330 research outputs found

    Purcell enhancement of erbium ions in TiO2_{2} on silicon nanocavities

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    Isolated solid-state atomic defects with telecom optical transitions are ideal quantum photon emitters and spin qubits for applications in long-distance quantum communication networks. Prototypical telecom defects such as erbium suffer from poor photon emission rates, requiring photonic enhancement using resonant optical cavities. Many of the traditional hosts for erbium ions are not amenable to direct incorporation with existing integrated photonics platforms, limiting scalable fabrication of qubit-based devices. Here we present a scalable approach towards CMOS-compatible telecom qubits by using erbium-doped titanium dioxide thin films grown atop silicon-on-insulator substrates. From this heterostructure, we have fabricated one-dimensional photonic crystal cavities demonstrating quality factors in excess of 5×1045\times10^{4} and corresponding Purcell-enhanced optical emission rates of the erbium ensembles in excess of 200. This easily fabricated materials platform represents an important step towards realizing telecom quantum memories in a scalable qubit architecture compatible with mature silicon technologies.Comment: 3 figure

    The SuperCam Remote Sensing Instrument Suite for Mars 2020

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    International audienceThe Mars 2020 rover, essentially a structural twin of MSL, is being built to a) characterize the geology and history of a new landing site on Mars, b) find and characterize ancient habitable environments, c) cache samples for eventual return to Earth, and d) demonstrate in-situ production of oxygen needed for human exploration. Remote-sensing instrumentation is needed to support the first three of these goals [1]. The SuperCam instrument meets these needs with a range of instrumentation including the highest-resolution remote imaging on the rover, two different techniques for determining mineralogy , and one technique to provide elemental compositions. All of these techniques are co-boresighted, providing rapid comprehensive characterization. In addition, for targets within 7 meters of the rover the laser shock waves brush away the dust, providing cleaner surfaces for analysis. SuperCam will use an advanced version of the AEGIS robotic target selection software

    Design of price incentives for adjunct policy goals in formula funding for hospitals and health services

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    Background. Hospital policy involves multiple objectives: efficiency of service delivery, pursuit of high quality care, promoting access. Funding policy based on hospital casemix has traditionally been considered to be only about promoting efficiency. Discussion. Formula-based funding policy can be (and has been) used to pursue a range of policy objectives, not only efficiency. These are termed 'adjunct' goals. Strategies to incorporate adjunct goals into funding design must, implicitly or explicitly, address key decision choices outlined in this paper. Summary. Policy must be clear and explicit about the behaviour to be rewarded; incentives must be designed so that all facilities with an opportunity to improve have an opportunity to benefit; the reward structure is stable and meaningful; and the funder monitors performance and gaming

    Intracranial V. cholerae Sialidase Protects against Excitotoxic Neurodegeneration

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    Converging evidence shows that GD3 ganglioside is a critical effector in a number of apoptotic pathways, and GM1 ganglioside has neuroprotective and noötropic properties. Targeted deletion of GD3 synthase (GD3S) eliminates GD3 and increases GM1 levels. Primary neurons from GD3S−/− mice are resistant to neurotoxicity induced by amyloid-ÎČ or hyperhomocysteinemia, and when GD3S is eliminated in the APP/PSEN1 double-transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease the plaque-associated oxidative stress and inflammatory response are absent. To date, no small-molecule inhibitor of GD3S exists. In the present study we used sialidase from Vibrio cholerae (VCS) to produce a brain ganglioside profile that approximates that of GD3S deletion. VCS hydrolyzes GD1a and complex b-series gangliosides to GM1, and the apoptogenic GD3 is degraded. VCS was infused by osmotic minipump into the dorsal third ventricle in mice over a 4-week period. Sensorimotor behaviors, anxiety, and cognition were unaffected in VCS-treated mice. To determine whether VCS was neuroprotective in vivo, we injected kainic acid on the 25th day of infusion to induce status epilepticus. Kainic acid induced a robust lesion of the CA3 hippocampal subfield in aCSF-treated controls. In contrast, all hippocampal regions in VCS-treated mice were largely intact. VCS did not protect against seizures. These results demonstrate that strategic degradation of complex gangliosides and GD3 can be used to achieve neuroprotection without adversely affecting behavior

    Ensaio de comportamento de fuga.

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    O conteĂșdo descrito neste capĂ­tulo foi baseado na Norma NBR ISO 17512-1 (ABNT, 2011) - Qualidade do Solo - Ensaio de fuga para avaliar a qualidade de solos e efeitos de substĂąncias quĂ­micas no comportamento. Parte 1: Ensaio com minhocas (Eisenia fetida e E. andrei), cuja utilização nĂŁo deve ser dispensada para realização de um ensaio de fuga com minhocas, seja para avaliar o efeito de uma substĂąncia adicionada ao solo artificial ou solo natural, seja para a avaliação de solo jĂĄ contaminado. A metodologia abaixo foi acrescida de detalhes seguindo a literatura mais atualizada e a experiĂȘncia dos prĂłprios autores na adaptação da mesma para as condiçÔes brasileiras. AlĂ©m disso, incluĂ­ram-se dados referentes ao uso de outras espĂ©cies de minhocas, alĂ©m das Eisenia spp

    Long-term results of radiotherapy for periarthritis of the shoulder: a retrospective evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To evaluate retrospectively the results of radiotherapy for periarthritis of the shoulder</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 1983–2004, 141 patients were treated, all had attended at least one follow-up examination. 19% had had pain for several weeks, 66% for months and 14% for years. Shoulder motility was impaired in 137/140 patients. Nearly all patients had taken oral analgesics, 81% had undergone physiotherapy, five patients had been operated on, and six had been irradiated. Radiotherapy was applied using regular anterior-posterior opposing portals and Co-60 gamma rays or 4 MV photons. 89% of the patients received a total dose of 6 Gy (dose/fraction of 1 Gy twice weekly, the others had total doses ranging from 4 to 8 Gy. The patients and the referring doctors were given written questionnaires in order to obtain long-term results. The mean duration of follow-up was 6.9 years [0–20 years].</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the first follow-up examination at the end of radiotherapy 56% of the patients reported pain relief and improvement of motility. After in median 4.5 months the values were 69 and 89%, after 3.9 years 73% and 73%, respectively. There were virtually no side effects. In the questionnaires, 69% of the patients reported pain relief directly after radiotherapy, 31% up to 12 weeks after radiotherapy. 56% of the patients stated that pain relief had lasted for "years", in further 12% at least for "months".</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Low-dose radiotherapy for periarthropathy of the shoulder was highly effective and yielded long-lasting improvement of pain and motility without side effects.</p
