25 research outputs found

    Количественная оценка проницаемости гематомиокардиального барьера для полиацетатных комплексов Gd при ишемической и воспалительной патологии миокарда

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    Purpose. We developed and applied for quantification of microvascular permeability in damaged myocardium a model - based approach employing the dynamic acquisition of magnetic resonance imaging of paramagnetic diffusion to damaged myocardium and kinetic Gjedde-Rutlend-Patlak (GRP) analysis of blood clearance of the contrast concomitantly with it’s rise in the damaged tissue, in ischemic or inflamed tissue.Material and methods. The model is based on the passive gradient-driven diffusion, unidirectional for first minutes after injection of the contrast, used as Gjedd-Rutland-Patlak technique. If the Cmyoc - depicts the concentration of the paramagnetic in the blood, and the Cblood -means the blood level of the contrast agent, whereas the kblood–myocardium – is the index of diffusion of the contrast from blood to myocardium, then assuming the diffusion unidirectional for first minutes post injection we can plot the ratio {(∫Cblood(t)dt) / Cblood} – as abscissa X, and {Cmyoc /Cblood} – as ordinata Y, kblood-myocardium can be obtained then from such linear plot as it’s slope. We substituted the concentrations themselves with the values of intensities of the echo-planar ECG-synchronized scans of the heart and validated this approach with comparison of MRI intensity data over LV cavity to Gd content in blood samples.MRI of the heart with contrast enhancement was carried out using dynamic scannig, after bolus injection of 2 ml of 0.5 M of paramagnetic contrast (Gadoversetamide -TMOptimark) per 10 Kg of BW. TR = 3.4 ms, TE = 1.7 ms, inversion time 176.0 ms, deviation angle = 40 deg, scanning field 38 х 38 cm, slice thickness = 8-10 мм, acqu-sition matrix 256 х 256, or 192 х 192, echo train length = 1. The groups of patients comprised twenty one persons with acute myocardial infarction treated clically successfully with intravenous thrombolysis and coronary stenting and also nine persons with firstly revealed inflammatory myocarditis. Uptake kinetics to the myocardium was imaged using protocols with fat supression for up to 12 minutes after bolus injection and then processed using RadiAnt software (Medixant, Poznan, Polska), and also original software for dynamic data analysis written using MATLAB 6.1 (SCILAB also), with output of plots of MRI signal intensities over time for various myocardial regions and also of GRP plots and calculation of  kblood-myocardium values.Results. The physiological sence of the kblood–myocardiumdiffusion koefficient means this value depicts the clearance of paramagnetic to myocardium, i.e. the amount of blood cleared from the paramagnetic due to paramagnetic’ diffusion to damaged myocardium, per minute, per unit of myocardial volume. The value of the kblood–myocardiumdiffusion koefficient was, respectively, as high as 3.09 ± 1.32 (2.36-11.9) ml/min/100 g of tissue, in myocardial infarction although treated successfully with thrombolysis and stenting (n = 21) and 1.78 ± 0.67 (0.50-2.42) ml/min/100 g of tissue -in inflammatory myocarditis damage of myocardium (n = 9); In normal controls kblood–myocardium was close to zero values and namely as low as 0.09 ± 0.06 (<0.2) (ml/min/100 g of tissue). Use of this dynamic protocol provided highly significant separation of ishemic and iflammatory conditions.Conclusion. Dynamic MRI echo-planar ECG-synchro-nised contrast-enhanced echo-planar study of the heart can be successfully carried out using both high- and middle-field MRI scanner. The model-based indexes of diffusion of paramagnetic to the infarction or inflammation are significantly different and deliver additional object-based characteristics of the vascular permeability of the damaged haematomyocardial barrier.Цель исследования: разработать и апробировать в клинике методику количественного расчета сосудистой проницаемости гистогематического барьера миокарда для контраста-парамагнетика на основе математической модели Гьедде-Рутланда-Патлака (ГРП) с оценкой роста содержания контраста в миокарде и его клиренса из крови по данным динамической МРТ.Материал и методы. В основе модели накопления парамагнетика в поврежденном миокарде - принцип Гьедде-Рутланд-Патлака (1977). Если Смиок - содержание контраста в миокарде, Скровь - содержание в крови, а ккрть_мтрд - показатель скорости диффузии “кровь-миокард”, считая транспорт парамагнетика однонаправленным в течение первых минут после инъекции, то откладывая {(∫Cкровь(t)dt) / Cкровь} по оси X, а {Cмиок /Cкровь} -по оси Y, kкровь–миокард получается тогда как линейный наклон такого графика.Были обследованы пациенты с острым инфарктом миокарда с успешным тромболизисом (n = 21) и впервые выявленной воспалительной патологией (n = 9). МРТ с парамагнитным контрастным усилением проводилась с помощью динамического протокола FFE1.7.ssfp330k МР-томографа Toshiba Titan Vantage. Динамика поглощения парамагнетика миокардом в ишемических региогнах фиксировалась при введении 2 мл 0,5 M раствора гадоверсетамида на 10 кг массы тела с помощью быстрого протокола в матрицу 256 х 256 элементов изображения, с показателями: время повторения TR = 3,4 мс, время эхо TE = 1,7 мс, время инверсии 176,0 мс, угол отклонения 40°, область сканирования 38 х 38 см, толщина среза 8-10 мм, матрица записи 192 х 192 или 256 х 256, при однократном усреднении, показателе длины эхо (echo train length) равном 1, собственно длительность записи группы из 4 срезов в средней трети левого желудочка 210-300 мс. Запись данных велась на протяжении до 12 мин с частотой 1 кадр в 30 с и затем обрабатывалась с помощью программы RadiAnt (Medixant, Познань, Польша), а также оригинальной программы динамического анализа на MATLAB и SCILAB с построением зависимостей содержания контраста в крови и миокарде от времени, графика ГРП и расчетом показателя kкровь-миокардРезультаты. Физиологический смысл показателя ккровь-миокард в том, что эта величина представляет собой клиренс крови по Gd-ДТПА в миокард, т.е. количество крови, очищаемое от парамагнетика за минуту единицей объема ткани миокарда. Показатель ккровь -миокард составил в зависимости от характера патологии: у пациентов с острым инфарктом миокарда с успешным тромболизистом и ЧКВ (n = 21) 3,09 ± 1,32 (2,3611,9) мл/мин/100 г ткани, тогда как у пациентов с воспалительными поражениями - хроническим миокардитом в стадии обострения или впервые выявленным острым миокардитом (n = 9) 1,78 ± 0,67 (0,50-2,42) мл/мин/100 г ткани. В норме ккровь-миокард слабо отличался от нулевых величин и составлял 0,09 ± 0,06 (<0,2) (мл/мин/100 г ткани). Использование динамического протокола позволило высокодостоверно дифференцировать ишемическое и воспалительное поражение.Заключение. Динамическое МРТ-исследование сердца с парамагнитным контрастным усилением может быть успешно выполнено с помощью как высокопольного, так и среднепольного МР-томографа. Получаемые при математическом моделировании показатели диффузии парамагнетика в ткань ишемического повреждения и воспалительного некоронарогенного очага значительно различаются в зависимости от характера процесса и позволяют получить дополнительную объективную характеристику сосудистой проницаемости пораженного гематомиокардиального барьера

    Thermal Processing of Milk; New Dairy Product Concepts

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    Role of Protein and Lactose Interactions in the Age Gelation of Ultra-High Temperature Processed Concentrated Skim Milk

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    Skim milk was pasteurized, diafiltered, and concentrated three times by UF. Lactose or sucrose was then added at 3 or 6%. The five samples containing \u3c.05% lactose, 3 and 6% lactose, and 3 and 6% sucrose were UHT processed at 140°C for 4 s using indirect heating, collected aseptically in presterilized containers, and stored at 4, 20, and 35°C. All samples stored at 4 and 20°C gelled after 21 wk of storage. Samples stored at 35°C did not gel. Browning occurred only in samples containing lactose stored at 35°C. Proteolysis in gelled samples was shown by SDS-PAGE. Bands were due to proteolysis, protein crosslinking, and a streaking pattern in ungelled samples. Electron micrographs of gelled samples showed that various casein particles were connected by hairlike protrusions, but the micelles in ungelled samples were not connected and had few protrusions. The Maillard reaction neither promoted nor deferred age gelation. Protein modifications prevented gelation in samples stored at 35°C. Age gelation was probably a two-step process in which dissociated proteins from the casein micelles reformed on micelles as hairlike protrusions. This process was followed by aggregation of the protein particles

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    The relative protein nutritional value of okra seed protein was estimated by protein efficiency ratio and relative protein value assays with growing rats. The form in which okra seed meal was presented in the diet influenced the amount that was eaten, and, hence protein efficiency ratio, but relative protein value compensates for this difference. Freshly ground okra seed retarded growth of rats but heating the ground seed meal or aging it up to 4 weeks after grinding reduced or eliminated this inhibition. The relative protein value of heated or aged ground okra seed is 70% of a casein control. The relative protein value of okra seed protein compares favorably to that of other proteins from seeds.El valor de la proteína de semilla de quimbombó (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) en dietas para ratones se probó usando dos técnicas. La semilla se molió y se les sirvió en dietas balanceadas, fresca o almacenada, en polvo o en pelotas. La harina fresca inhibió el crecimiento de los ratones. La almacenada o preparada con calor en forma de pelotas sostenía el crecimiento. La manera de servir la harina influyó en la medida del valor de la proteína, porque influye en la cantidad ingerida. La proporción de eficiencia de la proteína ("protein efficiency ratio, PER") es más susceptible a tales cambios. El valor relativo de la proteína ("relative protein value, RPV") no está influido por la cantidad ingerida, por lo cual es una medida estable del valor de la proteína. La proteína de semilla de quimbombó compara muy favorablemente en valor nutritivo con proteínas de otras semillas

    Effects of Phosphate and Citrate on Gelation Properties of Casein Micelles in Renneted Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) Sterilized Concentrated Milk

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    Milk was concentrated to 3X (volume reduction) by ultrafiltration. Disodium phosphate and sodium citrate were added, and the milk concentrates were homogenized. The concentrates were then heated at 135°C for 50 s in a laboratory ultra-high temperature (UHT) heating system. Rennet gels were made from heated and unheated milk concentrates and their curd firmness measured using a Formagraph. Gel microstructures were examined by electron microscopy. When rennet was added to unhomogenized milk concentrate before UHT heating, the resultant gel consisted of a strong protein network that encapsulated the fat globules. Pockets of milk serum were associated with the fat. Homogenization caused the fat droplets to be coated with casein micelles and become tied into the protein network as an integral part of the gel structure. The microstructure of UHT milk concentrate gels was different from gels made from unheated milk. Gelation of UHT milk proceeded more slowly and the gels were weaker. Much of the casein in such samples had lost their micellar identity and was present as a homogeneous mass around the fat droplets. Large areas in the gel lacked protein network, which weakened the UHT milk gels. Samples with disodium phosphate added did not gel after UHT treatment, even if high concentrations of rennet were added. Samples with sodium citrate added formed only a weak rennet gel after UHT treatment. 10 micrographs, 2 diagrams, 32 references, discussion with reviewers

    Sensory and Microbial Quality of Milk Processed for Extended Shelf Life by Direct Steam Injection

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    Heat treatments of milk between 100 and 145°C produce a new type of product with a shelf life of 15 to 30 days at 7°C, which is termed extended shelf life (ESL) milk. Little information is available on the safety and sensory qualities of this product. Extended shelf life milk is being processed commercially to expand the distribution area of fluid milk products. After arrival at market, this product still has the shelf life of a pasteurized product. In this study milk was processed by direct steam injection at temperatures between 100 and 140°C for 4 or 12 s. Holding time did not significantly affect the sensory quality of the milk. A trained taste panel found cooked flavor and other off flavors varied significantly with increasing processing temperature and storage time. There were no significant differences noted in cooked or off flavors between 132 and 140°C. Psychrotrophic Bacillus species were isolated from milk processed at and below 132°C, while no organisms were isolated from milk processed at temperatures at or above 134°C. Consumer preference panels indicated consumers preferred milk processed at 134°C for 4 s to ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) processed milk, although there was a slight preference for high-temperature short-time processed (HTST) milk compared to milk processed at 134°C for 4 s. Higher temperatures had a less destructive effect on lipase activity, while storage time did not significantly affect lipase activity