22 research outputs found

    Anatomical Changes in the Skin of Rattus Norvegicus After Artificial UV Exposure

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    Acute and subacute artificial UV exposure to albino rats exhibit morphological and histo-anatomical changes in the skin of albino rat. The anatomical changes include hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis and acanthosis beside numerical changes in keratinocytes, Langerhans, melanocytes and fibroblast seen after acute and subacute artificial UVB exposure

    Chromatographical Analysis of Amino Acids in Sepia Mutant of Drosophila melanogaster under Stress of Cypermethrin and Alphamethrin

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    Insects are invertebrates that are taxonomically referred to as the class Insecta. They are the most numerous and most widespread terrestrial taxon within the phylum Arthropoda, and indeed the most diverse group of animals on the earth, with around 925,000 species described—more than all other animal groups combined. Insects may be found in nearly all environments on the planet, although only a small number of species have adapted to life in the oceans where crustaceans tend to predominate instead. HPTLC is a method commonly applied for the identification, assay and the testing for purity, stability, dissolution or content uniformity of raw materials (herbal and animal extracts, fermentation mixtures, drugs and excipients) and formulated products (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutrients). These flexible and cost-effective techniques present the advantage of the simultaneous processing of standards and samples with versatile detection possibilities, including a great variety of post-chromatographic derivatization reagents

    Biokemijske i histološke promjene u jetrima štakora uzrokovane cipermetrinom i beta-ciflutrinom

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    Cypermethrin and beta-cyfluthrin are two most widely used multipurpose pyrethroids. After determining their oral LD50 (416.98 mg kg-1 and 354.8 mg kg-1 body weight, respectively), we assessed their hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats following acute (0.1 LD50 for 1 day) and sub-acute (0.1 LD50 for 7, 14, 21 or 28 days) poisoning. The assessment was based on hepatic marker enzymes AST, ALT, LDH, ALP, glycogen, total proteins, total lipids, cholesterol, free fatty acids, and phospholipids. AST, ALT, LDH, total lipids, cholesterol, phospholipids, and free fatty acids in hepatic homogenate increased following pyrethroid stress. In contrast, hepatic proteins, glycogen, and ALP activity decreased due to lysis of structural proteins and leakage of enzymes into the blood stream. Biochemical data were consistent with histological alterations (cytoplasmic vacuolisation, nuclear polymorphism, eccentric nucleus, karyolysis, karyorrhexis, and sinusoidal dilation). Comparatively greater hepatocellular damage was noted in beta-cyfluthrin than in cypermethrin-treated rats, which is probably related to the fluorine atom in beta-cyfluthrin.Primjena piretroida cipermetrina i beta-ciflutrina veoma je raširena diljem svijeta. Nakon što smo odredili njihov LD50 (416,98 mg kg-1, odnosno 354,8 mg kg-1 tjelesne mase) ispitali smo njihovu toksičnost u jetrima Wistar štakora koji su primili jednokratnu akutnu (0,1 LD50), odnosno odgovarajuće subakutne doze pesticida (0,1 LD50 kumulativno tijekom 7, 14, 21, odnosno 28 dana). Za markere toksičnosti uzeli smo jetrene enzime AST, ALT, LDH, ALP, glikogen, ukupne proteine, ukupne lipide, kolesterol, slobodne masne kiseline te fosfolipide. Razine AST-a, ALT-a, LDH-a, ukupnih lipida, kolesterola, fosfolipida i slobodnih masnih kiselina u homogenatu jetara bile su povišene u štakora izloženih piretroidima u odnosu na kontrolne štakore. S druge strane, razine proteina, glikogena i ALP-a bile su niže, vjerojatno zbog lize strukturnih proteina i curenja enzima u krvotok. Biokemijski nalazi potvrdili su histološke promjene na jetrima poput vakuolizacije citoplazme, polimorfi zama jezgara, ekscentričnih jezgara, kariolize, karioreksije i sinusoidnih proširenja. Beta-ciflutrin se pritom pokazao toksičnijim od cipermetrina, što je vjerojatno povezano s prisutnosti atoma fluora u beta-ciflutrinu

    Cuticular Biochemistry: Lambda-Cyhalothrin Induced Alterations in Mutant Drosophila Melanogaster

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    Derivatives of natural pyrethrum, synthetic pyrethroids, are well-established neurotoxins. However, they do interfere with the functioning of metabolic processes; the most important of these is chitin metabolism, a key process in the development of insects. Type II synthetic pyrethroid, lambda-cyhalothrin, when orally fed to Drosophila melanogaster revealed its efficacy in chitin synthesis modulation. Total proteins, glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, chitinase activity and chitin content exhibit significant changes in the final developmental stage, the adults. A reduction in chitin synthesis is suggestive of interference in polymerization process which is a must for cuticle formation. Involvement of lambda-cyhalothrin in chitin synthesis has been sought to be an additional mode of action, other than its neurotoxic nature

    Anatomical Changes in the Skin of Rattus norvegicus after Artificial UV Exposure

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    Acute and subacute artificial UV exposure to albino rats exhibit morphological and histo-anatomical changes in the skin of albino rat. The anatomical changes include hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis and acanthosis beside numerical changes in keratinocytes, Langerhans, melanocytes and fibroblast seen after acute and subacute artificial UVB exposure

    Cuticular Biochemistry: Lambda-Cyhalothrin Induced Alterations in Mutant Drosophila melanogaster

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    Derivatives of natural pyrethrum, synthetic pyrethroids, are well-established neurotoxins. However, they do interfere with the functioning of metabolic processes; the most important of these is chitin metabolism, a key process in the development of insects. Type II synthetic pyrethroid, lambda-cyhalothrin, when orally fed to Drosophila melanogaster revealed its efficacy in chitin synthesis modulation. Total proteins, glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, chitinase activity and chitin content exhibit significant changes in the final developmental stage, the adults. A reduction in chitin synthesis is suggestive of interference in polymerization process which is a must for cuticle formation. Involvement of lambda-cyhalothrin in chitin synthesis has been sought to be an additional mode of action, other than its neurotoxic nature