28 research outputs found

    Host Preface of Tomicus piniperda and Tomicus destruens for Three Pin Species

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    Politechnical Institute of CoimbraTechnical University of LisbonStation de Zooloogie ForestiereLaboratoire de Biologie des Ligneux des Grandes CulturesProceedings : IUFRO Kanazawa 2003 "Forest Insect Population Dynamics and Host Influences"., Scedule:14-19 September 2003, Vemue: Kanazawa Citymonde Hotel, Kanazawa, Japan, Joint metting of IUFRO working groups : 7.01.02 Tree resistance to Insects | 7.03.06 Integrated management of forset defoloating insects | 7.03.07 Population dynamics of forest insects, Sponsored by: IUFRO-J | Ishikawa Prefecture | Kanazawa City | 21st-COE Program of Kanazawa University, Editors: Kamata, Naoto | Liebhold, Nadrew M. | Quiring, Dan T. | Clancy, Karen M

    Detection and replication of Moku virus in honey bees and social wasps

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    Transmission of honey bee viruses to other insects, and vice versa, has previously been reported and the true ecological importance of this phenomenon is still being realized. Members of the family Vespidae interact with honey bees via predation or through the robbing of brood or honey from colonies, and these activities could result in virus transfer. In this study we screened Vespa velutina and Vespa crabro collected from Europe and China and also honey bees and Vespula vulgaris from the UK for Moku virus (MV), an Iflavirus first discovered in the predatory social wasp Vespula pensylvanica in Hawaii. MV was found in 71% of Vespula vulgaris screened and was also detected in UK Vespa crabro. Only seven percent of Vespa velutina individuals screened were MV-positive and these were exclusively samples from Jersey. Of 69 honey bee colonies screened, 43% tested positive for MV. MV replication was confirmed in Apis mellifera and Vespidae species, being most frequently detected in Vespula vulgaris. MV sequences from the UK were most similar to MV from Vespula pensylvanica compared to MV from Vespa velutina in Belgium. The implications of the transfer of viruses between the Vespidae and honey bees are discussed

    The BAWBILT database: Gathering and sharing information related to BAWBILT organisms

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    Processionnaire du pin et frelon asiatique

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    National audienc

    Flight capacities of yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax, Hymenoptera: Vespidae) workers from an invasive population in Europe

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    The invasive yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax Lepeletier, 1836 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), is native to Southeast Asia. It was first detected in France (in the southwest) in 2005. It has since expanded throughout Europe and has caused significant harm to honeybee populations. We must better characterize the hornet's flight capacity to understand the species' success and develop improved control strategies. Here, we carried out a study in which we quantified the flight capacities of V. velutina workers using computerized flight mills. We observed that workers were able to spend around 40% of the daily 7-hour flight tests flying. On average, they flew 10km to 30km during each flight test, although there was a large amount of variation. Workers sampled in early summer had lower flight capacities than workers sampled later in the season. Flight capacity decreased as workers aged. However, in the field, workers probably often die before this decrease becomes significant. During each flight test, workers performed several continuous flight phases of variable length that were separated by rest phases. Based on the length of those continuous flight phases and certain key assumptions, we estimated that V. velutina colony foraging radius is at least 700 m (half that in early summer); however, some workers are able to forage much farther. While these laboratory findings remain to be confirmed by field studies, our results can nonetheless help inform V. velutina biology and control efforts

    Repartition spatiale et dispersion de Tomicus piniperda L. (Coleoptera Scolytidae) en foret d'Orleans

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    La répartition spatiale de Tomicus piniperda L. a été étudiée dans des peuplements de Pin sylvestre (Pinus silvestris L.) de la Forêt d’Orléans en utilisant comme indice de présence le nombre de pousses tombant sur le sol suite à la nutrition de maturation de l’insecte. La distribution estivale de l’insecte apparaît relativement homogène sur de grandes surfaces (0,4 à 0,6 insecte/m2) à l’exception de fortes concentrations (jusqu’à 30 insectes/m2), les foyers, localisés autour de zones riches en sites de reproduction (pins dépérissants, rondins frais). Dans ces foyers la densité diminue de manière exponentielle du centre vers la périphérie. La répartition spatiale évolue au cours de l’année. Pendant la période de reproduction les insectes sont concentrés sur les sites de ponte. Lors de leur maturation ils se dispersent lentement à partir de ces sites, la dispersion maximale étant atteinte lors de l’hivernation. La comparaison au niveau des foyers des nombres d’émergents obtenus à partir des sites de reproduction et des nombres de pousses suggère en outre qu’un mouvement de dispersion d’une ampleur moyenne de l’ordre du kilomètre intervient dès l’émergence. Il en résulte un fond de population relativement homogène sur de grandes surfaces, représentant 40 à 80 p. 100 de la population observée en maturation. Ces mouvements de population de T. piniperda apparaissent bien adaptés à l’exploitation de milieux imprévisibles et temporaires.The spatial distribution of the Pine Shoot Beetle (Tomicus piniperda L.) was studied in 1984 and 1985 in some stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the Orleans forest (France). The population density was estimated with the help of the number of shoots damaged by the insectsduring their summer maturation stage. These shoots were harvested and counted on a serie of transects. Assuming these results the beetles distribution in the reproduction and hivernation sites was approached. The estival distribution (fig. 1) appears relatively homogeneous on lar!c surfaces (0,6 to 1,0 shoot/m2), except some local concentrations, the spots (up to 20 shoots/m2 ). Two kinds of spots have been observed : one central spot, located in the center of forest compartment around a group of dying pines (fig. 2) ; two border spots, much more important, located at the border of a forest compartment, near to piles of cutting wood (fig. 6). Two artificial central spots have also been made by introducing infested logs in the center of a forest compartment. Around all these spots the density of the shoots decreases exponentially from the center to the periphery (fig. 5). The spatial distribution evolves during the year ; this is particularly clear around the spots (fig. 7). During the reproduction stage the insects are extremely aggregated and concentrated on the scarce places available for oviposition (weakened trees, logs...). During the maturation stage a slow dispersal of the insects is observed, which results from the successive attacks of shoots, the greatest dispersion state being reached at the hivernation times.In addition, from the number of harvested shoots and from experimental studies of the shoot consumption by T. piniperda, we have estimated and mapped the number of insects at the beginning of the maturation stage (fig. 8). The comparison of these results with the number of emergent callow beetles observed on the reproduction sites gives evidence of a systematic excess of emergent beetles into the spots and a systematic lack of emergent beetles out of these spots (tabl. 3). These results suggest that an important dispersal of the callow beetles takes place just after they get out of their reproduction sites. The dispersal flight would concern an average distance of about one kilometer. Consequently an exogenous population is observed out of the spots, slowly decreasing when the distance from the spots increases ; in this case, this population accounts for 40 or 80 p. 100 of the number of beetles maturing out of the spots. Then, the border spots have produced about two third of the maturing bark beetles located in 300 hectares. The two dispersal phenomena lead to the establishment of a minimum density of population all over the forested area before the spring swarming. In these conditions, the swarming beetles can easily find the available reproduction sites. Then, the large population changes are possibly an important element of the strategy of T. piniperda for exploiting temporary and unpredictable habitats which are the rule in endemic conditions

    Flight capacities of yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax, Hymenoptera: Vespidae) workers from an invasive population in Europe

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    Article en open accessInternational audienceThe invasive yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax Lepeletier, 1836 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), is native to Southeast Asia. It was first detected in France (in the southwest) in 2005. It has since expanded throughout Europe and has caused significant harm to honeybee populations. We must better characterize the hornet's flight capacity to understand the species' success and develop improved control strategies. Here, we carried out a study in which we quantified the flight capacities of V. velutina workers using computerized flight mills. We observed that workers were able to spend around 40% of the daily 7-hour flight tests flying. On average, they flew 10km to 30km during each flight test, although there was a large amount of variation. Workers sampled in early summer had lower flight capacities than workers sampled later in the season. Flight capacity decreased as workers aged. However, in the field, workers probably often die before this decrease becomes significant. During each flight test, workers performed several continuous flight phases of variable length that were separated by rest phases. Based on the length of those continuous flight phases and certain key assumptions, we estimated that V. velutina colony foraging radius is at least 700 m (half that in early summer); however, some workers are able to forage much farther. While these laboratory findings remain to be confirmed by field studies, our results can nonetheless help inform V. velutina biology and control efforts

    Distribution of flight phase distance for <i>V. velutina</i> workers (2012 experiment).

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    <p>Fitting curve: exponential distribution, rate 0.372 (computed in kilometers). Only the first five flight tests were considered for each worker.</p

    Distribution of the total distances covered by <i>V. velutina</i> workers during flight tests (2012 experiment).

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    <p>Fitting curve: negative binomial distribution, size 1.82, mean 19.9. Only the first five flight tests were considered for each worker.</p

    Distribution of flight phases performed by <i>V. velutina</i> workers according to the time into the flight test (2012 experiment).

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    <p>Only the first five flight tests were considered for each worker. Flight phases were distributed according to their time of beginning. Because some flight tests finished after around 5.5 h, when others ran longer, any flight phases beginning after 5.5 h were excluded to avoid biasing the overall results. Frequencies were standardized to reflect the number of phases per hour of flight test. Differences in letters indicate significant differences in frequencies; global <i>χ</i><sup>2</sup>: p-value < 2.10<sup>−16</sup>; <i>χ</i><sup>2</sup> between late morning (0.5–2.5 h) and afternoon (2.5–5.5 h): p-value = 0.0015).</p