97 research outputs found

    Co-evolutionary constraints of globular proteins correlate with their folding rates

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    AbstractFolding rates (lnkf) of globular proteins correlate with their biophysical properties, but relationship between lnkf and patterns of sequence evolution remains elusive. We introduce ‘relative co-evolution order’ (rCEO) as length-normalized average primary chain separation of co-evolving pairs (CEPs), which negatively correlates with lnkf. In addition to pairs in native 3D contact, indirectly connected and structurally remote CEPs probably also play critical roles in protein folding. Correlation between rCEO and lnkf is stronger in multi-state proteins than two-state proteins, contrasting the case of contact order (co), where stronger correlation is found in two-state proteins. Finally, rCEO, co and lnkf are fitted into a 3D linear correlation

    MicroRNA and transcription factor co-regulatory networks and subtype classification of seminoma and non-seminoma in testicular germ cell tumors

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    Recent studies have revealed that feed-forward loops (FFLs) as regulatory motifs have synergistic roles in cellular systems and their disruption may cause diseases including cancer. FFLs may include two regulators such as transcription factors (TFs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). In this study, we extensively investigated TF and miRNA regulation pairs, their FFLs, and TF-miRNA mediated regulatory networks in two major types of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT): seminoma (SE) and non-seminoma (NSE). Specifically, we identified differentially expressed mRNA genes and miRNAs in 103 tumors using the transcriptomic data from The Cancer Genome Atlas. Next, we determined significantly correlated TF-gene/miRNA and miRNA-gene/TF pairs with regulation direction. Subsequently, we determined 288 and 664 dysregulated TF-miRNA-gene FFLs in SE and NSE, respectively. By constructing dysregulated FFL networks, we found that many hub nodes (12 out of 30 for SE and 8 out of 32 for NSE) in the top ranked FFLs could predict subtype-classification (Random Forest classifier, average accuracy ≥90%). These hub molecules were validated by an independent dataset. Our network analysis pinpointed several SE-specific dysregulated miRNAs (miR-200c-3p, miR-25-3p, and miR-302a-3p) and genes (EPHA2, JUN, KLF4, PLXDC2, RND3, SPI1, and TIMP3) and NSE-specific dysregulated miRNAs (miR-367-3p, miR-519d-3p, and miR-96-5p) and genes (NR2F1 and NR2F2). This study is the first systematic investigation of TF and miRNA regulation and their co-regulation in two major TGCT subtypes

    Machine Learning and Rule Mining Techniques in the Study of Gene Inactivation and RNA Interference

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    RNA interference (RNAi) and gene inactivation are extensively used biological terms in biomedical research. Two categories of small ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules, viz., microRNA (miRNA) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) are central to the RNAi. There are various kinds of algorithms developed related to RNAi and gene silencing. In this book chapter, we provided a comprehensive review of various machine learning and association rule mining algorithms developed to handle different biological problems such as detection of gene signature, biomarker, gene module, potentially disordered protein, differentially methylated region and many more. We also provided a comparative study of different well-known classifiers along with other used methods. In addition, we demonstrated the brief biological information regarding the immense biological challenges for gene activation as well as their advantages, disadvantages and possible therapeutic strategies. Finally, our study helps the bioinformaticians to understand the overall immense idea in different research dimensions including several learning algorithms for the benevolent of the disease discovery

    Identification of discriminant features from stationary pattern of nucleotide bases and their application to essential gene classification

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    Introduction: Essential genes are essential for the survival of various species. These genes are a family linked to critical cellular activities for species survival. These genes are coded for proteins that regulate central metabolism, gene translation, deoxyribonucleic acid replication, and fundamental cellular structure and facilitate intracellular and extracellular transport. Essential genes preserve crucial genomics information that may hold the key to a detailed knowledge of life and evolution. Essential gene studies have long been regarded as a vital topic in computational biology due to their relevance. An essential gene is composed of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine and its various combinations.Methods: This paper presents a novel method of extracting information on the stationary patterns of nucleotides such as adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine in each gene. For this purpose, some co-occurrence matrices are derived that provide the statistical distribution of stationary patterns of nucleotides in the genes, which is helpful in establishing the relationship between the nucleotides. For extracting discriminant features from each co-occurrence matrix, energy, entropy, homogeneity, contrast, and dissimilarity features are computed, which are extracted from all co-occurrence matrices and then concatenated to form a feature vector representing each essential gene. Finally, supervised machine learning algorithms are applied for essential gene classification based on the extracted fixed-dimensional feature vectors.Results: For comparison, some existing state-of-the-art feature representation techniques such as Shannon entropy (SE), Hurst exponent (HE), fractal dimension (FD), and their combinations have been utilized.Discussion: An extensive experiment has been performed for classifying the essential genes of five species that show the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed methodology

    Fuzzy Markov model for the reliability analysis of hybrid microgrids

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    This research presents a process for analyzing a hybrid microgrid's dependability using a fuzzy Markov model. The research initiated an analysis of the various microgrid components, such as wind power systems, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and battery storage systems. The states that are induced by component failures are represented using a state-space model. The research continues by suggesting a hybrid microgrid reliability model that analyzes data using a Markov process. Problems arise when trying to estimate reliability metrics for the microgrid using data that is both restricted and imprecise. This is why the study takes uncertainties into account to make microgrid reliability estimations more realistic. The importance of microgrid components concerning their overall availability is evaluated using fuzzy sets and reliability assessments. The study uses numerical analysis and then carefully considers the outcomes. The overall availability of hybrid microgrids is 0.99999

    A Linear Regression and Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Reliable Genetic Alterations in Cancer Using DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Data

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    DNA methylation change has been useful for cancer biomarker discovery, classification, and potential treatment development. So far, existing methods use either differentially methylated CpG sites or combined CpG sites, namely differentially methylated regions, that can be mapped to genes. However, such methylation signal mapping has limitations. To address these limitations, in this study, we introduced a combinatorial framework using linear regression, differential expression, deep learning method for accurate biological interpretation of DNA methylation through integrating DNA methylation data and corresponding TCGA gene expression data. We demonstrated it for uterine cervical cancer. First, we pre-filtered outliers from the data set and then determined the predicted gene expression value from the pre-filtered methylation data through linear regression. We identified differentially expressed genes (DEGs) by Empirical Bayes test using Limma. Then we applied a deep learning method, “nnet” to classify the cervical cancer label of those DEGs to determine all classification metrics including accuracy and area under curve (AUC) through 10-fold cross validation. We applied our approach to uterine cervical cancer DNA methylation dataset (NCBI accession ID: GSE30760, 27,578 features covering 63 tumor and 152 matched normal samples). After linear regression and differential expression analysis, we obtained 6287 DEGs with false discovery rate (FDR) <0.001. After performing deep learning analysis, we obtained average classification accuracy 90.69% (±1.97%) of the uterine cervical cancerous labels. This performance is better than that of other peer methods. We performed in-degree and out-degree hub gene network analysis using Cytoscape. We reported five top in-degree genes (PAIP2, GRWD1, VPS4B, CRADD and LLPH) and five top out-degree genes (MRPL35, FAM177A1, STAT4, ASPSCR1 and FABP7). After that, we performed KEGG pathway and Gene Ontology enrichment analysis of DEGs using tool WebGestalt(WEB-based Gene SeT AnaLysis Toolkit). In summary, our proposed framework that integrated linear regression, differential expression, deep learning provides a robust approach to better interpret DNA methylation analysis and gene expression data in disease study

    <b>Structural determinants of co-translational protein complex assembly</b>

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    Data S1. Structure Dataset for Homo sapiensData S2. Structure Dataset for Escherichia coliData S3. Structure Dataset for Saccharomyces cerevisiaeData S4. Human co-complex subunit pairsData S5. OMICs data matrices matrix for human (includes the matrices for: Delta-Melting-Temperature, Melting-Curve-Dissimilarity, Protein-Abundance-correlation, Delta-Protein-Degradation-Rate, Delta-Transcription-Rate, Gene-Expression-correlation, Delta-Translation-Initiation-Efficiency, Delta-Translation-Elongation-Speed)</p

    A study to evaluate the efficacy of Open and Laproscopic Method Of Appendectomy

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    Background: There is definitely added advantage of laparoscopic operations. Most of the surgeons now prefer these minimally invasive procedures. Laparoscopy has become the number one choice of educated and affording patients. Aim :The aim of the study was to compare and evaluate the open and laproscopic method of appendectomy inAcute appendicitis.Methods: The subjects undergoing appendectomy were evaluated for age, sex, episode number, duration of pain before presentation in hospital, operative time, conversion rate, wound infection, post-operative intra-abdominal abscess formation, and stay in hospital.Results: It was found that average operative time in open surgery was 67.5 minutes and 104 minutes in laparoscopic surgery, with a conversion to open in about 20% of the cases. Oral feeding in the open group was around the 5th day while it was around 2nd day in the laparoscopic group. Average hospital stay was also low in the laparoscopic group, being only around 5 days in laparoscopic group and around 8 days in the open group. Overall complications were also low in the laparoscopic surgery group.Conclusion: It was noted that though conversion to open operation was definitely high but there were other advantages of laparoscopic surgery as well. Stay in the hospital, beginning of oral feeds, requirement of analgesics, wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess; pulmonary complications were less in laparoscopy group
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