1,647 research outputs found

    Hysteretic current-voltage characteristics and resistance switching at an epitaxial oxide Schottky junction SrRuO3_{3}/SrTi0.99_{0.99}Nb0.01_{0.01}O3_{3}

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    Transport properties have been studied for a perovskite heterojunction consisting of SrRuO3_{3} (SRO) film epitaxially grown on SrTi0.99_{0.99}Nb0.01_{0.01}O3_{3} (Nb:STO) substrate. The SRO/Nb:STO interface exhibits rectifying current-voltage (II-VV) characteristics agreeing with those of a Schottky junction composed of a deep work-function metal (SRO) and an nn-type semiconductor (Nb:STO). A hysteresis appears in the II-VV characteristics, where high resistance and low resistance states are induced by reverse and forward bias stresses, respectively. The resistance switching is also triggered by applying short voltage pulses of 1 μ\mus - 10 ms duration.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Appl. Phys. Lett., in pres

    Theory of Josephson effect in chiral p-wave superconductor / diffusive normal metal / chiral p-wave superconductor junctions

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    We study the Josephson effect between chiral p-wave superconductor / diffusive normal metal (DN) / chiral p-wave superconductor (CP/DN/CP) junctions using quasiclassical Green's function formalism with proper boundary conditions. The px+ipy-wave symmetry of superconducting order parameter is chosen which is believed to be a pairing state in Sr2RuO4. It is shown that the Cooper pairs induced in DN have an odd-frequency spin-triplet s-wave symmetry, where pair amplitude is an odd function of Matsubara frequency. Despite the peculiar symmetry properties of the Cooper pairs, the behavior of the Josephson current is rather conventional. We have found that the current phase relation is almost sinusoidal and the Josephson current is proportional to exp(-L/xi), where xi is the coherence length of the Cooper pair in DN and L is the length of DN. The Josephson current between CP / diffusive ferromagnet metal (DF) / CP junctions is also calculated. It is shown that the 0-pi transition can be realized by varying temperature or junction length L similar to the case of conventional s-wave junctions. These results may serve as a guide to study superconducting state of Sr2RuO4.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Novel Orbital Ordering induced by Anisotropic Stress in a Manganite Thin Film

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    We performed resonant and nonresonant x-ray diffraction studies of a Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 thin film that exhibits a clear first-order transition. Lattice parameters vary drastically at the metal-insulator transition at 170K (=T_MI), and superlattice reflections appear below 140K (=T_CO). The electronic structure between T_MI and T_CO is identified as A-type antiferromagnetic with the d_{x2-y2} ferroorbital ordering. Below T_CO, a new type of antiferroorbital ordering emerges. The accommodation of the large lattice distortion at the first-order phase transition and the appearance of the novel orbital ordering are brought about by the anisotropy in the substrate, a new parameter for the phase control.Comment: 4pages, 4figure

    Multivalued memory effects in electronic phase-change manganites controlled by Joule heating

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    Non-volatile multivalued memory effects caused by magnetic fields, currents, and voltage pulses are studied in Nd_{0.65}Ca_{0.35}MnO_3 and (Nd_{1-y}Sm_{y})_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3 (y=0.75) single crystals in the hysteretic region between ferromagnetic metallic and charge-ordered insulating states. The current/voltage effects observed in this study are explained by the self-heating effect, which enable us to control the colossal electroresistance effects. This thermal-cycle induced switching between electronic solid and liquid states can be regarded as electronic version of atomic crystal/amorphous transitions in phase-change chalcogenides.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Angular dependence of Josephson currents in unconventional superconducting junctions

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    Josephson effect in junctions between unconventional superconductors is studied theoretically within the model describing the effects of interface roughness. The particularly important issue of applicability of the frequently used Sigrist-Rice formula for Josephson current in d-wave superconductor / insulator / d-wave superconductor junctions is addressed. We show that although the SR formula is not applicable in the ballistic case, it works well for rough interfaces when the diffusive normal metal regions exist between the d-wave superconductor and the insulator. It is shown that the SR approach only takes into account the component of the d-wave pair potential symmetric with respect to an inversion around the plane perpendicular to the interface. Similar formula can be derived for general unconventional superconductors with arbitrary angular momentum l.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Josephson effect in Sr2RuO4/diffusive normal metal/Sr2RuO4 junctions

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    We derive a generalized Nazarov’s boundary condition for diffusive normal metal (DN)/chiral p-wave superconductor (CP) interface including the macroscopic phase of the superconductor. The Josephson effect is studied in CP/DN/CP junctions solving the Usadel equations under the above boundary condition. We find that, enhancement of a critical current at low temperature is small compared with that in px-wave /DN/px-wave junctions. As a result, temperature dependence of the critical current in these junctions is similar to that in conventional junctions. The result is consistent with the experiment in Sr2RuO4–Sr3RuO7 eutectic junctions. Similar feature is also found in current–phase relation

    Crystallographic and superconducting properties of the fully-gapped noncentrosymmetric 5d-electron superconductors CaMSi3 (M=Ir, Pt)

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    We report crystallographic, specific heat, transport, and magnetic properties of the recently discovered noncentrosymmetric 5d-electron superconductors CaIrSi3 (Tc = 3.6 K) and CaPtSi3 (Tc = 2.3 K). The specific heat suggests that these superconductors are fully gapped. The upper critical fields are less than 1 T, consistent with limitation by conventional orbital depairing. High, non-Pauli-limited {\mu}0 Hc2 values, often taken as a key signature of novel noncentrosymmetric physics, are not observed in these materials because the high carrier masses required to suppress orbital depairing and reveal the violated Pauli limit are not present.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure