrated that fungicide application did not influence the transposon distribution patterns, the sensitivity towards various botryticides, or the growth rate of the isolates belonging to the three different populations, but did induced overall reduction of the population size and selected isolates characterized by an enhanced pathogenicity, especially on Vitis vinifera leaves

    Evaluation of the DipStreak, a New Device with an Original Streaking Mechanism for Detection, Counting, and Presumptive Identification of Urinary Tract Pathogens

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    DipStreak is a new urine culture device with two types of agar attached back-to-back on a plastic paddle. It combines dip-slide technology and an original streaking inoculation mechanism, allowing for bacterial counting and colony isolation. The performance of the DipStreak device with two different medium formulations, CHROMagar and MacConkey media in study A and UriSelect 3 and MacConkey media in study B, was evaluated and compared to that of the reference streak method by using plates of cystine-lactose-electrolyte-deficient (CLED) agar, tryptic soy agar with 5% sheep blood, and UriSelect 3 medium. In study A, 2,000 urine specimens were processed and 511 cultures were found positive. The DipStreak device and the UriSelect 3 and CLED medium plates gave the same detection rate, 99.7%. For the direct identification of Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, and Enterococcus sp. isolates, the DipStreak device and the UriSelect 3 medium plate showed overall sensitivities of 97 and 93.4%, respectively. In study B, 3,000 urine specimens were processed and 714 cultures were found positive. The DipStreak device and the UriSelect 3 and CLED medium plates gave detection rates of 99.4, 99.9, and 99.2%, respectively. For the direct identification of E. coli, P. mirabilis, and Enterococcus sp. isolates, the DipStreak device and the UriSelect 3 medium plate showed overall sensitivities of 88 and 94.4%, respectively. In conclusion, the DipStreak device with both medium formulations represents an attractive and excellent screening method for the reliable detection, counting, and presumptive identification of urinary tract pathogens. It enables bedside urine inoculation and provides a valid means of transporting the sample back to the laboratory, decreasing drastically the rate of false-positive results due to bacterial overgrowth and reducing associated costs

    A rare case of endolymphatic sac hemangioma in a patient alleged to have M\ue9ni\ue8re's disease

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    A rare case of endolymphatic sac hemangioma; description in a patient alleged to have Meniere diseas