35 research outputs found

    Mapping of immunogenic and protein-interacting regions at the surface of the seven-bladed β-propeller domain of the HIV-1 cellular interactor EED-0

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    crystals and analysis by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie blue staining. Lane 1 : solution of purified EED3-H(10 mg/mL) used for crystallogenesis (protein load : 50 μg). Lane 2 : protein content of solubilized single crystal. MW : markers of protein molecular mass, indicated in kilodaltons (kDa) on the right side of the panel.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Mapping of immunogenic and protein-interacting regions at the surface of the seven-bladed β-propeller domain of the HIV-1 cellular interactor EED"</p><p>http://www.virologyj.com/content/5/1/32</p><p>Virology Journal 2008;5():32-32.</p><p>Published online 27 Feb 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2292171.</p><p></p

    Mapping of immunogenic and protein-interacting regions at the surface of the seven-bladed β-propeller domain of the HIV-1 cellular interactor EED-1

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    . Shown is a ribbon representation of the polypeptide backbone atoms of EED3 isoform (amino acid residues 84–441), with secondary and tertiary structures of the different β-blades. , 3D-model of the EED3 seven-bladed β-propeller, deduced from crystallographic data (modified, from [30]). The black arrow indicates the major difference between our putative model (A) and the crystal model (B), consisting of the α1 helical region facing the β-strand β17 in β-blade IV. , Position of immunogenic epitopes (depicted in green) on the 3D-model of EED polypeptide backbone (represented in blue). , Primary and secondary structures of EED3, deduced from crystallographic data [30]. The amino acid sequence was numbered according to the accepted nomenclature [12] : Met95 in EED1 isoform represented Met1 in EED3 ; thus, the C-terminal residue L440 in EED3 corresponded to L535 in EED1. Regions in β-strand structure are represented by horizontal arrows, with reference to the blade number and β-strand letter a, b, c or d ; α-helices are represented by spirals, and turns by TT. Helical regions marked α1 and η1, and the β-strand region marked β17, were structurized domains of EED which were unique among representatives of WD-40 proteins. The relative accessibility of each residue () in the 3D structure was extracted from the dictionary of protein structure [45], and indicated as coloured bars under the sequence with the following colour code : dark blue, highly accessible ; light blue, accessible ; white, buried. Discrete regions recognized by anti-EED IgG are indicated by green boxes. The binding sites of HIV-1 matrix protein (MA) and integrase (IN) are underlined by solid black lines.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Mapping of immunogenic and protein-interacting regions at the surface of the seven-bladed β-propeller domain of the HIV-1 cellular interactor EED"</p><p>http://www.virologyj.com/content/5/1/32</p><p>Virology Journal 2008;5():32-32.</p><p>Published online 27 Feb 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2292171.</p><p></p

    Mapping of immunogenic and protein-interacting regions at the surface of the seven-bladed β-propeller domain of the HIV-1 cellular interactor EED-2

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    crystals and analysis by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie blue staining. Lane 1 : solution of purified EED3-H(10 mg/mL) used for crystallogenesis (protein load : 50 μg). Lane 2 : protein content of solubilized single crystal. MW : markers of protein molecular mass, indicated in kilodaltons (kDa) on the right side of the panel.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Mapping of immunogenic and protein-interacting regions at the surface of the seven-bladed β-propeller domain of the HIV-1 cellular interactor EED"</p><p>http://www.virologyj.com/content/5/1/32</p><p>Virology Journal 2008;5():32-32.</p><p>Published online 27 Feb 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2292171.</p><p></p

    Quantification of VLP assembly and egress using luciferase assay.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>), <b><i>Ultracentrifugation analysis of VLP.</i></b> Cells coexpressing Pr55Gag and LucVpr were untreated (control 0) or treated with PA-457 in DMSO for 24 h at 24 h pi, at increasing concentrations as indicated. VLP were isolated from the culture medium at 48 h pi by isopycnic ultracentrifugation in sucrose-D<sub>2</sub>0 density gradient, and assayed for luciferase activity, expressed as relative light units (RLU). (<b>b)</b>, <b><i>Dose-response curve of PA-457 inhibitory effect on VLP production</i></b>. The ratio of VLP-associated to intracellular luciferase activity was plotted versus PA-457 concentrations. The IC<sub>50</sub> value obtained was 2.2–2.4 µg/ml. <b><i>Inset</i></b> : VLP production (<b><i>top</i></b>) and intracellular expression of Pr55Gag (<b><i>bottom</i></b>) were evaluated in parallel by Western blot analysis using anti-Gag rabbit antibody and phosphatase-labeled conjugate.</p

    Packaging of Vpr and LucVpr into HIV-1 VLP produced in Sf9 cells.

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    <p>Sf9 cells were infected with (-) AcMNPV-Pr55Gag alone, or (+) coinfected with AcMNPV-Pr55Gag and another recombinant baculovirus expressing (<b>a</b>) Vpr or (<b>b, c</b> )Luciferase-Vpr fusion protein (LucVpr). Both Vpr and LucVpr were tagged with the His<sub>6</sub> epitope. VLP were isolated from the culture medium at 48 h pi, using ultracentrifugation in sucrose-D<sub>2</sub>0 density gradient, and each gradient fraction analysed by SDS-PAGE and standard immunoblotting. (<b>a</b>), Western blot reacted with anti-Gag polyclonal antibody and peroxidase-labeled anti-rabbit IgG antibody, followed by monoclonal anti-His<sub>6</sub> tag and phosphatase-labeled anti-mouse IgG antibody. Pr55Gag polyprotein is revealed in brown, Vpr protein (14 kDa) in blue (lanes 1, 2). (<b>b</b>), Western blot reacted with anti-Gag polyclonal antibody and phosphatase-labeled anti-rabbit IgG antibody, followed by monoclonal anti-His<sub>6</sub> tag and peroxidase-labeled anti-mouse IgG antibody. Pr55Gag polyprotein is in blue, LucVpr protein (72 kDa) is in brown (lanes 3, 4). (<b>c</b>), Autoradiogram of dried SDS-gel of <sup>35</sup>S-labeled VLP released from control AcMNPV-Pr55Gag-infected cell cultures (lane 5), or from AcMNPV-Pr55Gag+AcMNPV-LucVpr-coinfected cell cultures, both labeled with <sup>35</sup>S-methionine and <sup>35</sup>S-cysteine. Lane m, PageRulerâ„¢ pretained protein ladder (Fermentas Inc.). Lane m', Dual Colorâ„¢ molecular markers (BioRad). Molecular masses are indicated in kiloDaltons (kDa). (*), Asterisk indicates the position of the mono-ubiquitinated Gag polyprotein of 62 kDa, detected by its positive reaction with anti-ubiquitin antibody (not shown).</p

    Structural analysis of extracellular EP-39-induced morula-like particles.

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    <p>Sf9 cells infected with AcMNPV-Pr55Gag were untreated (<b>a</b>) or treated (<b>b, c</b>) at 24 h pi with EP-39 (10 µg/ml) for 24 h. Cell culture medium was harvested at 48 h pi, VLP pelleted by ultracentrifugation, and processed for EM analysis. Electron-dense 100-nm particles are viewed at low (<b>b</b>) and high (<b>c</b>) magnification, respectively. Control, membrane-enveloped VLP released from untreated cells (<b>a</b>) are shown at the same magnification as in (<b>c</b>). (<b>d</b>), Hypothetical model of an EP-39-induced nanoparticle of ca. 20 nm in diameter, composed of 12 to 16 copies of Pr55Gag assembled with a dodecahedral or octahedral symmetry.</p

    Electron microscopy of EP-39-treated, Pr55Gag-expressing cells.

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    <p>Samples of Sf9 cells coinfected with AcMNPV-Pr55Gag and AcMNPV-LucVpr at equal MOI, were treated at 24 h pi with 10 µg/ml of EP-39 inhibitor for 24 h, harvested at 48 h pi, and processed for observation under the EM. Note the morula-like shape of electron-dense particles of ca. 100 nm in diameter, some of which in the process of egressing into the extracellular milieu.</p

    Efficiency of inhibition of HIV-1 VLP assembly by betulinic acid derivatives <sup>(a)</sup>.

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    (a)<p>The mean values (m) for the 50% inhibitory activity (IC<sub>50</sub>) on VLP assembly were given as µg/ml (mean, m ± SEM ; n = 4), or as µM (m). The mean values for cytoxicity (CC<sub>50</sub>) were only given as µM.</p>(b)<p>The selectivity index (SI) was given by the ratio CC<sub>50</sub>∶IC<sub>50</sub>.</p>(c)<p>ND, not determined.</p>(d)<p>NA, not applicable.</p

    Structure of betulinic acid derivatives.

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    <p>Note that only carbon-3 and carbon-28 are numbered on the PA-457 formula. Compounds ST-327, EP-48, EP-39, EP-47 and EP-62 are schematically represented by their only difference with the leader compound PA-457, i.e. the substituant which amidifies the acidic function carried by carbon-28.</p

    Evaluation of the inhibitory activity of BA, PA-457, ST-327, EP-47 and EP39 on VLP assembly, using luciferase-Vpr packaging-based assay.

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    <p>Aliquots of Sf9 cells coinfected with AcMNPV-Pr55Gag and AcMNPV-LucVpr at equal MOI were treated at 24 h pi with increasing doses of each inhibitor for 24 h. Cells and culture medium were harvested at 48 h pi, and VLP isolated from the culture medium. Cell pellets and VLP were then processed for luciferase assay, and the values of the ratio of VLP-incorporated to cell-associated luciferase activity, in percentage of the control (0 inhibitor), were plotted versus the PA-457 concentrations. In control samples, the fraction of VLP-incorporated luciferase was usually 5 to 7% of the total activity recovered. E.g., in the experiment illustrated here, the activity recovered was 35.5×10<sup>6</sup> RLU in cell pellets, versus 2.5×10<sup>6</sup> in extracellular VLP. Note that the inhibition curve of EP-62, which resembled that of ST-327, was not represented for reason of clarity.</p