1,477 research outputs found

    Sheehan Syndrome

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    A simple and efficient dye-based technique for rapid screening of fungi for L-asparaginase production

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    Three hundred and sixty four (364) isolates of tropical soil fungi were screened for L-asparaginase production by rapid plate method using modified Czapek-Dox agar containing L-asparagine, and either bromo cresol purple or phenol red dye as an indicator. Results of the study revealed that total one hundred and thirty five (135) isolates showed positive reaction for L-asparaginase production as indicated by the color change in and around the colonies between 48-72 hours of incubation at 280 C. A comparative study of the two indicator dyes with varying concentrations showed bromo cresol purple is a better and efficient indicator for L-asparaginase screening than phenol red. Quantitative estimation of L-asparaginase in the selected fungi showed Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium sp. were good candidates for L-asparaginase production

    The History of neurosurgery

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    Static Hand Gesture Recognition for PowerPoint Presentation Navigation using Thinning Method

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    In this paper a method to control the power point presentation navigation using bare hands, is proposed. The proposed method takes static hand gestures as input via webcam connected to the computerand uses thinning method to obtain the hand shape parameters. Thesehand shape parameters are used to countthe number of raised fingers. Based on this count, the gestures are identified and then used to control the slides. This method does not require devices such asmarkers orgloves or any other devices andalso does not require any database to identify a gesture

    Genetic Analysis of Biofortification of Micronutrient Breeding in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Rice is a staple food for millions of people and has great importance in food and nutritional security. Rice is the second most widely consumed in the world next to wheat. The poorest to the richest person in the world consumes rice in one or other form. New research on the importance of micronutrients, vitamins and proteins aims at biological and genetic enrichment. Vital nutrients that the farmer can grow indefinitely without any additional input to produce nutrient-packed rice grains in a sustainable way is the only feasible way of reaching the malnourished population in India. In the present study, an attempt has been made to improve the nutritional quality of rice
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