75 research outputs found

    Utilization of Marble Dust for Improving The Geotechnic Characteristics Of Collapsible Soil

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    An environment friendly and cost effective factor of collapsible soil stabilization with the help of industrial waste has been widely adopted in this research. Buildings which are constructed on collapsible soils are subjected to large deformations and shear failure. Collapsible soil can be broadly categorized as those soils susceptible to a large reduction in volume upon wetting. The mechanism usually involved in rapid volume reduction entails breaking of bonds at coarse particle contacts by weakening of fine grained materials brought there by surface tension in evaporating water. This research presents the effects of using marble dust on the geotechnical properties of Collapsible soil as a new stabilizing technique. A series of experimental tests are carried for samples of collapsing soil with and without stabilization using marble dust for dry and soaked conditions. The collapsible soil was mixed with marble dust at different contents of (0, 10, 20, 30%,40% and 50%). The results indicated that, The optimum water content decreases by 20.67% at marble content of 50%, liquid limit decreses by35.41% at marble content of 50% and frictional angle for soaked soil decreases by 66.09% at marble content of 50% while un soaked soil decreases by54.68% at marble content of 50%. The maximum dry density increases 5.91% at marble content of 50% and cohesion for soaked increases 314.2% at marble content of 50% while un soaked soil increases 206.7% at marble content of 50%. It has been found that the adopted marble has a good effect in controlling the collapsing potential which is reduced by as much as 64.32% at marble content of 30%

    Design Considerations for Urban Furnishing of Public Transport Terminals

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      المَدينةُ شَكلٌ عُمرانيٌّ شَديدُ التّعقيدِ، تَتداخلُ عَناصرُه وتتشابكُ، وإدراكُ المشهدِ البصريِّ للمَدينةِ يَكونُ مِنْ خِلالِ صُورٍ بَصَريَّةٍ تَخضَعُ في تَكوينَاتِها لِقيمٍ نَابِعةٍ مِنْ جَماليَّاتِ العُمرانِ جَنباً إلَى جَنبٍ مَعَ القِيمِ الوظيفيَّةِ والاجتماعيَّةِ والثَقافيَّةِ الَّتي يَرتكزُ عَليها الفكرُ التَخطيطيُّ والتَصميمُ العُمرانيُّ، والاهتمامُ بِملامحِ المَدينةِ وشَكلِها وطَابَعِها وجَمالِها إنَّمَا هُو حَالةٌ فِطريَّةٌ وخَياراتٌ مُكتسَبةٌ، تُلازمُ مُستوياتِ التَطوُّرِ والنُموِّ للمُجتمعاتِ، وتُعَدُّ تَنميَةُ القُدراتِ نَحوَ إدراكِ القِيمِ الحَضاريَّةِ بِمثابةِ نَقلةٍ تَنمويَّةٍ للمجتمعاتِ نَحوَ مُستوىً حَضاريٍّ أعلَى وأسْمَى. وتشكِّلُ شبكةُ النَّقلِ العامِّ إِحدَى المُكوِّناتِ الرَئيسيَّةِ الَّتي تَرسمُ مَلامحَ المُدنِ وقِيمِهَا، والتَوجُّهُ إلى التعامُلِ مَعَها يَوميَّاً إنَّمَا هوَ عَلامَةٌ علَى الوُصولِ إلى مُستوىً عَالٍ مِنَ التَطوُّرِ الفِكريِّ والحَضاريِّ لَدى المُجتمَع، لِذا ظهرتِ الحاجَةُ إلى ضَرورةِ وَضعِ كَافَّةِ المُحدِّداتِ والمعاييرِ اللازمةِ لِرفعِ السَّويَّةِ ضِمنَ هَذا القطَّاع ومِنهَا مَحطَّاتُ توقُّفِ حافلاتِ النَّقلِ العَامِّ، بِمَا يَخدمُ الإنسانَ ومُتطلباتِهِ الحياتيَّةَ، ويُحسِّنُ مِنَ الصُّورةِ البَصريَّةِ، ويُحقِقُ القِيَمَ الجَماليَّةَ في الفراغِ العُمرانيِّ.   The city is a very complex urban form whose elements overlap and intertwine. The recognition of the visual landscape of the city is through visual images that are subjected in their formations to values stemming from the aesthetics of urbanism along with the functional, social, and cultural values underlying schematic thought and urban Design. Caring for the features of the city and its form, character, and beauty is an innate case of civilized choices going hand in hand with the levels of development and growth of societies. Capacity building  towards the values ​​of civilization is considered a shift towards the development of communities to the highest level of civilization. The public transport network is considered one of the basic components of cities. Dealing with it on a daily basis is a sign of access to a high level of intellectual development in community, Thus, the need for putting all the parameters and necessary foundations available to raise the level within this sector, including public transport and coach terminals, to serve the public and their needs, improving the optical image, and achieving aesthetic values ​​in urban space

    Behavior of Two Parallel Strip Footings on a Sand Cushion over Clay

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    In this paper, the behavior of two parallel strip footings resting on the surface of a semi-infinite clay is investigated. The effect of stress interference on bearing capacity and settlement are studied using the finite element program PLAXIS 2D. The clay is stimulated using the Mohr-Coulomb soil model that follows linear-elastic perfectly plastic behavior. A parametric study is performed for different clear spacing between the footings. The paper also investigates the effect of existence of a sand cushion as well as the existence of a layer of geogrid inside the cushion below the clay; on the stress-settlement relationship, and the bearing capacity of soil. The results are presented in terms of non-dimensional factors defined as the ratio of settlement and bearing capacity of interfering strip footings to that of a single strip footing resting over the same soil conditions. The study shows that the bearing capacity decreases with the decrease in clear spacing between the parallel strip footings, while the settlement is found to increase.The results of this paper may give designer engineers to include the effect of spacing between strip footings in the design according to a given value of bearing capacity

    Behavior of Two Parallel Strip Footings on a Sand Cushion over Clay

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    In this paper, the behavior of two parallel strip footings resting on the surface of a semi-infinite clay is investigated. The effect of stress interference on bearing capacity and settlement are studied using the finite element program PLAXIS 2D. The clay is stimulated using the Mohr-Coulomb soil model that follows linear-elastic perfectly plastic behavior. A parametric study is performed for different clear spacing between the footings. The paper also investigates the effect of existence of a sand cushion as well as the existence of a layer of geogrid inside the cushion below the clay; on the stress-settlement relationship, and the bearing capacity of soil. The results are presented in terms of non-dimensional factors defined as the ratio of settlement and bearing capacity of interfering strip footings to that of a single strip footing resting over the same soil conditions. The study shows that the bearing capacity decreases with the decrease in clear spacing between the parallel strip footings, while the settlement is found to increase.The results of this paper may give designer engineers to include the effect of spacing between strip footings in the design according to a given value of bearing capacity

    Muqatil ibn Sulayman, an early Zaidi theologian, with special reference to his Tafsir al-Khamsmiʼat Aya

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    The thesis consists of two parts: Part One. Introduction: Tafsīr up to 150/767, an historical study of tafsīr until thedeath of Muqātil b. Sulaymān. Chapter One is of six sections: i. Muqātil's name and life, which presents the available biographical data. ii. His sect: Muqātil and Sufism; the murji'a; the anthropomorphists; Muqātil and Jahm b. Ṣafwān; al-Muqātīliya; the Zaidis and one of their branches, al-Butriya. iii, The quṣṣāṣ and the relation between the quṣṣāṣ and tafsīr. iv. The isrāʼīliȳāt, including a comparison between the quotations of Muqātil from the Jewish sources and the Jewish sources themselves. v. Muqātil’s place in tradition, in which the views of various authorities about Muqātil are examined. vi. Muqātil’s works, a description of all those extant, viz. al-Kabīr, Mutashābih al-Qur'ān, Tafsîr al-Khamsmi'a, and al-Wujūh wal-Naẓã'ir Continued in thesis ..

    Muqatil ibn Sulayman, an early Zaidi theologian, with special reference to his Tafsir al-Khamsmiʼat Aya

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    The thesis consists of two parts: Part One. Introduction: Tafsīr up to 150/767, an historical study of tafsīr until thedeath of Muqātil b. Sulaymān. Chapter One is of six sections: i. Muqātil's name and life, which presents the available biographical data. ii. His sect: Muqātil and Sufism; the murji'a; the anthropomorphists; Muqātil and Jahm b. Ṣafwān; al-Muqātīliya; the Zaidis and one of their branches, al-Butriya. iii, The quṣṣāṣ and the relation between the quṣṣāṣ and tafsīr. iv. The isrāʼīliȳāt, including a comparison between the quotations of Muqātil from the Jewish sources and the Jewish sources themselves. v. Muqātil’s place in tradition, in which the views of various authorities about Muqātil are examined. vi. Muqātil’s works, a description of all those extant, viz. al-Kabīr, Mutashābih al-Qur'ān, Tafsîr al-Khamsmi'a, and al-Wujūh wal-Naẓã'ir Continued in thesis ...</p

    Reaction of 5-Aminotetrazole and Dyes Derived Thereof with Metallic Salts

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    Umm al-Qur'an wa khayr thalath suwar unzilat

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