101 research outputs found

    Use of L-arginine immobilised on activated carbon for pharmacological correction of endothelial disfunction

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    For the first time a complex of L-arginine sodium salt of sulfate of cellulose acetate on activated carbon. To investigate the processes of sorption-desorption of L-arginine in a model environmen

    Floodplain soils on the soil map of the Russian Federation, scale 1 : 2.5 M, 1988, in the Russian soil classification

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    The development of the digital model of the soil map of Russia derived of the map of the Soviet Russian Federation, 1988, compiled in Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, comprises the transfer of soil names in the initial legend to those in the new classification system of Russian soils (2004). Floodplain soils (only native) are represented by seven legend units (out of 205) that were named in terms of soil classification of USSR, 1977, and part of their names indicated ‘landscapes’ rather than soils, which disagrees with the principles of the new classification system. Basing on numerous publications and following the rules of the new system, soils were renamed. Most of them were referred to alluvial soil types within the synlithogenic trunk (Fluvisols), and their new names indicate both their properties and their zonal attachment. In order to obtain more adequate patterns of soils in river valleys additional soils were introduced including stratified-alluvial soils in the trunk of primary pedogenesis (Regosols). Simultaneously, the composition of polygons in the database was revised in accordance with regional data; human-modified soils were introduced (agro-soils and urbo-soils)

    Floodplain soils on the soil map of the Russian Federation, scale 1 : 2.5 M, 1988, in the Russian soil classification, 2004

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    The largest area of taiga gley-differentiated soils on the Soil map of Russian Federation, scale 1:2.5 M, is located in the north of West Siberia. Small areas are dispersed over the northwestern European Russia, Eastern Siberia and the North-East. Interpretation of taiga gley-differentiated soils in terms of Russian soil classification system (2004) is rather ambiguous owing to high diversity of ecological conditions where these soils occur, аs well as variability of soil morphological, chemical, and physicochemical properties in diverse mapping units. Comparing properties of taiga gley-differentiated soils described in the Program of the map (1972) and in regional publications with the diagnostic criteria for soil types in some orders of the Russian classification system made it possible to find adequate names and taxonomic position for these soils. Thus, taiga gley-differentiated soils in the middle and northern taiga of Western Siberia proved to be allocated to several orders: weakly differentiated and gleyed soils with a brown profile were referred to the order of organo-accumulative soils as shallow-peat gleyic soils; their more hydromorphic variants – taiga gley-differentiated shallow-peat soils were  defined in the order of gleyzems, as peat gleyzems, soil with morphologically differentiated profile having a particular cryogenic structure were qualified for svetlozems and iron-illuvial gleyic svetlozems in the order of cryometamorpic soils, and for eluvial-metamorphic soils of the same order in case of cryogenic structure was absent. Taiga gley-differentiated soils in their northwestern area are confined to varved clays and correspond to (soddy-)eluvial-metamorphic gleyic soils

    Soil orders and their areas on the updated soil map of the Russian Federation, 1 : 2.5 M scale

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    An analysis of the soil cover of Russia as presented on the soil map on a scale of 1 : 2.5 M with the use of a new substantive-genetic soil classification system has been performed at the level of soil orders. The high level of classification-based generalization makes it possible to assess the most general patterns of soil geography and soil resources and to identify changes that have occurred as a result of renaming of each polygon on the map with the use of the new classification. The areas occupied by soil orders have been calculated. In total, there are 24 soil orders on the new map, including 21 orders of natural soils and 3 orders (agrozems, turfzems, stratozems) of anthropogenically transformed soils. Soils of the orders of agro-abrazems, chernozems, and turbozems are not presented on the map. As on most small-scale soil maps of Russia, the zonal regularities of the soil cover in the East European Plain and high lithogenic mosaicity in Central and Eastern Siberia are clearly seen. The new map includes soil orders that were absent on the initial map: cryozems, cryometamorphic and hydrometamorphic soils, lithozems, cryoabrazems, cryoturbozems, urbostratozems, and organo-accumulative soils. Soils characteristic of humid conditions predominate: Al-Fe-humus soils (Podzols) (319.2 M ha, or 19% of the land fund of Russia), gley soils (Gleysols) (223.9 M ha, 13%), texture-differentiated soils (Luvisols and Regosols) (190.8 M ha, 11%), and peat soils (Histosols) (143.5 M ha, 8%) and occupy more than a half of the territory of Russia. The area of humus-accumulative soils most suitable for arable use is 103.6 M ha (6%). Considerable areas are occupied by soils of the orders of cryozems (Turbic Cryosols) (111.4 M ha), iron-metamorphic soils (Chromic Cambisols) (92.7 M ha), structure-metamorphic soils (Cambisols) (47.3 M ha), pale-metamorphic soils (Cambic Cryosols) (12.8 M ha), hydrometamorphic soils (Calcic Gleysols) (4.3 M ha), and cryometamorphic soils (Cambisols Gelic) (3.4 M ha), which corresponds to the vast continental territory of Russia with balanced moisture conditions. Separate place belongs to the soils with strict limitations for use (lithosols (Leptosols), weakly developed soils (Regosols, Nudilithic Leptosols)) but playing important biospheric functions and requiring special protection

    Assessment of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on tularemia in the Republic of tatarstan

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    Objective of the study was to assess epidemiological and epizootiological activity of natural tularemia foci in the Republic of Tatarstan for further forecasting of the developments and working out the tactics for implementation of preventive and anti-epidemic measures. Materials and methods. We utilized statistical data, reports of the Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Tatarstan, and literature sources for the analysis. Results and conclusions. Since 1995, the incidence among the population in Tatarstan has not been registered. Natural tularemia foci are situated in 19 enzootic as regards the infection administrative districts in the territory of the Republic. Epizootiological monitoring of the natural foci suggests that over the last four years their activation occurred. In this contest realization of complex anti-epidemic  measures,  regulated  by  the  current  normative-methodological  documents  remains  relevant,  as  well  as timely and effective diagnostics, including among the patients with a similar to tularemia symptoms

    The structures of dimeric stereoisomeric tartrates of iron(III) as determined by molecular mechanics calculations

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    The stereospecific formation of iron(III) complexes with d- and dl-taric acidsdH4L, dlH4L respectively) is discussed. Molecular mechanics calculations (mind program, model of Dashevsky-Plyamovatyi) are applied to modelling of dimeric tartrate Fe2(d-L)2 2- and Fe2(d-L)(l-L)2-(II) structures. Stereospecific formation is explained by lesser values of energy of rigid iron(III) octahedral coordination in (I). © 1995

    Cartographic interpretation of chemical and radiation contamination of Russian soils

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    At the end of the 20th century, a geoinformation database on soil degradation in Russia, relied on the soil map of Russia at a scale of 1 : 5 million, was developed under the leadership of V.S. Stolbovoy. As part of the development of this problem and in the course of obtaining new information on soil degradation, an attempt was made to refine and supplement this database, that relies on the soil map of the Russian Federation 1 : 2.5 million scale. Soil degradation resulted from the impact of various types of pollution was taken into account, including industrial emissions, leakage of oil products, excessive application of pesticides, the impact of vehicles and radiation pollution. Each soil polygon of the soil map exposed to the pollution was characterized by the degree and area of pollution in accordance with the developed scales. The results of the analysis were used to construct cartograms illustrating the spatial distribution of chemical and radiation degradation of the country soils. According to the data obtained, in the zone of pollution derived from industrial enterprises and oil pollution, 20% of the soil-geographic polygons of the map are characterized by a strong degree of pollution, and 30% and 50% – by weak and medium, respectively. Agricultural pollution due to excessive use of plant protection products in Russia does not exceed 10% of the area of polygons and is characterized by a low degree. About 10% of the soil polygons of the basic soil map are heavily contaminated with radioactive contamination, while 40% and 50% of the polygons are moderately and weakly contaminated, respectively. Pollution from vehicles is weak and generally has low level. At the same time, megacities and highways with heavy traffic are distinguished by relatively high level of pollution

    Anthrax in the Republic of Tatarstan (1920–2020)

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    The aim of the work was to characterize the epidemiological and epizootic situation on anthrax among population and animals in the Republic of Tatarstan over a period of 1920–2020.Materials and methods. The analysis of the epidemiological and epizootic situation is based on the archival data, epidemiological maps of anthrax patients, results of epizootiological-epidemiological survey of anthrax foci conducted by the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Republic of Tatarstan and Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Tatarstan, materials of the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the Republic of Tatarstan. Microbiological studies of samples from patients and environmental objects were performed in accordance with the requirements of MR 4.2.2413-08 “Laboratory diagnostics and detection of anthrax pathogen”, real-time PCR was set using the AmpliSense Bacillus anthracis-FRT test-system (Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow). Statistical data processing was carried out using the quantile ranking method.Results and discussion. There are more than 1000 anthrax soil foci in the Republic of Tatarstan, which territorially belongs to the Volga Federal District. Analysis of the epizootic and epidemiological situation in the Republic of Tatarstan over the period of 1920–2020 has revealed that it has undergone significant changes, from mass diseases in animals and humans in early 20th century to sporadic cases of infection among population and animals at the beginning of the 21st century, primarily due to preventive veterinarysanitary measures, including veterinary and sanitary examination of animal products, mass specific immunization of animals against anthrax, arrangement of anthrax cattle burial grounds. In view of the improvement of epizootiological situation and implementation of preventive measures, there was a decrease in the incidence of anthrax among the population. The regions of the Republic have been ranked by the number of animal anthrax cases

    Mire peat soils of the taiga and sub-taiga zones of West Siberia on a digital model of the soil map of Russia at a scale of 1 : 2 500 000 in terms of the Russian soil classification

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    A digital version of the soil map of the Russian Federation, scale 1 : 2.5 M, is being prepared based on the analysis of the attributes of polygons with peat soils in the West-Siberian taiga and sub-taiga zones. The correction was perfomed in 795 polygons (with the total area of 179 483 km2) out of 1 711 polygons considered (with the total area of 262 204 km2). The currently formulated idea of the dominance of oligotrophic bogs in the West Siberian taiga region of mires served as the basis for suggestion to replace the mesotrophic peat soils by oligotrophic ones in 598 polygons of the total area of 87 250 km2. Similarly, the polygons of microcatenas comprising oligotrophic and mesotrophic peat soils (57 polygons, total area of 38 405 km2) were modified: only oligotrophic peat soils were considered to be the dominant ones there. At the same time, a number of polygons with prevailing oligotrophic soils, confined mainly to the sub-taiga zone were proposed to be replaced by polygons with mesotrophic peat soils. The thermokarst pools in ridge-hollow mire complexes that were shown on the soil map of Russia beyond the permafrost zone were eliminated from the map database; the mapping of destructive peat soils was rearranged in accordance with the new interpretation of this taxon in the Russian soil classification. This work should improve the quality of research in the field of assessing the resource potential of peat soils in West Siberia