28 research outputs found

    Initial investigation of athletes’ electrocardiograms acquired by wearable sensors during the pre-exercise phase

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to support large-scale prevention programs fighting sport-related sudden cardiac death by providing a set of electrocardiographic features representing a starting point in the development of normal reference values for the pre-exercise phase. Background: In people with underlying, often unknown, cardiovascular abnormalities, increased cardiovascular load during exercise can trigger sport-related sudden cardiac death. Prevention remains the only weapon to contrast sport-related sudden cardiac death. So far, no reference values have been proposed for electrocardiograms of athletes acquired with wearable sensors in the pre-exercise phase, consisting of the few minutes immediately before the beginning of the training session. Objective: To perform an initial investigation of athletes’ electrocardiograms acquired by wearable sensors during the pre-exercise phase. Methods: The analyzed electrocardiograms, acquired through BioHarness 3.0 by Zephyr, belong to 51 athletes (Sport Database and Cycling Database of the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy). Preliminary values consist of interquartile ranges of six electrocardiographic features which are heart rate, heart-rate variability, QRS duration, ST level, QT interval, and corrected QT interval. Results: For athletes 35 years old or younger, preliminary values were [72;91]bpm, [26;47]ms, [85;104]ms, [-0.08;0.08]mm, [326;364]ms and [378;422]ms, respectively. For athletes older than 35 years old, preliminary values were [71;94]bpm, [16;65]ms, [85;100]ms, [-0.11;0.07]mm, [330;368]ms and [394;414]ms, respectively. Conclusion: Availability of preliminary reference values could help identify those athletes who, due to electrocardiographic features out of normal ranges, are more likely to develop cardiac complications that may lead to sport-related sudden cardiac death

    On-cloud decision-support system for non-small cell lung cancer histology characterization from thorax computed tomography scans

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    Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) accounts for about 85% of all lung cancers. Developing non-invasive techniques for NSCLC histology characterization may not only help clinicians to make targeted therapeutic treatments but also prevent subjects from undergoing lung biopsy, which is challenging and could lead to clinical implications. The motivation behind the study presented here is to develop an advanced on-cloud decision-support system, named LUCY, for non-small cell LUng Cancer histologY characterization directly from thorax Computed Tomography (CT) scans. This aim was pursued by selecting thorax CT scans of 182 LUng ADenocarcinoma (LUAD) and 186 LUng Squamous Cell carcinoma (LUSC) subjects from four openly accessible data collections (NSCLC-Radiomics, NSCLC-Radiogenomics, NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics and TCGA-LUAD), in addition to the implementation and comparison of two end-to-end neural networks (the core layer of whom is a convolutional long short-term memory layer), the performance evaluation on test dataset (NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics) from a subject-level perspective in relation to NSCLC histological subtype location and grade, and the dynamic visual interpretation of the achieved results by producing and analyzing one heatmap video for each scan. LUCY reached test Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve (AUC) values above 77% in all NSCLC histological subtype location and grade groups, and a best AUC value of 97% on the entire dataset reserved for testing, proving high generalizability to heterogeneous data and robustness. Thus, LUCY is a clinically-useful decision-support system able to timely, non-invasively and reliably provide visually-understandable predictions on LUAD and LUSC subjects in relation to clinically-relevant information

    Cognitive zonal fusion biopsy of the prostate: Original technique between target and saturation.

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    We describe our experience in prostate biopsy using a new standardized cognitive fusion techniques, that we call "cognitive zonal fusion biopsy". This new technique is based on two operative options: the first based on target biopsies, the Cognitive Target Biopsy (CTB) if the same target was detected with transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and multiparametric magnetic resonance (mpMRI); the second based on saturation biopsies, the Zonal Saturation Biopsy (ZSB) on anatomical zone/s containing the region of interest if the same target was not evident with TRUS and MRI. We evaluated results of our technique compared to standard biopsy in order to identify clinically relevant prostate cancer. METHODS: This is a single-center prospective study conducted in 58 pts: 25 biopsy-naïve, 25 with previous negative biopsy and in 8 with cancer in active surveillance. Based on mpMRI and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS), all patients were scheduled for standard 12-core TRUS-guided biopsy. If mpMRI was suggestive or positive (PI-RADS 3, 4 or 5): patients underwent additional targeted 2 to 6 cores using cognitive zonal fusion technique. RESULTS: 31/58 (53.4%) patients had a cancer. Our technique detected 80.6% (25 of 31) with clinically significant prostate cancer, leading to detection of insignificant cancer in 20%. Using standard mapping in MR negative areas we found 5 clinically significant cancer and 4 not significant cancers. MRI cancer detection rate was 18/31 (58.1%), and 9/18 (50%) in high grade tumors. Therefore MRI missed 50% of high grade cancers. The mean number of cores taken with cognitive zonal fusion biopsy was 6.1 (2-17), in addition biopsy sampling was done outside the ROI areas. Overall 15.4 cores (12-22) were taken. Cancer amount in Zonal Biopsy was larger than 7.3 mm (1-54.5) in comparison with 5.2 mm (1-23.5) in standard mapping. Largest percentage of cancer involvement with cognitive zonal fusion technique was detected in 19.4% vs 15.9%. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive Zonal Saturation Biopsies should be used to reduce operator variability of cognitive fusion biopsy in addition to standard biopsy. Cognitive zonal biopsy based on mpMRI findings identifies clinically relevant prostate in 80%, has larger cancer extension in fusion biopsies than in random biopsies, and reduce the number of cores if compared to saturation biopsy

    Rare presentation of a testicular angiofibroma treated with testis sparing surgery.

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    Introduction: Testicular benign tumors are very rare (< 5%). Testicular Angiofibroma (AF) is one of those, however the gold standard of treatment and follow-up is still unclear. Case report: A 47 years-old man with only one functioning testis was referred to our clinic for a palpable right testicular mass and atrophic contralateral testis. Patient underwent testis-sparing surgery with inguinal approach and intraoperative frozen sections examination with diagnosis of AF. Final histology confirmed AF. Post-operative follow-up was uneventful. Clinical and ultrasonographic follow-up was negative after 8 months. Conclusion: We report a conservative surgery in a patient with AF of the solitary testis. AF is a benign para-testicular fibrous neoplasm that could be misinterpreted as malignant tumor and treated with orchiectomy. Testis-sparing surgery is recommended in this case with intraoperative pathological examination. The excision of the mass is enough but in front of a possible recurrence a long follow-up is advisable

    Spatial distribution of BOLD activations evoked by three different tastants to build a chemotopic map of primary gustatory area: A pilot study

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    The gustatory areas of the brain include the primary (GI) and the secondary (GII) gustatory cerebral cortex. A spatial mechanism has been recently hypothesized to explain the taste quality recognition. This research investigates the spatial distribution of blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) activations evoked in the human area GI by different tastants, aimed at building a chemotopic map. The chemotopic organization of the human GI was studied in seven healthy subjects by applying three taste stimuli (salty, sweet, neutral) to either side of the tongue, using a 5-min functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) block-designed protocol, alternating periods of rest and stimulation. Data were analyzed by the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) Software Library (FSL). Unilateral tongue stimulation consistently evoked bilateral activation in area GI. Ipsilateral foci were generally larger and signal increases greater. The foci evoked by each tastant exhibited slightly but not significantly different mean coordinates, broad overlap and high interindividual variability; the salty stimuli generally evoked more anterior foci and sweet stimuli more posterior activation. Results confirm that the gustatory pathways from tongue to cortex are bilaterally distributed, with an ipsilateral predominance. Although distinct GI zones were activated by the different taste stimuli, a clear topographical organization could not be recognized. Possibly, fMRI technique is unable to resolve fine topographical arrangements or GI discriminative role for different tastants is subserved by another mechanism. Bilateral activation of the primary somatosensory area in the parietal cortex (contralateral predominance) and of middle insula (ipsilateral predominance) were also observed