63 research outputs found

    Exploring the Range of Possible Outcomes by means of Logical Scenario Analysis and Reduction for Testing Automated Driving Systems

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    With the implementation of the new EU regulation 2022/1426 regarding the type-approval of the automated driving system (ADS) of fully automated vehicles, scenario-based testing has gained significant importance in evaluating the performance and safety of advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving systems. However, the exploration and generation of concrete scenarios from a single logical scenario can often lead to a number of similar or redundant scenarios, which may not contribute to the testing goals. This paper focuses on the the goal to reduce the scenario set by clustering concrete scenarios from a single logical scenario. By employing clustering techniques, redundant and uninteresting scenarios can be identified and eliminated, resulting in a representative scenario set. This reduction allows for a more focused and efficient testing process, enabling the allocation of resources to the most relevant and critical scenarios. Furthermore, the identified clusters can provide valuable insights into the scenario space, revealing patterns and potential problems with the system's behavior.Comment: submitted to IEEE ITSC 202

    1001 Ways of Scenario Generation for Testing of Self-driving Cars: A Survey

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    Scenario generation is one of the essential steps in scenario-based testing and, therefore, a significant part of the verification and validation of driver assistance functions and autonomous driving systems. However, the term scenario generation is used for many different methods, e.g., extraction of scenarios from naturalistic driving data or variation of scenario parameters. This survey aims to give a systematic overview of different approaches, establish different categories of scenario acquisition and generation, and show that each group of methods has typical input and output types. It shows that although the term is often used throughout literature, the evaluated methods use different inputs and the resulting scenarios differ in abstraction level and from a systematical point of view. Additionally, recent research and literature examples are given to underline this categorization.Comment: accepted at IEEE IV 202

    Fingerprint of a Traffic Scene: an Approach for a Generic and Independent Scene Assessment

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    A major challenge in the safety assessment of automated vehicles is to ensure that risk for all traffic participants is as low as possible. A concept that is becoming increasingly popular for testing in automated driving is scenario-based testing. It is founded on the assumption that most time on the road can be seen as uncritical and in mainly critical situations contribute to the safety case. Metrics describing the criticality are necessary to automatically identify the critical situations and scenarios from measurement data. However, established metrics lack universality or a concept for metric combination. In this work, we present a multidimensional evaluation model that, based on conventional metrics, can evaluate scenes independently of the scene type. Furthermore, we present two new, further enhanced evaluation approaches, which can additionally serve as universal metrics. The metrics we introduce are then evaluated and discussed using real data from a motion dataset

    Inverse Universal Traffic Quality -- a Criticality Metric for Crowded Urban Traffic Scenes

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    An essential requirement for scenario-based testing the identification of critical scenes and their associated scenarios. However, critical scenes, such as collisions, occur comparatively rarely. Accordingly, large amounts of data must be examined. A further issue is that recorded real-world traffic often consists of scenes with a high number of vehicles, and it can be challenging to determine which are the most critical vehicles regarding the safety of an ego vehicle. Therefore, we present the inverse universal traffic quality, a criticality metric for urban traffic independent of predefined adversary vehicles and vehicle constellations such as intersection trajectories or car-following scenarios. Our metric is universally applicable for different urban traffic situations, e.g., intersections or roundabouts, and can be adjusted to certain situations if needed. Additionally, in this paper, we evaluate the proposed metric and compares its result to other well-known criticality metrics of this field, such as time-to-collision or post-encroachment time.Comment: accepted at IEEE IV 202

    Probabilistic Modeling of Dietary Arsenic Exposure

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    Prolonged Outbreak of Mycobacterium chimaera Infection After Open-Chest Heart Surgery

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    A thorough epidemiological and microbiological investigation of this prolonged outbreak involving 6 open-chest heart surgery patients provided evidence for the airborne transmission of Mycobacterium chimaera, a slow-growing nontuberculous mycobacteria, from contaminated heater-cooler unit water tank

    Wissen können, dürfen, wollen?: genetische Untersuchungen während der Schwangerschaft

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    Neue Methoden der Genomanalyse erlauben es, im Blut einer schwangeren Frau festzustellen, ob krankhafte genetische Abweichungen beim Embryo vorliegen. Damit wird es vergleichsweise einfach, schon in einer frühen Phase der Schwangerschaft Aussagen über Chromosomen-Anomalien und weitere genetische Merkmale des Ungeborenen zu erhalten. Die seit wenigen Jahren erhältlichen nicht-invasiven Pränataltests (NIPT) sind gemäss ersten Erfahrungen sehr verlässlich, zudem entfallen die Risiken für den Fötus, die mit einer invasiven Untersuchung wie z.B. der Fruchtwasserpunktion einhergehen. Mit einer breiteren Anwendung der NIPT und mit der zunehmenden Anzahl von Krankheitsrisiken, die damit untersucht werden können, sind offene Fragen verbunden. Welche Tests sind sinnvoll? Wie gehen die Betroffenen mit den Informationen um? Wie wird die Beratung sichergestellt? In der interdisziplinären Studie werden Chancen und Risiken von vorgeburtlichen genetischen Untersuchungen abgeschätzt. Die Studie zeigt auf, wie sich die neuen Tests auf die Zukunft der pränatalen Diagnostik auswirken könnten, analysiert gesellschaftliche, ethische, rechtliche und ökonomische Fragen und formuliert Empfehlungen

    Healthcare-associated prosthetic heart valve, aortic vascular graft, and disseminated Mycobacterium chimaera infections subsequent to open heart surgery

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    Aims We identified 10 patients with disseminated Mycobacterium chimaera infections subsequent to open-heart surgery at three European Hospitals. Infections originated from the heater-cooler unit of the heart-lung machine. Here we describe clinical aspects and treatment course of this novel clinical entity. Methods and results Interdisciplinary care and follow-up of all patients was documented by the study team. Patients' characteristics, clinical manifestations, microbiological findings, and therapeutic measures including surgical reinterventions were reviewed and treatment outcomes are described. The 10 patients comprise a 1-year-old child and nine adults with a median age of 61 years (range 36-76 years). The median duration from cardiac surgery to diagnosis was 21 (range 5-40) months. All patients had prosthetic material-associated infections with either prosthetic valve endocarditis, aortic graft infection, myocarditis, or infection of the prosthetic material following banding of the pulmonary artery. Extracardiac manifestations preceded cardiovascular disease in some cases. Despite targeted antimicrobial therapy, M. chimaera infection required cardiosurgical reinterventions in eight patients. Six out of 10 patients experienced breakthrough infections, of which four were fatal. Three patients are in a post-treatment monitoring period. Conclusion Healthcare-associated infections due to M. chimaera occurred in patients subsequent to cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation and implantation of prosthetic material. Infections became clinically apparent after a time lag of months to years. Mycobacterium chimaera infections are easily missed by routine bacterial diagnostics and outcome is poor despite long-term antimycobacterial therapy, probably because biofilm formation hinders eradication of pathogen