2 research outputs found

    The Associations between Metabolic Syndrom Components and Chronic Renal Disease at Gatot Subroto Hospital, Jakarta

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    Background: The incidence of chronic renal disease in Indonesia is increasing. Metabolic syndrome is one of the risk factors of chronic renal disease. Insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes mellitus, high fasting-blood glucose, glucose intolerance), hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, low serum HDL level, obesity, and micro albuminuria are components of metabolic syndrome according to WHO criteria. Metabolic syndrome causes chronic inflammation and eventually damages renal cells. This study aimed to examine the associations between metabolic syndrom components and chronic renal disease. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study carried out at Gatot Subroto Hospital, Jakarta. A sample of 113 patients with chronic renal disease was selected for this study. The dependent variable was patient of chronic renal disease. The independent variable was metabolic syndrome components based on WHO criteria. The data of chronic renal disease were obtained from the medical record. The data were described in percent and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Of all 113 patients with chronic renal disease sample in this study, 66 (58.4%) had metabolic syndrome. Chronic renal disease was associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (OR= 8.29; 95% CI= 0.77 to 52.50; p= 0.049) and high fasting-blood glucose level (OR= 6.34; 95% CI= 1.01 to 68.08; p= 0.087). Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes mellitus and high fasting-blood glucose level are associated with an increased risk of chronic renal disease. Keywords: chronic renal disease, metabolic syndrome, risk facto

    Total Flight Hours, Irritated and Burning Eye and Risk of Mild Myopia in Civilian Pilots in Indonesia

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    Latar belakang: Miopia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang sering terjadi di antara penerbang. Penelitianini bertujuan mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor risiko dominan terhadap miopia ringan pada penerbang sipildi Indonesia.Metode: Subyek adalah penerbang sipil pria berusia 21-45 tahun yang dipilih secara purposif di antara yangsedang melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Jakarta. Data tajampenglihatan dan gula darah didapatkan dari rekam medik. Miopia ringan adalah subyek dengan penurunantajam penglihatan dengan koreksi lensa -0,25 sampai dengan -0,30. Analisis data dengan regresi Coxmenggunakan Stata 10.Hasil: Persentase miopia ringan dalam penelitian ini sebesar 36%. Faktor risiko dominan terhadap myopiaringan adalah jam terbang total, riwayat orang tua myopia, dan gejala iritasi dan gatal mata. Subyekdengan dibandingkan dengan yang kurang dari 1000 jam terbang 28% lebih tinggi berisiko myopia ringan[risiko relatif suaian (RRa) = 1,28; 95% interval kepercayaan (CI) =1,00-1,64; P = 0,047]. Subyek dengandibandingkan ttanpa riwayat orang tua myopia 32% lebih tinggi berisiko myopia ringan (RRa = 5,32; 95%CI = 3,75-7,55; P = 0,000. Sedangkan subyek dengan dibandingkan tanpa gejala iritasi mata 48% lebihbesar berisiko miopia ringan RRa) = 1,48; 95% CI = 1,19-1,85; P = 0,001). Subyek dengan dibandingkantanpa gejala iritasi mata 46% lebih berisiko miopia ringan (RRa = 0,46; 95% CI = 0,26-0,83; P = 0,009).Kesimpulan: Jam terbang total lebih dari 1000 jam, riwayat orang tua miopia, iritasi mata merupakanfaktor risiko dominan terhadap miopia ringan pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. (Health Science Journalof Indonesia 2016;7:49-53)Kata kunci: miopia ringan, penerbang sipil, jam terbang, Indonesia Background: Spatial orientation is the main problem to pilots that determined by visual, vestibuler andpropioseptif. This study aims to identify several dominant risk factors related to mild myopia in civilianpilots in Indonesia.Methods: This cross-sectional study using using purposive sampling. Subjects answered the questionaire.Data was extracted from the medical record. Cox regression analyses using Stata 10.Results: The subject consisted of 21-45 years old male civilian pilots who performing scheduled medicalcheck up at the Civil Aviatian Medical Centre. We found that 36% of the pilots had mild myopia, and thedominant risk factors were total flight time for 1000 hours or more, parental myopia, as well as irritatedand burning eyes. Those who had compared to did have total flight hours for 1000 hours or more had 28%more risk to have mild myopia [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 1.28; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.00 to1.64; P = 0.047]. In term of parential myopia, those who had compared who did not have parential myopiahad 32% more risk to have mild myopia (RRa = 1.32; 95% CI = 3.75-7.55; P = 0.000). Moreover, thosewho had compared to who did have irritated and burning eyes had 48% more risk to have mild myopia(RRa = 0.46; 95% CI = 0.26-0.83; P = 0.009).Conclusions: Total flight 1000 hours or more, parental myopia, as well as irritated and burning eyes were dominantrisk factors for mild myopia in civilian pilots in Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7:49-53