191 research outputs found

    Diet in mangrove snails: preliminary data on gut contents and stable isotope analysis

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    <i>Malmgrenia louiseae</i> sp. nov., a new scale worm species (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) from southern Europe with a key to European <i>Malmgrenia</i> species

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    International audienceMalmgrenia louiseae sp. nov. is described from both the Western Mediterranean in the Gulf of Lions, and the Northeast Atlantic from off Portugal and the Bay of Biscay. The species was found in muddy sediments in shallow water and is possibly associated with echiurids or synaptid holothurians. Malmgrenia louiseae sp. nov. can be clearly distinguished from all other known Malmgrenia species by the presence of an infra-acicular process in addition to the supra-acicular process on the acicular lobe of the neuropodia, the lack of microtubercules on the elytra, two kinds of notochaetae (stout with blunt tip and slender with fine pointed tip), and exclusively unidentate neurochaetae. An identification key to the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Malmgrenia species is provided

    <I>Cyclope neritea</I> (Linné, 1758) dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron : bilan des observations de 1984 à 1986

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    National audienceLa présence du Mollusque Gastéropode Cyclope neritea dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron est notée depuis octobre 1984. Depuis cette date, l'observation répétée d'individus uniquement de taille adulte (10 a 14 mm) semble accréditer l'hypothèse de transferts anthropiques de cette espèce a partir de populations allochtones à ce bassin ostréicole charentais. L'existence de populations permanentes et fécondes reste à confirmer, mais est rendue probable du faitde la récente expansion vers le Nord de ce Gastéropode le long des cotes Nord-Est Atlantiqu
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