2,867 research outputs found

    Information management system: A summary discussion

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    An information management system is proposed for use in the space shuttle sortie, the modular space station, the tracking data relay satellite and associated ground support systems. Several different information management functions, including data acquisition, transfer, storage, processing, control and display are integrated in the system

    Cluster Morphologies and Model-independent Y_(SZ) Estimates from Bolocam Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Images

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    We present initial results from our ongoing program to image the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in galaxy clusters at 143 GHz using Bolocam; five clusters and one blank field are described in this manuscript. The images have a resolution of 58 arcsec and a radius of ≃ 6-7 arcmin, which is approximately r_(500)-2r_(500) for these clusters. We effectively high-pass filter our data in order to subtract noise sourced by atmospheric fluctuations, but we are able to obtain unbiased images of the clusters by deconvolving the effects of this filter. The beam-smoothed rms is ≃ 10 μK_(CMB) in these images; with this sensitivity, we are able to detect the SZ signal to beyond r_(500) in binned radial profiles. We have fit our images to beta and Nagai models, fixing spherical symmetry or allowing for ellipticity in the plane of the sky, and we find that the best-fit parameter values are in general consistent with those obtained from other X-ray and SZ data. Our data show no clear preference for the Nagai model or the beta model due to the limited spatial dynamic range of our images. However, our data show a definitive preference for elliptical models over spherical models, quantified by an F ratio of ≃ 20 for the two models. The weighted mean ellipticity of the five clusters is ϵ = 0.27 ± 0.03, consistent with results from X-ray data. Additionally, we obtain model-independent estimates of Y_(500), the integrated SZ y-parameter over the cluster face to a radius of r_(500), with systematics-dominated uncertainties of ≃ 10%. Our Y_(500) values, which are free from the biases associated with model-derived Y_(500) values, scale with cluster mass in a way that is consistent with both self-similar predictions and expectations of a ≃ 10% intrinsic scatter

    SZ contribution to characterize the shape of galaxy cluster haloes

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    We present the on-going activity to characterize the geometrical properties of the gas and dark matter haloes using multi-wavelength observations of galaxy clusters. The role of the SZ signal in describing the gas distribution is discussed for the pilot case of the CLASH object MACS J1206.2-0847

    SESAME, a third generation synchrotron light source for the Middle East region

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    Developed under the auspices of UNESCO, SESAME is being established as an autonomous international research centre in the Middle East/Mediterranean region. It will have as its centrepiece a 2.5 GeV third Generation synchrotron light source with 13 straight sections for insertion devices and an emittance of 26.6 nm-rad. It will provide intense radiation from the IR to hard X-rays to a community that is expected to exceed 1000 users a few years after the start of operation in 2008

    Impact of three inactivated bovine viral diarrhoea virus vaccines on bulk milk p80 (NS3) ELISA test results in dairy herds

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    peer-reviewedBovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is endemic in many countries and vaccines are used as a component of control and eradication strategies. Surveillance programmes to detect exposure to BVDV often incorporate the use of bulk milk (BM) testing for antibodies against BVDV p80 (NS3), but vaccination can interfere with these results. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether BVDV vaccines would confound BM testing for specific antibodies in a nationally representative group of commercial dairy farms in the Republic of Ireland. A total of 256 commercial dairy herds were included in the statistical analysis. Quarterly BM or serum samples from selected weanling heifers (unvaccinated homeborn youngstock) were assessed by ELISA for antibodies against the BVDV p80 subunit and whole virus. Wilcoxon ranksum and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses were used to examine differences among groups vaccinated with one of three commercially available inactivated BVDV vaccines. Two of the three vaccines showed evidence of interference with ELISA testing of BM samples. ROC analysis highlighted that one vaccine did not reduce the discriminatory power of the BVDV p80 ELISA for identification of herds with evidence of recent BVDV circulation, when compared with unvaccinated herds; thus, administration of this vaccine would allow uncomplicated interpretation of BM ELISA test results in vaccinated seropositive herds. Seasonal differences in BM antibody results were identified, suggesting that the latter half of lactation is the most suitable time for sampling dairy herds containing predominantly spring calving cows. The results of the present study are likely to prove useful in countries allowing vaccination during or following BVDV eradication, where BM testing is required as part of the surveillance strategy

    Factors affecting mortality in late stage Parkinson’s Disease

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    To determine the effect of dysphagia and hospital admissions on mortality in late stage Parkinson’s disease

    Development of lanthanum nickelate as a cathode for use in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells

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    The performance of lanthanum nickelate, La2NiO4+δ (LNO), as a cathode in IT-SOFCs with the electrolyte cerium gadolinium oxide, Ce0.9Gd0.1O2−δ (CGO), has been investigated by AC impedance spectroscopy of symmetrical cells. A significant reduction in the area specific resistance (ASR) has been achieved with a layered cathode structure consisting of a thin compact LNO layer between the dense electrolyte and porous electrode. This decrease in ASR is believed to be a result of contact at the electrolyte/cathode boundary enhancing the oxygen ion transfer to the electrolyte. An ASR of 1.0 Ω cm2 at 700 °C was measured in a symmetrical cell with this layered structure, compared to an ASR of 7.4 Ω cm2 in a cell without the compact layer. In addition, further improvements were observed by enhancing the cell current collection and it is anticipated that a symmetrical cell consisting of a layered structure with adequate current collection would lower these ASR values further

    Investigation of Graded La2NiO4+ Cathodes to Improve SOFC Electrochemical Performance

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    Mixed ionic and electronic conducting MIEC oxides are promising materials for use as cathodes in solid oxide fuel cells SOFCs due to their enhanced electrocatalytic activity compared with electronic conducting oxides. In this paper, the MIEC oxide La2NiO4+ was prepared by the sol-gel route. Graded cathodes were deposited onto yttria-stabilized zirconia YSZ pellets by dip-coating, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies were performed to characterize the symmetrical cell performance. By adapting the slurries, cathode layers with different porosities and thicknesses were obtained. A ceria gadolinium oxide CGO barrier layer was introduced, avoiding insulating La2Zr2O7 phase formation and thus reducing resistance polarization of the cathode. A systematic correlation between microstructure, composition, and electrochemical performance of these cathodes has been performed. An improvement of the electrochemical performance has been demonstrated, and a reduction in the area specific resistance ASR by a factor of 4.5 has been achieved with a compact interlayer of La2NiO4+ between the dense electrolyte and the porous La2NiO4+ cathode layer. The lowest observed ASR of 0.11 cm2 at 800°C was obtained from a symmetrical cell composed of a YSZ electrolyte, a CGO interlayer, an intermediate compact La2NiO4+ layer, a porous La2NiO4+ electrode layer, and a current collection layer of platinum paste

    EXAFS study of nickel tetracarbonyl and nickel clusters in zeolite Y

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    Adsorption and thermal decomposition of Ni(CO)4 in the cage system of zeolite Y have been studied with EXAFS, electron microscopy and IR spectroscopy , Ni(CO)4 is adsorbed as an intact molecule in both cation - free zeolite Y and NaY. Symmetry changes of the molecule in NaY are assigned to the formation of Na—OC-IMi bridges. Thermal treatment of the Ni(CO)4/NaY adduct leads to loss of CO concomitant with the formation of a binodal Ni phase. A major part of the forms clusters with diameter between 0.5 and about 1.5 nm, in addition to larger crystallites (5-30 nm), sticking at the outer surface of the zeolite matrix., The Ni-Ni scattering amplitude indicates increasing average particle size with increasing temperature