207 research outputs found

    String fine tuning

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    We develop further a new geometrical model of a discretized string, proposed in [1] and establish its basic physical properties. The model can be considered as the natural extention of the usual Feynman amplitude of the random walks to random surfaces. Both amplitudes coinside in the case, when the surface degenarates into a single particle world line. We extend the model to open surfaces as well. The boundary contribution is proportional to the full length of the boundary and the coefficient of proportionality can be treated as a hopping parameter of the quarks. In the limit, when this parameter tends to infinity, the theory is essentialy simlplified. We prove that the contribution of a given triangulation to the partition function is finite and have found the explicit form for the upper bound. The question of the convergence of the full partition function remains open. In this model the string tension may vanish at the critical point, if the last one exists, and possess a nontrivial scaling limit. The model contains hidden fermionic variables and can be considered as an independent model of hadrons.Comment: 14 pages, pTeX fil

    Interaction Hierarchy. Gonihedric String and Quantum Gravity

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    We have found that the Regge gravity \cite{regge,sorkin}, can be represented as a superpositionsuperposition of less complicated theory of random surfaces with Euler characterEuler~character as an action. This extends to Regge gravity our previous result \cite{savvidy}, which allows to represent the gonihedric string \cite{savvidy1} as a superposition of less complicated theory of random paths with curvaturecurvature action. We propose also an alternative linear action A(M4)A(M_{4}) for the four and high dimensional quantum gravity. From these representations it follows that the corresponding partition functions are equal to the product of Feynman path integrals evaluated on time slices with curvature and length action for the gonihedric string and with Euler character and gonihedric action for the Regge gravity. In both cases the interaction is proportional to the overlapping sizes of the paths or surfaces on the neighboring time slices. On the lattice we constructed spin system with local interaction, which have the same partition function as the quantum gravity. The scaling limit is discussed.Comment: 11 pages,Late

    Stability of the Rotating Ellipsoidal D0-brane System

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    In this note we prove the complete stability of the classical fluctuation modes of the rotating ellipsoidal membrane. The analysis is carried out in the full SU(N) setting, with the conclusion that the fluctuation matrix has only positive eigenvalues. This proves that the solution will remain close to the original one for all time, under arbitrary infinitesimal perturbations of the gauge fields.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Gonihedric String Equation

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    We discuss the basic properties of the gonihedric string and the problem of its formulation in continuum. We propose a generalization of the Dirac equation and of the corresponding gamma matrices in order to describe the gonihedric string. The wave function and the Dirac matrices are infinite-dimensional. The spectrum of the theory consists of particles and antiparticles of increasing half-integer spin lying on quasilinear trajectories of different slope. Explicit formulas for the mass spectrum allow to compute the string tension and thus demonstrate the string character of the theory.Comment: 40 pages, Latex, 9 figure

    Phase structure of four-dimensional gonihedric spin system

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    We perform Monte Carlo simulations of a gauge invariant spin system which describes random surfaces with gonihedric action in four dimensions. The Hamiltonian is a mixture of one-plaquette and additional two- and three-plaquette interaction terms with specially adjusted coupling constants. For the system with the large self-intersection coupling constant kk we observe the second-order phase transition at temperature βc≃1.75\beta_{c}\simeq 1.75. The string tension is generated by quantum fluctuations as it was expected theoretically. This result suggests the existence of a noncritical string in four dimensions. For smaller values of kk the system undergoes the first order phase transition and for kk close to zero exhibits a smooth crossover.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 10 figure

    Tensionless Strings. Vertex Operator for Fixed Helicity States

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    The tensionless string theory with perimeter action has pure massless spectrum of higher-spin gauge fields. The multiplicity of these massless states grows linearly. It is therefore much less compared with the standard string theory and is larger compared with the field theory models of the Yang-Mills type. It is important to define nontrivial interaction between infinite amount of massless particles of the perimeter string theory. The appropriate vertex operators were defined recently and I study the lowest order vertex operators and the corresponding scattering amplitudes in tree approximation. I emphasize the special importance of the vertex operator for fixed helicity states.Comment: 12 pages, Latex fil
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