15 research outputs found


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    Kota sering diartikan sebagai suatu permukaan wilayah dimana terdapat pemusatan penduduk dengan berbagai jenis kegiatan ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan administrasi pemerintah yang secara rinci dapat digambarkan meliputi lahan geografis utamanya untuk pemukiman, dalam jumlah penduduk yang relatif  besar dan lahan yang  relatif terbatas. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, nampak adanya keterkaitan yang nyata antara manusia dengan lingkungan (lahan), yang digunakan manusia untuk tempat tinggal, dan tempat beraktivitas. Perkembangan kota umumnya memanfaatkan lahan untuk dijadikan pemukiman, hal ini tidak lain dikarenakan semakin meningkatnya laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang ada di kota atau wilayah tersebut, sehingga permintaan akan lahan baru untuk pemukiman semakin banyak dan meningkat. Untuk itulah sebelum adanya pengembangan kota baru dilakukan analisis kemampuan lahan di Distrik Muara Tami menggunakan system information Geographic ( SIG ). Distrik Muara Tami mempunyai 5 klasifikasi yaitu sedang, sangat rendah, rendah, agak tinggi, dan sangat tinggi. Kemampuan pengembangan sedang yang lebih mendominasi di Distrik Muara tami. Secara umum cukup layak untuk dijadikan sebagai pengembangan kota baru. Sedangkan untuk Kemampuan Lahan yang tidak mendominasi di Distrik Muara Tami adalah Kemampuan Pengembangan Sangat Tinggi hal ini menunjukan hanya sebagian kecil wilayah Muara Tami yang mampu untuk dikembangkan, khususnya  sebagai wilayah pengembangan kota baru.Kata Kunci: Kota, Permukiman, Distrik Muara Tami, Kemampuan Lahan

    The adolescent transition under energetic stress: Body composition tradeoffs among adolescent women in The Gambia

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    Background and objectives: Life history theory predicts a shift in energy allocation from growth to reproductive function as a consequence of puberty. During adolescence, linear growth tapers off and, in females, ovarian steroid production increases. In this model, acquisition of lean mass is associated with growth while investment in adiposity is associated with reproduction. This study examines the chronological and developmental predictors of energy allocation patterns among adolescent women under conditions of energy constraint. Methodology: Fifty post-menarcheal adolescent women between 14 and 20 years old were sampled for weight and body composition at the beginning and end of 1 month in an energy-adequate season and 1 month in the subsequent energy-constrained season in a rural province of The Gambia. Results: Chronologically and developmentally younger adolescent girls gain weight in the form of lean mass in both energy-adequate and energy-constrained seasons, whereas older adolescents lose lean mass under conditions of energetic stress (generalized estimating equation (GEE) Wald chi-square comparing youngest tertile with older two tertiles 9.750, P = 0.002; GEE Wald chi-square comparing fast- with slow-growing individuals for growth rate 19.806, P < 0.001). When energy is limited, younger adolescents lose and older adolescents maintain fat (GEE Wald chi-square for interaction of age and season 6.568, P = 0.010; GEE Wald chi-square comparing fast- with slow-growing individuals for interaction of growth rate and season 7.807, P = 0.005). Conclusions and implications: When energy is constrained, the physiology of younger adolescents invests in growth while that of older adolescent females privileges reproductively valuable adipose tissue

    Micronutrient Deficiencies, Nutritional Status and the Determinants of Anemia in Children 0-59 Months of Age and Non-Pregnant Women of Reproductive Age in The Gambia.

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    Data on micronutrient deficiency prevalence, nutrition status, and risk factors of anemia in The Gambia is scanty. To fill this data gap, a nationally representative cross-sectional survey was conducted on 1354 children (0-59 months), 1703 non-pregnant women (NPW; 15-49 years), and 158 pregnant women (PW). The survey assessed the prevalence of under and overnutrition, anemia, iron deficiency (ID), iron deficiency anemia (IDA), vitamin A deficiency (VAD), and urinary iodine concentration (UIC). Multivariate analysis was used to assess risk factors of anemia. Among children, prevalence of anemia, ID, IDA, and VAD was 50.4%, 59.0%, 38.2%, and 18.3%, respectively. Nearly 40% of anemia was attributable to ID. Prevalence of stunting, underweight, wasting, and small head circumference was 15.7%, 10.6%, 5.8%, and 7.4%, respectively. Among NPW, prevalence of anemia, ID, IDA and VAD was 50.9%, 41.4%, 28.0% and 1.8%, respectively. Anemia was significantly associated with ID and vitamin A insufficiency. Median UIC in NPW and PW was 143.1 ”g/L and 113.5 ug/L, respectively. Overall, 18.3% of NPW were overweight, 11.1% obese, and 15.4% underweight. Anemia is mainly caused by ID and poses a severe public health problem. To tackle both anemia and ID, programs such as fortification or supplementation should be intensified

    Prevalence and co-existence of cardiometabolic risk factors and associations with nutrition-related and socioeconomic indicators in a national sample of Gambian women.

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are on the rise in Sub-Saharan Africa, and a large proportion of the adult population is thought to suffer from at least one cardiometabolic risk factor. This study assessed cardiometabolic risk factors and the contribution of nutrition-related indicators in Gambian women. The prevalence and co-existence of diabetes (elevated glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c ≄ 6.5%) or prediabetes (HbA1c ≄ 5.7% to  3 mg/L or alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) > 1 g/L) and the contribution of nutrition related and socioeconomic indicators were measured in non-pregnant women 15-49 years of age in the Gambia using data from a nationally representative cross-sectional stratified survey. Nationally, 54.5% (95% CI: 47.4, 61.4) of 1407 women had elevated HbA1c. Of these, 14.9% were diabetic and 85.1% were prediabetic. Moreover, 20.8% (95% CI 17.8, 20.0) of 1685 women had hypertension, 11.1% (95% CI 9.0, 13.7) of 1651 were obese and 17.2% (95% CI 5.1, 19.6) of 1401 had inflammation. At least one of the aforementioned cardiometabolic risk factor was present in 68.3% (95% CI 63.0, 73.1) of women. Obesity increased the risk of hypertension (aRR 1.84; 95% CI 1.40, 2.41), diabetes (aRR 1.91; 95% CI 1.29, 2.84), elevated HbA1c (aRR 1.31; 95% CI 1.14, 1.51) and inflammation (aRR 3.47; 95% CI 2.61, 4.61). Inflammation increased the risk of hypertension (aRR 1.42; 95% CI 1.14, 1.78). Aging increased the risk of hypertension, obesity and inflammation. Further, inadequate sanitation increased the risk for diabetes (aRR 1.65; 95% CI 1.17, 2.34) and iron deficiency increased the risk of elevated HbA1c (aRR 1.21; 95% CI 1.09, 1.33). The high prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors and their co-existence in Gambian women is concerning. Although controlling obesity seems to be key, multifaceted strategies to tackle the risk factors separately are warranted to reduce the prevalence or minimize the risk of CVD

    Novel electrospun polyurethane grafts for vascular access in rats

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study is to develop a new and improved polyurethane (PU) graft using electrospinning and chemical modifications for hemodialysis patients, which will replace the current standard, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft. The chemical modifications aim to improve hemocompatibility and reduce thrombogenicity and neointimal hyperplasia. Method: The study population was randomized and divided equally into four groups; one control group received a PTFE graft, and three treatment groups received three different types of polyurethane grafts. Two duplex measurements were performed directly on the graft on the same locations, followed by a histologic examination. Results: In the first few days after the implantation animals lost some weight, it took a week to recover to pre-surgical weight. Throughout the 28 days, there was no significant difference between animals in wound, activity, and the general appearance. PTFE and PU A groups have lower compliance or reduced graft diameter due to neointimal hyperplasia development on Doppler interrogation. The histological analysis showed limited neointimal hyperplasia development and no excessive inflammatory response to any of the grafts. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that animals with polyurethane grafts show better blood flow because the developed NIH was inconspicuous, as indicated by the different velocity measure than controls on Duplex and minimal NIH development microscopicall

    The effect of prepubertal calcium carbonate supplementation on skeletal development in Gambian boys-a 12-year follow-up study

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    CONTEXT: Calcium intake during growth is essential for future bone health but varies widely between individuals and populations. The impact on bone of increasing calcium intake is unknown in a population where low calcium intake, stunting, and delayed puberty are common.OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of prepubertal calcium supplementation on mean age at peak velocity for bone growth and mineral accrual.DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective follow-up of boys in rural Gambia, West Africa, who had participated in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of calcium supplementation.PARTICIPANTS: Eighty boys, initially aged 8.0-11.9 years, were followed up for 12 years.INTERVENTIONS: Subjects received 1 year of calcium carbonate supplementation (1000 mg daily, 5 d/wk).MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements were carried out for whole body (WB), lumbar spine, and total hip bone mineral content, bone area (BA), and WB lean mass. Super imposition by translation and rotation models was made to assess bone growth.RESULTS: Age at peak velocity was consistently earlier in the calcium group compared to the placebo group, for WB bone mineral content (mean, -6.2 [SE, 3.1]; P = .05), WB BA (mean, -7.0 [SE, 3.2] mo; P = .03), lumbar spine and total hip BA. By young adulthood, supplementation did not change the amount of bone accrued (mineral or size) or the rate of bone growth.CONCLUSIONS: Twelve months of prepubertal calcium carbonate supplementation in boys with a low calcium diet advanced the adolescent growth spurt but had no lasting effect on bone mineral or bone size. There is a need for caution when applying international recommendations to different populations<br/

    Impact of chemotherapy-associated liver injury on tumour regression grade and survival in patients with colorectal liver metastases

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    An inverse relation between chemotherapy-associated liver injury (CALI) and tumour response to chemotherapy has been reported. The aim was to validate these findings, and further investigate the impact of CALI on survival in patients who underwent partial hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). Patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy and underwent partial hepatectomy for CRLM between 2008 and 2014 were included. Liver and tumour specimens were histologically examined for CALI (steatosis, steatohepatitis, sinusoidal dilatation [SD], nodular regeneration) and tumour regression grade (TRG). TRG 1-2 was defined as complete tumour response. 166 consecutive patients were included with a median survival of 30 and 44 months for recurrence-free and overall survival, respectively. Grade 2-3 SD was found in 44 (27%) and TRG 1-2 was observed in 33 (20%) patients. Of studied CALI, only grade 2-3 SD was associated with increased TRG 3-5 (odds ratio 3.99, 95% CI 1.17-13.65, p = 0.027). CALI was not significantly related to survival. TRG 1-2 was associated with prolonged recurrence-free (hazard ratio 0.47, 95% CI 0.25-0.89, p = 0.020) and overall survival (hazard ratio 0.35, 95% CI 0.18-0.68, p = 0.002). CALI was not directly related to survival. CALI was, however, associated with diminished complete tumour response, and diminished complete tumour response, in turn, was associated with decreased surviva