85 research outputs found

    Real-time human detection in urban scenes: Local descriptors and classifiers selection with adaboost-like algorithms

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    This paper deals with the study of various implementations of the AdaBoost algorithm in order to address the issue of real-time pedestrian detection in images. We use gradient-based local descriptors and we combine them to form strong classifiers organized in a cascaded detector. We compare the original AdaBoost algorithm with two other boosting algorithms we developed. One optimizes the use of each selected descriptor to minimize the operations done in the image (method 1), leading to an acceleration of the detection process without any loss in detection performances. The second algorithm (method 2) improves the selection of the descriptors by associating to each of them a more powerful weak-learner – a decision tree built from the components of the whole descriptor – and by evaluating them locally. We compare the results of these three learning algorithms on a reference database of color images and we then introduce our preliminary results on the adaptation of this detector on infrared vision. Our methods give better detection rates and faster processing than the original boosting algorithm and also provide interesting results for further studies. 1

    Deformable model to recover circular generalized cylinders

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    This paper describes a new approach to recover Circular Generalized Cylinders (CGC) using deformable models . This class includes many objects present on industrial site (pipes) or on the natural environment (human leg, tree trunk) . First, we propose a modeling algorithm of objects with constant cross-section radius, called Uniform Circular Generalized Cylinder s (UCGC). With this assumption, reconstruction is possible from a single view of the object. In the case of a single image, the cross - section radius cannot be estimated . If this radius is unknown, reconstruction is achieved up to a scale factor. The model 3D axis i s parametrized by a B-spline curve . After a coarse initialization, the model changes shape to fit the object contour detected in the studied image. Using different views of the object, the previous approach is adapted to Circular Generalized Cylinders (cross-section radiu s variations are now permitted) . No assumption is made on the axis geometry nor on the way the radius varies . In order to be sufficiently adaptative to the large range of object shape belonging to this class, we propose using two independent B-splin e functions to model respectively axis and cross-section radii variations . These algorithms use the geometrical properties of the occluding contours given by the perspective projection of the objects. It i s the first attempt to solve this problem by taking into account this accurate projective model .Dans cet article, nous proposons une mĂ©thode de reconstruction des cylindres gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©s Ă  section circulaire par modĂšle dĂ©formable. Tout d'abord, nous formulons l'hypothĂšse que les sections de l'objet sont de rayon constant. Nous parlons alors de Cylindres GĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©s Circulaires Uniformes (CGCU). Si le rayon est connu a priori, cette hypothĂšse permet de retrouver l'axe 3D de l'objet, paramĂ©trĂ© par une fonction B-Spline, Ă  partir d'une seule vue, sinon la reconstruction est faite Ă  un facteur d'Ă©chelle prĂšs. AprĂšs une initilisation grossiĂšre, le modĂšle est dĂ©formĂ© itĂ©rativement jusqu'Ă  ce que sa forme devienne cohĂ©rente avec les contours extraits de l'image. Nous montrerons ensuite que l'exploitation de diffĂ©rentes vues d'un mĂȘme objet permet d'adapter notre approche Ă  la reconstruction de Cylindres GĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©s Circulaires (CGC), objets constituĂ©s de sections circulaires Ă  rayon non-constant. Aucune hypothĂšse a priori n'est faite sur la gĂ©omĂ©trie de l'axe ou sur la façon dont varie le rayon des sections. Afin de pouvoir s'adapter au plus grand nombre d'objets appartenant Ă  cette classe, deux fonctions B-Spline indĂ©pendantes sont utilisĂ©es pour paramĂ©trer l'axe et la fonction de variation du rayon

    Abordagem sĂłcio-histĂłrica sobre a evolução da assistĂȘncia ao parto num municĂ­pio de mĂ©dio porte de Minas Gerais (1960-2001)

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    Trata-se de caracterizar a evolução da sĂ©rie histĂłrica quanto ao tipo de parto, normal, cesĂĄrea e fĂłrceps, no perĂ­odo de 1960 a 2001, nas trĂȘs maternidades mais antigas e conveniadas ao Sistema Único de SaĂșde (SUS) de Juiz de Fora. O mĂ©todo utilizado denomina-se histĂłria serial e permite a comparabilidade entre eventos histĂłricos em determinado perĂ­odo de tempo. Foi identificado o aumento de incorporação tecnolĂłgica nesta trajetĂłria e o crescente uso da cesariana atĂ© 1998, quando se identifica o impacto da portaria nÂș 2816, proposta pelo MinistĂ©rio da SaĂșde, atravĂ©s de inversĂŁo dessa tendĂȘncia com elevação do nĂșmero de partos normais. A diferenciação constatada do tipo de parto de acordo com a categoria de internação aponta para uma discussĂŁo marcadamente polĂ­tica, que diz respeito Ă s relaçÔes sociais em que se entrelaçam desigualdades de diversas ordens, entre elas as de gĂȘnero e de classe social. Conhecer as desigualdades e problematizar sua existĂȘncia, traduzida em perfis de morbimortalidade e padrĂ”es desiguais de assistĂȘncia, Ă© precondição para obter o encaminhamento da solução
