35 research outputs found

    Damping the neutrino flavor pendulum by breaking homogeneity

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    The most general case of self-induced neutrino flavor evolution is described by a set of kinetic equations for a dense neutrino gas evolving both in space and time. Solutions of these equations have been typically worked out assuming that either the time (in the core-collapse supernova environment) or space (in the early universe) homogeneity in the initial conditions is preserved through the evolution. In these cases one can gauge away the homogeneous variable and reduce the dimensionality of the problem. In this paper we investigate if small deviations from an initial postulated homogeneity can be amplified by the interacting neutrino gas, leading to a new flavor instability. To this end, we consider a simple two flavor isotropic neutrino gas evolving in time, and initially composed by only νe\nu_e and νˉe\bar\nu_e with equal densities. In the homogeneous case, this system shows a bimodal instability in the inverted mass hierarchy scheme, leading to the well studied flavor pendulum behavior. This would lead to periodic pair conversions νeνˉeνxνˉx\nu_e \bar\nu_e \leftrightarrow \nu_x \bar\nu_x. To break space homogeneity, we introduce small amplitude space-dependent perturbations in the matter potential. By Fourier transforming the equations of motion with respect to the space coordinate, we then numerically solve a set of coupled equations for the different Fourier modes. We find that even for arbitrarily tiny inhomogeneities, the system evolution runs away from the stable pendulum behavior: the different modes are excited and the space-averaged ensemble evolves towards flavor equilibrium. We finally comment on the role of a time decaying neutrino background density in weakening these results.Comment: (7 pages, 5 eps figures. Figure improved. Final version appeared in PRD

    Self-induced flavor instabilities of a dense neutrino stream in a two-dimensional model

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    We consider a simplifed model for self-induced flavor conversions of a dense neutrino gas in two dimensions, showing new solutions that spontaneously break the spatial symmetries of the initial conditions. As a result of the symmetry breaking induced by the neutrino-neutrino interactions, the coherent behavior of the neutrino gas becomes unstable. This instability produces large spatial variations in the flavor content of the ensemble. Furthermore, it also leads to the creation of domains of different net lepton number flux. The transition of the neutrino gas from a coherent to incoherent behavior shows an intriguing analogy with a streaming flow changing from laminar to turbulent regime. These finding would be relevant for the self-induced conversions of neutrinos streaming-off a supernova core.Comment: (v2: revised version: 8 pages, 7 eps figures. To appear on Physical Review D as Rapid Communication. Discussion enlarged. Two Appendices added.

    Unveiling secret interactions among sterile neutrinos with big-bang nucleosynthesis

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    Short-baseline neutrino anomalies suggest the existence of low-mass ( m \sim O(1)~eV) sterile neutrinos \nu_s. These would be efficiently produced in the early universe by oscillations with active neutrino species, leading to a thermal population of the sterile states seemingly incompatible with cosmological observations. In order to relieve this tension it has been recently speculated that new "secret" interactions among sterile neutrinos, mediated by a massive gauge boson X (with M_X << M_W), can inhibit or suppress the sterile neutrino thermalization, due to the production of a large matter potential term. We note however, that they also generate strong collisional terms in the sterile neutrino sector that induce an efficient sterile neutrino production after a resonance in matter is encountered, increasing their contribution to the number of relativistic particle species N_ eff. Moreover, for values of the parameters of the \nu_s-\nu_s interaction for which the resonance takes place at temperature T\lesssim few MeV, significant distortions are produced in the electron (anti)neutrino spectra, altering the abundance of light element in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). Using the present determination of 4^4He and deuterium primordial abundances we determine the BBN constraints on the model parameters. We find that 2^2H/H density ratio exclude much of the parameter space if one assume a baryon density at the best fit value of Planck experiment, \Omega_B h^2= 0.02207, while bounds become weaker for a higher \Omega_B h^2=0.02261, the 95 % C.L. upper bound of Planck. Due to the large error on its experimental determination, the helium mass fraction Y_p gives no significant bounds.Comment: v2: revised version. Minor changes: figures improved, references updated. Matches the version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmogenic neutrino fluxes under the effect of active-sterile secret interactions

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    Ultra High Energy cosmogenic neutrinos may represent a unique opportunity to unveil possible new physics interactions once restricted to the neutrino sector only. In the present paper we study the observable effects of a secret active-sterile interactions, mediated by a pseudoscalar, on the expected flux of cosmogenic neutrinos. The results show that for masses of sterile neutrinos and pseudoscalars of hundreds MeV, necessary to evade cosmological, astrophysical and elementary particle constraints, the presence of such new interactions can significantly change the energy spectrum of cosmogenic neutrinos at Earth in the energy range from PeV to ZeV. Interestingly, the distortion of the spectrum results to be detectable at GRAND apparatus if the scalar mediator mass is around 250 MeV and the UHECRs are dominated by the proton component. Larger mediator masses or a chemical composition of UHECRs dominated by heavier nuclei would require much larger cosmic rays apparatus which might be available in future.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Cosmic microwave background constraints on secret interactions among sterile neutrinos

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    Secret contact interactions among eV sterile neutrinos, mediated by a massive gauge boson XX (with MXMWM_X \ll M_W), and characterized by a gauge coupling gXg_X, have been proposed as a mean to reconcile cosmological observations and short-baseline laboratory anomalies. We constrain this scenario using the latest Planck data on Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies, and measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). We consistently include the effect of secret interactions on cosmological perturbations, namely the increased density and pressure fluctuations in the neutrino fluid, and still find a severe tension between the secret interaction framework and cosmology. In fact, taking into account neutrino scattering via secret interactions, we derive our own mass bound on sterile neutrinos and find (at 95% CL) ms<0.82m_s < 0.82 eV or ms<0.29m_s < 0.29 eV from Planck alone or in combination with BAO, respectively. These limits confirm the discrepancy with the laboratory anomalies. Moreover, we constrain, in the limit of contact interaction, the effective strength GXG_X to be <2.8(2.0)×1010GF < 2.8 (2.0) \times 10^{10}\,G_F from Planck (Planck+BAO). This result, together with the mass bound, strongly disfavours the region with MX0.1M_X \sim 0.1 MeV and relatively large coupling gX101g_X\sim 10^{-1}, previously indicated as a possible solution to the small scale dark matter problem.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Collisional production of sterile neutrinos via secret interactions and cosmological implications

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    Secret interactions among sterile neutrinos have been recently proposed as an escape-route to reconcile eV sterile neutrino hints from short-baseline anomalies with cosmological observations. In particular models with coupling g_X \gtrsim 10^{-2} and gauge boson mediators XX with MX10M_X \lesssim 10 MeV lead to large matter potential suppressing the sterile neutrino production before the neutrino decoupling. With this choice of parameter ranges, big bang nucleosynthesis is left unchanged and gives no bound on the model. However, we show that at lower temperatures when active-sterile oscillations are no longer matter suppressed, sterile neutrinos are still in a collisional regime, due to their secret self-interactions. The interplay between vacuum oscillations and collisions leads to a scattering-induced decoherent production of sterile neutrinos with a fast rate. This process is responsible for a flavor equilibration among the different neutrino species. We explore the effect of this large sterile neutrino population on cosmological observables. We find that a signature of strong secret interactions would be a reduction of the effective number of neutrinos NeffN_{\rm eff} at matter radiation equality down to 2.7. Moreover, for MXgXM_X \gtrsim g_X MeV sterile neutrinos would be free-streaming before becoming non-relativistic and they would affect the large-scale structure power spectrum. As a consequence, for this range of parameters we find a tension of a eV mass sterile state with cosmological neutrino mass bounds.Comment: (v2: 8 pages, 2 eps figures. Revised version: Major changes. Title changed. Added a Section on the impact of secret interactions on NeffN_{\rm eff}. Cosmological mass bounds revised. References updated.

    Multi-momentum and multi-flavour active-sterile neutrino oscillations in the early universe: role of neutrino asymmetries and effects on nucleosynthesis

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    We perform a study of the flavour evolution in the early universe of a multi-flavour active-sterile neutrino system with parameters inspired by the short-baseline neutrino anomalies. In a neutrino-symmetric bath a "thermal" population of the sterile state would quickly grow, but in the presence of primordial neutrino asymmetries a self-suppression as well as a resonant sterile neutrino production can take place, depending on temperature and chosen parameters. In order to characterize these effects, we go beyond the usual average momentum and single mixing approximations and consider a multi-momentum and multi-flavour treatment of the kinetic equations. We find that the enhancement obtained in this case with respect to the average momentum approximation is significant, up to \sim 20 % of a degree of freedom. Such detailed and computationally demanding treatment further raises the asymmetry values required to significantly suppress the sterile neutrino production, up to large and preferentially net asymmetries |L_{\nu}| > O(10^{-2}). For such asymmetries, however, the active-sterile flavour conversions happen so late that significant distortions are produced in the electron (anti)neutrino spectra. The larger |L_{\nu}|, the more the impact of these distortions takes over as dominant cosmological effect, notably increasing the 4 He abundance in primordial nucleosynthesis (BBN). The standard expression of the primordial yields in terms of the effective number of neutrinos and asymmetries is also greatly altered. We numerically estimate the magnitude of such effects for a few representative cases and comment on possible implications for forthcoming cosmological measurements.Comment: v2 (12 pages, 4 eps figures) revised version. Comments added, references updated. Matches the version published in PR

    No collective neutrino flavor conversions during the supernova accretion phase

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    The large neutrino fluxes emitted with a distinct flavor hierarchy from core-collapse supernovae (SNe) during the post-bounce accretion phase, offer the best opportunity to detect effects from neutrino flavor oscillations. We perform a dedicated study of the SN neutrino flavor evolution during the accretion phase, using results from recent neutrino radiation hydrodynamics simulations. In contrast to what expected in the presence of only neutrino-neutrino interactions, we find that the multi-angle effects associated with the dense ordinary matter suppress collective oscillations. This is related to the high matter densities during the accretion phase in core-collapse SNe of massive iron-core progenitors. The matter suppression implies that neutrino oscillations will start outside the neutrino transport region and therefore will have a negligible impact on the neutrino heating and the explosion dynamics. Furthermore, the possible detection of the next galactic SN neutrino signal from the accretion phase, based on the usual Mikheyev- Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect in the SN mantle and Earth matter effects, can reveal the neutrino mass hierarchy in the case that the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} is not very small.Comment: (4 pages, 4 eps figures, v2 revised version. Discussion clarified. Matches the version published on PRL

    The strongest bounds on active-sterile neutrino mixing after Planck data

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    Light sterile neutrinos can be excited by oscillations with active neutrinos in the early universe. Their properties can be constrained by their contribution as extra-radiation, parameterized in terms of the effective number of neutrino species N_ eff, and to the universe energy density today \Omega_\nu h^2. Both these parameters have been measured to quite a good precision by the Planck satellite experiment. We use this result to update the bounds on the parameter space of (3+1) sterile neutrino scenarios, with an active-sterile neutrino mass squared splitting in the range (10^{-5} - 10^2 ) eV^2. We consider both normal and inverted mass orderings for the active and sterile states. For the first time we take into account the possibility of two non-vanishing active-sterile mixing angles. We find that the bounds are more stringent than those obtained in laboratory experiments. This leads to a strong tension with the short-baseline hints of light sterile neutrinos. In order to relieve this disagreement, modifications of the standard cosmological scenario, e.g. large primordial neutrino asymmetries, are required.Comment: v2 (9 pages, 10 eps figures) revised version. Discussion enlarged. Included bounds from the Planck limit on the sterile neutrino mass. References update